Some of my Portfolio in Photography I promised to post

by SheilaM 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM

    Shera: Thank you so much

    Jade: Thanks, I love Ansel Adams

  • Prisca

    Beautiful photos Sheila. I love photography, especially that of people and of landscapes. I have an automatic camera that I've taken everywhere, especially when I'm on holidays or visiting people. I love to take pictures of people because it captures a moment in time, and also brings back happy memories!

    Beautiful photo of your grandbaby - very natural, especially with the lighting.

  • SheilaM

    Prisca: I too have always taken a camera with us, I have some beaautiful shots of Colorado. My first contest I one was with a regular ole camera. It was a shot of Anthony standing facing away from me with his little Rabbie (bunnie shaped balnkie) in his hands. He was on the city squeare in Mtn. Grove looking at the fountain. I took it from far away so it captured how truly small he was in relation to his surroundings. LOLI

    I'm so glad you liked them. The one on Mak is such a favorite of mine. It just captured the moment and to me that is what is so special about photo's that is just a fraction of a second in our life together but we will always have it.

  • xenawarrior

    Very Nice Sheila !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep em coming !!!

    I'd love to see more if you will bring them along to Green Bay in July !!


  • SheilaM

    Xena: Sure I will Hopefully I will get sometime to print some really cool one's I've taken. We went for a great ride to St. Joseph and Weston took some shots. I'm hoping they turn out

    I've seriously been thinking about freelancing ...

  • Shakita

    Nice pictures, Shiela. Your grandbaby is a doll.

    I love taking pictures, too. I have 35mm's, a Minolta Maxxum 5 SLR, and a Fuji Finepix A303 Digital. I have yet to figure out all the bells and whistles on my minolta.....I would really love to get a wide angle lens to take pictures of the beach and ocean here in New Jersey. You can get some really great shots of the Jersey shore with that lens, I think! Probably I should take a class in order to understand it all. I absolutely love my digital camera. There is nothing like taking a picture and seeing the results right away, and if you don't like it, deleting it! My camera has 3.2 megapixels, and it takes great pictures. Comparing my SLR to my digital.....I think the digital takes clearer pictures, and the color is fantastic.

    I was talking to the Canon representative in the Best Buy store when I was purchasing my photo printer. He was saying that it won't be long before they come out with a 20 megapixel digital camera, probably a year or two! He also said though that the quality with all those pixels won't improve the picture much more than it is I don't really understand the reason for all those added pixels? Well, I look forward to seeing more of your pictures.....

    Mrs. Shakita

  • SheilaM


    I love my SLR, I would like to work with a digital also. I love B&W.

    As far as the digital anytime you add pixels it IS better. Pixels are each lil bitty dot of a photo and the increase will increase sharpness and color. So, I think he's wrong. I worked in a photo lab for awhile and do digital imaging.

  • Shakita

    Yes, I understand about pixels. But, he was saying something about reaching a point where you will not be able to tell the difference between ....let's say 15 pixels and 20, when looking at it with the naked eye. That is what he was saying....maybe he didn't know what he was talking about? Oh well, I have a digital magazine that advertises some new digital cameras with above 6 megapixels......I would love to see what the difference in picture quality is.....they are some pricey cameras!

    Someone else mentioned Ansel Adams...I love landscape photography...he has a way with lighting in pictures that gives such depth....I love them.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • SheilaM

    Shakita; That is true that at a point you can't tell but I don't think the digital is that advanced but I may be wrong. I haven't really read to much about them, when you find out let me know cause we need one LOL

    Did you know that Ansel Adams would print a neg over and over sometimes 100 times he was such a prefectionist.I love the nudes he took of his wife and the one shot of the moon and the crosses

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