Today Dr. Peter McCullough said 'conspiracy theory' (which is in the April 2024 Watchtower) is a propaganda term! 😲

by was a new boy 37 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Vidiot
    peacefulpete - So... it's a baseless conspiracy theory to suggest that baseless conspiracy theories exist and are dangerous?”

    Now you’re catching on…

    …un… unless…

    …that’s just what they want us to think…?


    …what if we’re playing right into their hands???


  • Vidiot

    All hail the Neworldordereptiluminati!!!

  • Vidiot

    Wait, wait, I got it!

    The baseless conspiracy theories are misdirection…


    ….to distract us from the real conspiracies!!!

    It’s conspiracies all the way down!!!

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    Yes, one can be disfellowshipped for talking about 'safe and effective,' “conspiracy theories,” according to Vicky.

    'My husband and I were subject to three pre-judicial visits from elders after we were reported talking about “conspiracy theories” over several years in different congregations.

    We were accused of “potentially” dividing the congregation (we spoke to a couple of friends, that’s all).

    Finally we were accused of being trouble makers when we pointed out to one elder that covid was not a deadly global pandemic and the vaccines had not been proven safe and effective.

    Shortly after this we were disfellowshipped. You can say what you like but although theoretically you are allowed free speech in the organisation you are not.

    I despise the untruths that JWs tell on this forum. Maybe they seriously believe them, but if you are reported to be talking about anything viewed as anti establishment you are marked and you can be disfellowshipped - probably on trumped up charges like we were.

    Just be honest, please! If you think that this is not a high control religion you are seriously kidding yourselves.'

    Will Watchtower ever release all $ documentation for their not being neutral on Covid-19 Vaccines?

  • peacefulpete
    Shortly after this we were disfellowshipped. You can say what you like but although theoretically you are allowed free speech in the organisation you are not.

    I had to laugh at that one. Who exactly says "You are allowed Free speech in the organization"? That's news to me!

    Will Watchtower ever release all $ documentation for their not being neutral on Covid-19 Vaccines?

    The approved use of vaccines is not a political issue, despite how it has been framed by certain fringe elements. It is a medical/scientific matter. As such the WT is not under any obligation to be neutral anymore than on gravity, round earth or germ theory of disease.

    Now, the issue of political neutrality is an ethical quagmire worth discussing, but to link political neutrality to use of vaccines just reflects the misguided political assumptions of the person not vaccines.

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    'As a ‘nobody’ from the Midwest, I never expected to challenge the might of the corporate media. But here I am, standing tall with 800K highly-engaged 𝕏 followers. That’s wild. Thank you all for your incredible support.

    Two years ago, my Twitter 1.0 account was banned for sharing dangerous “COVID misinformation.”
    However, the “misinformation” that got me banned actually turned out to be true. For example:

    1.) Natural immunity was found to be seven times more protective than vaccinated immunity.

    2.) Mask wearers paradoxically had an increased risk of contracting COVID.

    3.) Ivermectin worked! Peer-reviewed study finds a 74% reduction in excess deaths.

    4.) Hospitals murdered COVID patients. The more they killed, the more money they made.

    5.) The Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine” injected into billions of arms was not the same one used in Pfizer’s clinical trials. There was a “bait-and-switch.”

    And much, much more. I could go on and on. If we learned anything from the past four years, it’s that the term “conspiracy theory” could easily be interchanged with “spoiler alert.”

    To all the early followers, thank you for joining me on this wild ride and for supporting my reporting against the mandates.

    Those were some truly tumultuous times, and despite the harm done, I fear it could have been so much worse had we not spoken out.

    I’m not sure what comes next besides the fact that our freedoms will continually come under attack.

    As Benjamin Franklin once said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

    Crises come and go, but the freedoms we relinquish along the way for the promise of safety and security never return back to their original state.
    Whether it’s climate change, a cyber attack, or the next pandemic, the end goal for those in power is more control.

    Value your freedom deeply and protect it as fervently as you would your own child. For once it is lost, it never comes back. There’s a race happening right now.

    On one side, the powers that be and their enablers, representing perhaps 1% of the population but holding enormous socioeconomic power, seek to enslave humanity through a series of “convenient” solutions to today’s problems: carbon credits, digital ID, and central bank digital currency, etc.

    Opposing them are the defenders of truth and liberty, representing maybe 9% of the population, who are ardently battling to protect mankind from this encroachment.

