November 2019 Watchtower Study....Exaggeration at its finest

by RULES & REGULATIONS 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    Think of the abundance of spiritual food available today, free of charge, in more than 900 languages! It is undeniable evidence of divine backing.

    They are constantly looking for ways to validate themselves or prove their own credibility. If they were sure of their claim to be the one true religion, they wouldn't even think about it unless someone else asked them for some sort of proof.

    Satan and his world have done much to make the work of that faithful slave challenging, even impossible, to carry out from a human standpoint.

    To say that Satan and his world have made it impossible to carry out their "work" is to say that Jehovah's Holy Spirit isn't powerful enough to overcome Satans obstacles.

    Satan never prevented them from taking out televised advertisements or infomercials that within seconds would help people around the globe understand their message so that when it was delivered to their doors by local JW's, they wouldn't be blind sided when they showed up. Instead they choose the ploddingly slow method of driving around in air conditioned mini vans and knocking on the doors of empty houses and occasionally when there is someone home, they have no idea what the JW's are talking about.

  • Ding

    Two world wars, and it's all about them...

  • Diogenesister
    Satan never prevented them from taking out televised advertisements or infomercials that within seconds would help people around the globe understand their message so that when it was delivered to their doors by local JW's, they wouldn't be blind sided when they showed up

    Good point!

    Except adverts cost money! Watchtower won’t spend ONE PENNY of its own money to gain converts and “save lives”. They prefer to keep their slaves in busy-work.

  • iwantoutnow
    Think of the abundance of spiritual food available today, free of charge, in more than 900 languages! It is undeniable evidence of divine backing

    So the Mormans can say the same thing - I guess they have Divine Backing?

  • Magnum

    "It is undeniable evidence of divine backing."

    According to whom? It is actually easy to deny. I know many who do.

    The Catholic Church has existed for centuries and has survived corrupt leadership and gone through much testing and sifting. It now has 1.2 billion members. It is undeniable evidence of divine backing.

    Clemson’s football team is undefeated for the last two years. It is undeniable evidence of divine backing.

    "The good news truly is being preached “in all the inhabited earth.”"

    It most certainly is not. A vast part of the population has never had exposure to JWs, and the majority of those who have had such exposure have not had “the good news” preached to them. They’ve been presented an Awake! article on the history of roller skating or they’ve been shown a propaganda video or they’ve had some JW bumble through some kind of rehearsed presentation that gives them no idea what “the good news” is.

    "Without a doubt, Jehovah is guiding and generously blessing his organization today."

    “Without a doubt” on whose part? I justifiably and with vast evidence doubt it and many, many others do, too.

  • Rattigan350

    the faithful and discreet slave has continued to provide spiritual food for Christ’s followers on earth"

    But do we need it? Can life continue good without it?

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