Are you emberassed about being one???

by shamus 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus

    Seriously now - are you emberassed because you used to be one? Do you dodge the topic? Or, do you tell it how it is when people ask you?

  • Joyzabel

    Good questions!

    I find that people are interested in hearing your story of leaving a cult, especially if you are humble explaining what a fool to have been in a cult. People like to hear personal stories.

    But yes, I am embarrassed I ever was a JW. It keeps me humble now to think I'm human like everyone else. And some days even more stupid than I realized!

    I can visualize a day in the future when I don't even mention my past as a JW!


  • Mulan

    Everything Joy said.

    I avoid telling people....................if anyone asks me what religion I am, I used to say I was raised a Jehovah's witness, and told the whole story because they always asked, but I got tired of talking about that, so now I say I'm no religion, and am not interested in finding a church.

  • Eyebrow2

    I will never be embarrassed...I was one because I fully believed in it, so I lived it.

    I dont any more because when I decided to do my own soul searching, and looking around the "world" I came to a different view.

    I may not believe the religion...but I live the way I believe now.

    That is the best thing that my mother taught me. She has always LIVED her long as I am sincere in what I do, I will never be ashamed of who I was..maybe some of the things I did, hahah...but not of having been a JW.

    I dont think there is any reason anyone should be ashamed of being a JW if they were baptised because they really thought it was the right thing to do.

    Just my 2 cents


    I used to be. I don't think I admitted it to anyone (friends) for many years.

    Now? Different story. I don't feel ashamed about it, because I can open peoples eyes towards an organization that otherwise may catch them off guard and ensnare them.

    Good thing about the internet, easy to direct people to places if they want to see the 'truth' about the truth.

    But no, no embarrassment any longer. I feel so liberated nowadays. If anyone wants to know about what it was like to be JW, I can give them some personal first hand information.

  • ChrisVance

    I'm not proud of having been one, but I'm not embarassed either. I do enjoy telling people all the dirt about the dubs.

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