The infamous WT article "Why Has God Been So Patient?"

by days of future passed 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    Image result for Watchtower picture oct 1 1991

    I went to my sister's house because she was cleaning out the garage and she thought I must have tons of stuff left there. I didn't but there was a box of unplaced mags in one. I pulled out one when I got home and it was this one.

    I'm sure that if I had read it when it came out, I would have felt that the WT had feelings of sadness over these children. But reading it now, I can only think that the WT had received letters and calls about this famine and the people starving and how could God let this continue? from sincere witnesses - and they cold heartedly turned this article into something they could trump any talk against God's ways. Whether from JW's or any who were on their way out.

    It's infuriating to read. From the WT Oct. 1 1991

    Look at the downcast face of a starving child. See his emaciated frame and bloated belly. Think about his desperate need for food, and observe the empty bowl he carries. Perhaps his mother looks on through sunken eyes, her own face a grim picture of hopelessness. Then try to suppress your sorrow - yes, and fight back your tears.

    Is there any mention of actually helping them? No. Just statistics about how many are affected. Then a speech about how man has ruined the planet. But wait - they ask at the end Does God really care about us?

    God Does Care!

    You know what they use as evidence? Bees.

    The article after this is about how God was patient in Noah's day.

    "..Throughout history, individuals or groups have seized power, one after another, dominating and exploiting other humans. Jehovah God has patiently endured this. Jehovah has been patient while governments sent millions to their deaths in war and allowed gross economic injustices. Today he is still exercising patience as men destroy the ozone layer and pollute the atmosphere and the sea. How it must pain him to see the ruin of good productive land the wanton destruction of forests and wildlife! (I guess people having diseases and suffering old age don't make the list)

    Do you know what they use as a comparison for why God is patient in this case? An employee who is always late and what a business owner would do.

    Why didn't God destroy wicked mankind earlier - he was waiting on Noah to build an ark. Oh and of course warn the others. Until then, more murders and violence.

    Why God Is Patient Now

    Why then, has God not long since destroyed ungodly men? Because there have been issues to settle and important matters to arrange.

    So sorry to all of those that are suffering famine, wars etc. God has important matters to arrange and it's taken him a couple of days to do it.

  • All or nothing
    All or nothing

    Master manipulation until we awaken and then it's disgusting to read!

  • waton

    All or nothing
    32 minutes ago
    Master manipulation until we awaken and then it's disgusting to read

    Yeah, the real question is: why is the so-called bible "god" not in family court as the all mighty father, for extreme child neglect?

    Just reading a Yaweh, Allah comparison on the Bible / Koran stories. The Bully versus the Merciful. stories, guesses all

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    I always loved how in these articles, they'd invariably quote 2 Peter 3:10

    Jehovah is not slow respecting His promises as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance.

    Easy to say when you've got a full belly and are living in a multimillion dollar facility with every comfort you could possibly need. If they truly believed the end of mankind suffering would come once the word/ message was spread globally they'd spend their money on television advertising or informercials, throughout the world rather than standing silently next to carts in bus stations being ignored by busy passers by. Instead, they spend it on luxurious accommodations, new projects to keep themselves busy, oh.... and law suits.

  • Simon

    Yeah, the trouble is the world creates more people ... so waiting for "everyone to be saved" is a simplistic and idiotic view of the world, typical of someone who doesn't know quite how big he world really is.

  • steve2

    There is so much that is wrong-headed about the article.

    Firstly, how would any JW feel if their child were featured in such a classically negative and manipulative way on the cover of a widely distributed magazine whose main article "feeds off" human desperation? The article has absolutely nothing of value to offer but future promises. God is not slow indeed for those who already have food in their belly but for those on the edge of death His slowness equals death. How dare the well-fed writer(s) quote the words from 1 Peter when people are dying.

    Secondly, the article is not pitched at the organizations, scientists, volunteers and others who have devoted their lives to helping those suffering from extreme poverty. It is pitched to the well fed people who are as far removed from the desperate plight of human suffering and who are comfortable enough to read this kind of lame rubbish.

    Thirdly - and with no disrespect to those still suffering from extreme poverty - but since the article was printed nearly 30 years ago (1991) - the extent of extreme poverty in the world has decreased significantly. Of course extreme poverty still exists - but its scale has dropped.

    Fourthly, if the organizations, scientists, volunteers and others who strive to help those living in poverty had somehow heard about and subsequently accepted and embraced JW organization's notoriously passive line about leaving the solution in Jehovah's hands, the world would currently have an even greater proportion of humans suffering extreme poverty. Look at countries like Bangladesh which once was one of the "poster" nations of extreme and burgeoning poverty: The standard of living in that country had improved exponentially in recent years beyond all predictions and expectations.

    JWs' line on poverty suits the mindset of those who are NOT in the grip of extreme poverty for those near to or suffering from it do not have the luxury of using such poverty as an entry in preaching a useless message about a tomorrow of plenty than never ever comes.

  • tresdecu

    Sometimes it hurts my brain to read this stuff now and realize I used to think it all made perfect sense. To think a perfect spirit being would let this suffering go on to prove a case to a bunch of other spirit beings - "gather around my angels and watch "6,000" years of people suffering and dying, I'm gonna prove my way is better than my evil sons', grab a chair..." <---- hope that made sense I have had a couple drinks

    And btw, Steve2, this was great point you made : "had somehow heard about and subsequently accepted and embraced JW organization's notoriously passive line about leaving the solution in Jehovah's hands, the world would currently have an even greater proportion of humans suffering extreme poverty."

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Losing ground. Population is growing g faster than JWs

    Maybe really wanting more people to destroy

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    What type of a father would cast an evil spirit toward his helpless children? The desert God could have cast Satan and his demons out of heaven to a far away planet in 1914.

  • waton

    Not is g-d not late in this contest, but if things do not g h-s way, he is not shy to pot spikes in the spokes of h-s opponents , wheels falling off, languages confused, the whole lot drowned, stopping the rotation of the earth, even reversing it. a rigged contest.

    g-d's opponents win, because the almighty is disqualified for interference.

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