Elders are the ''human resource'' workers of the Watchtower corporation!

by RULES & REGULATIONS 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Here is a brother who really thinks that Elders are there to help him after admitting that he cheated on his wife. His conscience is bothering him to the point of letting Elders know all the details of his affair. ( His affair should have been private, between himself and his wife )

    Little does he realize that these Elders are really "company men" who act as human agents for the Watchtower organization. Elders act only in the best interests of the Watchtower Society

    Elders pay attention to hairstyles, dress codes, conduct, members who are not loyal to the company, members who are not actively supporting the policies, and who those are not reaching established goals within the corporation ( field service hours, meeting attendance, preparing/giving talks, and answering at meetings).

    Elders follow the Watchtower Society's guidelines set forth in the exclusive manual for elders, entitled: "Shepherd the Flock of God".

    Just like corporations have human resources to handle all company matters, Elders are the ''human resource'' workers of the Watchtower corporation!

  • steve2

    Is his wife included in the judicial process?Is she at home waiting for the outcome? What about her legitimate needs? Why can't the couple have the option of treating this as a private matter that they can equip themselves to work out together in private? Why does the shadow of the organiuzation - and elders in particular - have to hang over a marital issue? Why does it have to become a judicial matter? There are trained professionals who are accountable by dint of their professional bodies to responsibly and appropriately handle these kinds of private matters.

    Look at the body language of these religiously motivated untrained men. Imagine if the woman was the one who committed adultery - the idea of three men sitting in the room with the woman sounds totally inappropriate and distasteful.

    JW organization is an example of a high control group that exploits the created need to "confess" so that the private actions of consenting adults becomes grounds for religious trials.

    Compare that to the norm in which private matters remain private to the concerned individuals who can be equipped to handle such matters without the busy-body moralizing of a patriarchal system of control.

  • Davros

    Maybe it's all part of a cunning plan. Think about it, it's a good way to end both his marriage and association with the witnesses.

    He got some on the side, then putting on the act of feeling guilty, he confesses to his wife hoping that she won't forgive him and end the marriage. 1st down.

    Then confess to the elders hoping to get disfellowshipped and be free of the restrictions of the religion. 2nd down.

    Now he can go out and be free from all the restrictions of marriage and religion and live the life he really wanted. - Touchdown!!

  • Overrated

    Never go to an Elder for anything. When I was in a toxic relationship I was told by an elder to stay in it. What an azzhole. Glad I didn't listen to his advice. Life is better.

  • LongHairGal


    I would never have gone to an elder for anything - since I saw back then they were Company men.

    They were behind the push to get me to quit a decent job, pursue poverty in the full time ministry and do favors for Users in the congregation! ..This is the bullshit that was held out for a single woman (which I rejected) and I despise their guts.

    These hypocrites were collecting their pensions since THEY were once in the workforce supporting themselves well and planning for their future Retirement..So, why would I not have been as well?

    Glad I never heeded their advice as they were certainly not looking out for MY best interest!

    They were behind the push to get me to quit a decent job

    I remember my brother ( when he was a teenager ) was counseled about missing too many Ministry School meetings because he worked nights at a grocery store. The Elders talked to my mom about him missing meetings. She made my brother quit his job because the Elders were always hounding her.

    We had a brother who was illiterate, hardly spoke any English, and had two children to feed. He worked nights as a welder making good money for someone who couldn't read, write nor speak any English. The Elders hounded him to find another job working days so he could attend meetings.

    Luckily, he never quit his job. Where would he find a better paying job without an education? The Elders finally left him alone after trying so hard. Today, this brother is collecting a good pension.

  • Fadeaway1962

    To add insult to injury, narcissists in their lives have their own personal minions, appropriately labeled as “flying monkeys,” who side with them and join their “team” and set out to participate in their damaging agenda to destroy the targets' lives. Flying monkeys are the narcissist's enablers.17 May 2017

    This well discribes elders doing the bidding of the

    Narcissistic governing body.

  • Overrated

    I was told not to get any higher education by an elder that was pushing the bullshit. It was a good thing I had a good job.

  • Finkelstein

    JW elders are the enforcers of doctrines created by the top GB members, they watch over individual members of their congregation to their social behavior, down to how people dress, hair length for men, their education, their friends and associations, their participation in the JWS activity such as service and talks.

    In essence they instruct people toward how the GB men want them look and behave in subservience to those men.

    The Watchtower Corporation is and always has been a lying corrupt religious publishing house and the people who are have been lured to the organization are its designated public sales representatives ( Jehovah's Witnesses )

  • Overrated

    I always considered elders as "The Police" that would enforce the WT crap on those in the congregation.

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