    Caught in the middle is the 90% asleep at the wheel, captured by the distractions of modern life — TV news, sports, video games, streaming services, and the numerous pleasures that life affords.

    Our mission is clear and urgent: to awaken this 90% and rouse them from their slumber before the control grid to subjugate society is thoroughly established.

    As such, I encourage everyone who is not yet fully engaged to start sharing the truth in any way you can.
    The time for sitting on the sidelines is over. God bless you all, and God bless freedom.'

    see video:
  • Nikolaus

    JW are a cult and Peter McCullough is a moron.

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy
    Will Watchtower ever release all $ documentation for their not being neutral on Covid-19 Vaccines?

    A long read:

    How We Can Stop The WHO's Horrific Pandemic Treaty

    Reviewing exactly what is inside the worst treaty of our lifetime and the heroic efforts that are stopping it.

    FEB 11, 2024

    Note: the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights (and human right’s law) sanctifies the importance of freedom of expression (e.g., speech) and opposes censorship or punishment for exercising that freedom. This contradiction in turn may be why the proposed amendments to the international health regulations deliberately removed the preservation of human rights and freedoms..

    Let’s now look at what was in that report (per the Epoch Times):

    The U.N. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) outlined a series of “concrete measures which must be implemented by all stakeholders: governments, regulatory authorities, civil society, and the platforms themselves.” in a 59-page report released this month.

    The approach includes the imposition of global policies, through institutions such as governments and businesses, that seek to stop the spread of various forms of speech while promoting objectives such as “cultural diversity” and “gender equality.”

    In particular, the U.N. agency aims to create an “Internet of Trust” through a focus on what it calls “misinformation,” “disinformation,” “hate speech,” and “conspiracy theories.”

    Examples of expression flagged to be stopped or restricted include concerns about elections, public health measures, and advocacy that could constitute “incitement to discrimination…”

    Note: the UN has previously admitted there is no agreed upon definition of misinformation.'

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    Muslim hijackers were not at the controls on 9/11, says

    Shadow ban alert! This interview is being severely shadow banned by X for some reason. I guess they did not like the title and content.

    I am, in fact. a legitimate US federal whistleblower regarding serious allegations about the lies of 9/11 reported to all relevant levels and branches of government within the Biden administration and House of Representatives via the correspondence published on the website.

    The members of 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers will not relent in their quest to cram these serious allegations down the throats of these Zionist owned-and-controlled public servants who serve at the pleasure of the tax-paying American citizens...We the People who own this country. Kindly spite them by reposting...thank you!'

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    Two years ago, my account was BANNED for sharing this video of .“COVID misinformation.” “Conspiracy theories,” they said.
    However, what they called “conspiracy theories” actually ended up being true.
    Here are 15 such examples in the COVID era alone:

    #15 – Repeated COVID shots weaken the immune system, according to study.

    #14 – Ivermectin worked! Peer-reviewed study finds 74% reduction in excess deaths.

    #13 – The unvaccinated were scapegoated for failure of COVID vaccines, study finds.

    #12 – Mask wearers paradoxically had an increased risk of contracting COVID.

    #11 – Natural immunity proves to be seven times more protective than vaccinated immunity.

    #10 – Ivermectin, the drug once labeled “horse de-wormer,” is now showing 15 anti-cancer mechanisms of action.

    #9 – Hospitals murdered COVID patients. The more they killed, the more money they made.

    #8 – New-found emails prove Biden White House hid COVID-19 vaccine harms from the public.

    #7 – The COVID shots were not the only toxic measure forced on humanity. Regular mask-wearing was also harmful.

    #6 – Nearly 1 in 3 COVID vaccine recipients suffered neurological side effects.

    #5 – Research finds heart anomalies within 48 hours after the COVID-19 shot.

    #4 – Pfizer hid nearly 80% of COVID-19 vaccine trial deaths from regulators in order to qualify for Emergency Use Authorization.

    #3 – Perverse brainwashing techniques were thoroughly studied to get you jabbed.

    #2 – The Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine” injected into billions of arms was not the same one used in Pfizer’s clinical trials. There was a “bait-and-switch.”

    #1 – Florida’s Surgeon General has called for a halt to the use of all COVID-19 mRNA injections, citing safety concerns after the discovery of billions of DNA fragments per dose in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines.
    It turns out the term “conspiracy theory” could easily be interchanged with “spoiler alert.”
    Articles are included in the thread below:

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