How many here turned Athiest or did not and why??

by Witness 007 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I believed the Watchtower at one time, then clung onto belief in God for a little while after I left the WTS.

    Now, I don't believe in God. I have no faith in him at all.

    Having faith doesn't really mean much - you can't just will God into existence with your faith. Similarly, if God does in fact exist, atheists saying 'there is no God' wouldn't make a scrap of difference. He either exists or not.

    ^^^ Objective reality.

    Another thing is this: how could you conduct an investigation into the possible existence of God? There are no tests you could do, no data to collect to try and answer the question.

    If there is a God or an afterlife, I'll find out on my death bed. What I won't do is waste my life trying to find him.

    I have a finite time on this planet and I should put that time to good use - it would be silly of me not to do so.

  • finallysomepride

    Me! I was never religious BUT I believed I was in the true BS until I was about 10-12, yes I was traumatised by the "end is just around the corner" & still sadly still are to a degree :-( neva goin to go away. I'm am agnostic and really starting to believe the "Ancient Alien Theory" as the only explaination of the human existance, remember EVOLUTION is only a theory AND show me the missing link & I might (Probably) accept human evolution.

  • pistolpete

    Why not? Because something doesn't come from nothing.

    Something or someone, had to start the whole physical Universe.

    But whoever or whatever it was, that being is NOT the deity of the Bible, aka, Jehovah or Jesus.

    Something OUTSIDE the physical Universe, (The material world of tangible or concrete existence; the natural elements, principles, and relations of the kind studied by the natural sciences,)-----had to create the atoms necessary to form Our Material Universe and all life in it.

    What humans refuse to accept, is that the Universe and all life REFLECTS who this Creator is.

    This Creator has no interest in being worshiped.

    He has no compassion or empathy for Human or animal life

    Life on earth, whether it comes from evolution or direct creation was created in such a manner that in order to survive, most animals and humans need to Kill another life to feed and sustain themselves.

    Contrary to what Christians or others who believe that the Earth was created for us,

    evidence shows that that the earth was Never created for us, we just happened to adapt to it in order to survive.

    To prove that a God of Love and Compassion does not exist, just consider the evidence of Human and animal history.

    "The path to modern humans is a massive experiment in failures and trial and error.

    At least six times almost all of live on earth was wiped out in mass extinctions. 99.9% of all the species that ever lived have gone extinct. The ancestors of humans (in fact all mammals) only thrived because a meteor wiped out the dinosaurs leaving a niche for them to thrive.

    Consider that virtually every creature that has ever lived - including 200,000 years of modern humans who suffered and grieved just like us - died of starvation, disease, exposure, parasites, infection or predation.

    The history of life seems perfectly designed to maximize suffering and waste."

    If we humans decide to get a nuclear war going for stupid reasons;



  • TonusOH

    I became an atheist before I decided I was no longer a JW, although by then I had long since faded. I just kept telling myself that I'd return at some point, not realizing that somewhere in my head, I'd given up on the organization. The bright side is that I did not seek out "apostate" material until after I had left, so there was no question about whether or not I'd been 'tricked' into leaving. It took a good long time, but I figured it out on my own. Basically, I tried to make sense of god as both a being and a concept, and found that -once I dropped the presupposition that he was real- I couldn't.

    I don't fuss with whether I am agnostic or atheist. I am open to the idea that a god or gods exist, but so far I have not found one that makes sense to me. The ones that are supposed to have a deep interest in us, yet never show their faces (except, apparently, for the occasional piece of burnt toast), who desperately need us to care about them (on pain of eternal punishment), who blame us for their bad designs... they don't make sense to me. A god that is indifferent to us, who sees us as a science experiment and is not at all concerned with our individual well-being... that makes more sense of the universe and world we live in. But in that case, I'm not obligated to worship it, believe in it, or care about it.

    I don't know if the universe requires a creator, or if it's some kind of accidental self-regenerating thing. I leave that to the astronomists and physicists. Without the concern of an afterlife or the belief in any of the gods we know, I don't feel a need to worry about it. It'd be nice to know, but life is short and it's pretty awesome when you're enjoying what is instead of worrying about what might be.

  • truth_b_known

    Theory does not equal hypothesis.

    Here are 10 theories with sufficient evidence that the scientific community accepts as believable -

    1. Big Bang Theory
    2. Hubble's Law of Cosmic Expansion
    3. Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion
    4. Universal Law of Gravitation
    5. Newton's Laws of Motion
    6. Laws of Thermodynamics
    7. Archimedes' Buoyancy Principle
    8. Evolution and Natural Selection
    9. Theory of General Relativity
    10. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

    Evolution is not abiogenesis.

  • Scully

    The JWs had taught me that all other religions were false. I realized they were a false religion too. The end.

    However, I only gradually came to the realization that I am atheist, about 5 years after quitting the JWs. I hadn't really considered what I believe, but I kept asking questions and figuring things out on my own.

    Mainly, though, I just have absolutely no use for religion. These belief systems have been used for millennia to oppress and divide and pillage people, with the never-fulfilled promises of heaven or Everlasting Lifeā„¢. It's the only con-game where people have to pay, and pay, and pay, (not just money, but time, energy, thoughts, love, friendships, etc.) and never get to enjoy the things they were promised.

  • LongGone

    When I first left, I became nondenominational "generic" Christian, back when I still thought that was something someone could really ever be.

    Then, a friend challenged me to read the Bible again, but from the perspective that I was learning about this deity for the very first time. I accepted that challenge and only made it through chapter eleven of Genesis by sheer force of will. I was already atheist by the end of chapter nine.

    I tend to think deeply about the why of my own internal processes and I have eventually arrived at this explanation:

    If any deity is reality who has sufficient power to accomplish its intentions and who also intends for all humans to know it is reality, then, every human would already know that specific deity is reality, no theists (of any variety) would be killing any other humans over which deity is reality, no theist would see any need to advocate for such a deity, and I couldn't be atheist.

    Therefore, observable reality confirms conclusively that at least no deity is reality in whom those two deity specifications coexist.

    This obviously doesn't prevent any other propositions of deity, but does eliminate many already proposed deities from consideration as possibly being anything other than fictions. Any other propositions would need to be accompanied by explanation why the proposed deity ought to be regarded as reality rather than fiction, and why the proposed deity ought to be regarded as deity.

  • smiddy3

    Their are many, many things ,certainly not just one or even a couple but I guess it had to start somewhere

    .And the start would have to be when I realized that the JW religion was BS.So I looked more closely at the Bible and what it actually says and the GOD whose word it was supposedly.Reflecting on why their is 40 thousand plus Xian religions and how that could be ,analyzing as far as I could the vastness of the universe and what this could mean ,the different translations of the bible and what that could mean and taking a closer look at what evolution is really all about .

    Not to be left out is coming on sites like this one where other peoples opinions and viewpoints were taken into consideration .So while I reject the religions and GODs of this world I consider myself an Atheist ,I`m still open to any proof that something else is part of the universe ,whatever that may be .

  • punkofnice

    I'm a real nowhere man, living in a nowhere land.

    I don't know what I believe anymore. It all seems so hopelessly pointless.

  • Mum

    I am an agnostic. I have watched many YouTube videos about NDE's and by Raymond Moody, M.D, who is convinced there is an afterlife. Interestingly, atheists have the same after-death experiences as believers. So I have come to believe that religion is not so important as the one lives his/her life. As Benjamin Franklin said, apparently we are not judged on what we thought, but what we did.

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