Are You Afraid To Publicity Express Your Opinion?

by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • newleaver1

    I dont mind expressing my opinion about politics. Even before I was dfd I was expressing my opinions, I just feel freer now

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i dont set out to say anything to offend anyone. if they take offence--its their problem..not mine.

  • jp1692

    Great question!

    I’m not at all afraid to express my opinions, but I do find it frustrating and disappointing that often many people who disagree will respond by attacking with petty insults and childish name-calling rather than with calm, reasoned debate.

    But that’s clearly where we are at, at least for a large segment of people. I guess it’s just easier for them to be angry and insulting than it is to be thoughtful, restrained and respectful.

    Don’t misunderstand: I’m all for vigorous, even impassioned, debate. But we should attack the ideas or arguments which we think are wrong and not the person.


  • minimus

    I agree. If a person espouses a totally stupid ignorant point of view , rather than call the person a totally stupid ignorant person, simply say their reasoning is stupid and ignorant. 🧐

  • RubaDub

    Min ...

    Totally correct. There are too many people that think they can put a high lustre shine on a warm turd.

  • minimus

    Rub you have the best way of expressing something

  • Phizzy

    I am not afraid to express my opinion, on anything, Politics, Economics, Religion, LGBQT etc etc. In fact I cherish and fiercely defend my right to do so. Those who have insulted me personally for my opinion, get a stern reply, that they obviously have no argument to offer, so please leave the debate. If they continue, I will point out that they are obviously ignorant, stupid and uncivilised, and therefore LEAVE the debate.

    The J.W Org of course is against Free Speech, for those within their Org, those who ever had a connection, and even those who never had a connection. The Shunning process is used upon those within, or who ever once had a membership, and Litigation is used for the others.

    J.W Org violates a number of Human Rights, but, being Arch Hypocrites, demands them for themselves.

  • wolverines

    I would not put a make America great again hat or bumper sticker on my car or in my car. I live in a mostly conservative area but still nut bars think nothing of destroying private property.

  • just fine
    just fine

    With my friends - no not afraid. With strangers - I do not. People are crazy right now, especially if you are conservative.

  • truthlover123

    Yes- usually I interject with a point or two, depending on conversation, and if its not going anywhere just sit back and let it happen. - everyone has an opinion and usually it leads to same place

    No sense in getting upset over something you cant change... adapt, state your mind on the matter with a bit of humor or leave

    There is too much on the line nowadays to sweat it..

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