A world without religion? Any different?

by punkofnice 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bonsai
    I'd sure like to give it a try. Religions can always be reinvented later on. It'd be nice to have a break from all the superstition and guilt tripping for 300 years or so.
  • LoveUniHateExams

    Agree with the points in the OP. A world without religion wouldn't be a utopia.

    But I do think there would be differences. I think rational thought will be much more popular.

    Unfortunately, I think there still would be wars, violence and crime. But IMO, religious thinking exacerbates these things.

    E.g. in a world without religion, I believe that wars will stop earlier, as the losing side is more likely to surrender if no religious ideals are held by it.

    Luckily, we in the West have largely tamed our religion, so we have gender equality, gay equality, etc. In a non-religious world, these things will be global.

  • Carol1111

    I don't think it would be any different. People would still find a reason to hurt others.

    A religion that believed in kindness and honesty would be a lot better.

  • punkofnice

    I saw this and thought it should be thought provoking......

    Image result for kkk are christian terrorists

  • jhine

    Agree with Carol1111 and others that have said that it wouldn't be much different . Human nature would still be the same .More deaths were caused by Communism and Facism in the 20th than by any religious wars . People who are not " religious " kill. rape and abuse children .

    Many people do a lot of good in the world because of their religious beliefs , a lot of which goes unnoticed . A murder is committed in the " name of religion " and it makes headlines . l am not saying it shouldn't but we do get a one sided view of how religion makes a difference .


  • mgmelkat
    There'd be no Christmas or Easter.
  • flipper

    All religion has done is foment fear, guilt, superstition, stupidity, and murderous wars with an " us versus them " mentality for centuries and centuries in mankind. The " I'm right- you're wrong " mentality. Serves no useful purpose.

    I feel you are correct though Punk- if mankind didn't have religion - they'd find some other play toy or sets of rules and restrictions to beat each other up with. All we can do is help each other individually according to the need - can't stop or control the lunacy of the entire human race or globe. We can write songs about it though, or poetry

  • Vidiot

    I can't decide which is scarier...

    ...religious authoritarians or secular authoritarians.

  • Phizzy

    " A religion that believed in kindness and honesty would be a lot better.".

    You don't need a religion to believe that kindness, honesty, and I would add Compassion are things that all people should practice in their lives.

    Many people of no religion live that way now.

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