Was Jesus the Messiah circumcised ?

by smiddy3 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • smiddy3

    BluesBrother ,so was YHWH wrong in creating Adam and producing Jesus with a foreskin in the first place ?

    Stupid me , I have two sons while in the struth , my first born was un circumcised and my second son who was born 6 years later was circumcised when in my religiousness thought it must have been the thing to do .

  • markweatherill

    After reading about the Orthodox Jewish practice of sucking the blood, I sure view the practice as barbaric.

    I think medicine and hygiene have moved on from the times when circumcision had any demonstrable benefits.

    As to the original question, the practice of complete removal of foreskin was apparently not practiced in Jesus' time. That was introduced around the 2nd Century. So Jesus' circumcision was not what is done today.

    And God's edict to Abraham about circumcision was some while after Adam.

  • TonusOH

    It seems as if most of the issues with having a foreskin are alleviated or avoided by cleaning it regularly and thoroughly. This wouldn't be an issue if not for the practice of circumcision and the taboos against discussing sex or sexual anatomy.

  • Rattigan350

    Liberals today object to circumcision. They call it barbaric.

    Circumcision at 8 days is not barbaric.

    Jehovah did not explain. However, in recent years man has learned some of the physical reasons why the eighth day was a good time to circumcise. Normal amounts of the blood-clotting element called vitamin K are not found in the blood until the fifth to the seventh day after birth. Another clotting factor known as prothrombin is present in amounts only about 30 percent of normal on the third day but on the eighth day is higher than at any other time in the child’s life​—as much as 110 percent of normal. So, following Jehovah’s instructions would help to avoid the danger of hemorrhage. As Dr. S. I. McMillen observes: “From a consideration of vitamin K and prothrombin determinations the perfect day to perform a circumcision is the eighth day . . . [the] day picked by the Creator of vitamin K.”​—None of These Diseases, 1986, p. 21.

  • ThomasMore

    Fulltimestudent - I appreciate your explanation. It gives me something to contemplate.

    You may be correct but I would think that in the scriptural sense, perfection relates to lack of sin (lawlessness). I have never considered that circumcision made a male child less complete somehow. I feel this way because it was required by God for all male offspring of Abraham. As for his reason(s), there may be many, but one seems to be that it was an identifier, something that Israel was reminded of often in several ways.

    Circumcision does not seem to be "redesign" as if an uncircumcised male was flawed in some way. There may certainly be medical benefits - I am not a doctor. I suppose that the separation/identification aspect means more to me than other reasons, but I am open to reasonable arguments otherwise.

    In the meantime, the greater challenge for most males is how to properly use that organ throughout life.

  • Biahi

    Rattigan, I had to respond to your post. I consider myself liberal, socially anyway, and when I was pregnant, 30 years ago, the Dr. asked me if I had a boy, did I want him circumcised. I blurted right out, without thinking, “Of course, when he gets older no one will want to put their mouth on it if it isn’t.” He smiled, and marked his chart. Btw, I’m American, and most men are circumcised here, even though there’s a few semi-nut jobs that don’t like it. I knew a German sister, about 35 years ago, whose unbelieving husband would not let their boy get circumcised. This boy was begging his mother (he was 14) to take him to the Dr. for this. His father forbade it, but the boy had to shower daily in gym class, and the other boys made fun of him.

  • Simon

    ALL genital mutilation of babies is barbaric and backward. You're in a weirdo cult.

  • Jeffro


    Was Jesus the Messiah circumcised ?
    No. Whilst there was probably one or more itinerant rabbis who form a basis for stories about Jesus, “Jesus the Messiah” didn’t exist, and therefore was not circumcised.
  • Fisherman

    I believe that JC was circumcised because the Bible days that he was under the kaw and the he fulfilled the law and kept the law perfectly and that would include his parents circumcising him. Also, his patents were law abiding snd the Jewish authorities saw to it. Under the law it will as required and entering the temple in an uncircumcised state was forbidden.

    I wonder if JC experienced sexual feelings and attraction to females growing up. And if he souled his diapers and the human element about him. Obviously he did because he was human. But the Bible doesn’t outright say.

  • Biahi

    Simon, I WAS in a weirdo cult, I’m out now, thanks.

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