Those who DO NOT get a resurrection?

by stuckinarut2 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • smiddy3

    If the Bible doesn`t say who will and who wont get a resurrection ( and it doesn`t) then it`s PRESUMPTUOUS of the WT/JW religion to speculate on that question one way or another.

    Some other presumptuous statements made by the GB of Jehovahs Witnesses / IBSA :

    Jesus Christ became King in 1914 ( invisibly)

    God/Jesus chose members of the IBSA as the Faithful & Discreet Slave

    IBSA / Jehovahs Witnesses were chosen by God as the only true religion on earth

  • Lostandfound

    Back in , I think '65 the WT study articles ran for several issues with the definitive Ressurection dogma. As Ding had said above , now the theachings on this are like a strobe light, on, off, on, off, flashes of,pure brilliance that are replaced by more but opposite flashes of brilliance and then back again, the angelic support of the GB needs improving as whoever is in charge of that department in heaven does not stick to any party line consistently, or even know what policy they are pushing as absolute truth. Whichever angels run the resurrection theory Office must do freelance for aTrump as he is just as consistently inconsistent.

  • Old Navy
    Old Navy

    In Truth, the Bible does tell us who will be resurrected. All will be resurrected.

    Not a single one will be forgotten. The Son of Man came to save the Whole World.

    The period of Judgment and the Lake of Fire will refine all of us - even the very "worst."

    We do not know yet the details on how all who've suffered great injustice will be compensated or how those who've done grievous acts of murder and mayhem will be rehabilitated, but it will be done.

  • stuckinarut2

    Jw theology has stated that any who are directly killed by Jehovah will not get a resurrection. They have effectively been given their divine judgement once and for all time.

    Hence my question in this opening post. All those listed were killed at the direct direction of Jehovah (if the bible is to be taken literally that is...and that is another topic).

  • carla

    The jw belief from the original poster said, "... the idea is that everyone who dies is acquitted of their sin"-

    What was the point of Jesus death upon the cross (err, stake if you must)? If they say Jesus was jah's son, aren't we all God's children? Why acknowledge Jesus at all if your own death acquits you of sin? If we are all acquitted of sin when we die then why bother with the watchtower at all?

  • Ding

    What was the point of Jesus death upon the cross (err, stake if you must)? If they say Jesus was jah's son, aren't we all God's children? Why acknowledge Jesus at all if your own death acquits you of sin? If we are all acquitted of sin when we die then why bother with the watchtower at all?

    Great points, Carla!

    Freddy translated Romans 6:7 differently than everyone else and then ignored the logical implications of his own rendering.

  • sparrowdown


  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    nope--i dont want to be resurrected. i might meet my born in, rutherford worshipping., first mother in law. . she is bound to get a resurrection--god wouldnt dare risk leaving her out.

  • Vanderhoven7

    The entire religion of Jehovah's witnesses is based/founded on extra-biblical presumption

  • Old Navy
    Old Navy

    The WTBorg Cult Inc. has made their "god" into some sort of "Cosmic Killjoy."

    The term "Cosmic Killjoy" is not mine but one used by Hank Hanegraaff The Bible Answer Man.

    It fits with what the brand of Troof which the Watchtower Society sells. Biblically Unsound with undue emphasis on Fear.

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