Do you know of any Karens or Kens?

by minimus 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy3

    In my day it was Darby and Jones .anyone relate to that ?

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    There are very few ‘real’ Karens. Nowadays, anyone that speaks out against BLM or Antifa is considered a Karen, black people included (blacks that go against the communists are now called “Oreo’s” for being white inside but black outside).

    Do note that only ~25% of whites and 30% of blacks agree with BLM statements, everyone else says All Lives Matter is less offensive. So this is a loud minority which is promulgated to promote Biden amongst the black community (BLM’s donation system is an arm of the DNC fundraising system ActBlue, which will funnel the funds to Biden’s next presidential campaign)

    The only way to fight this is by voting for Trump, even if you don’t like him, do you really want the rest of the US becoming like Portland or Seattle or LA or NYC?
  • TD

    Karens (And Kens too) were a "thing" long before the current state of unrest. (Ask anybody in retail)

  • LongHairGal


    I just saw something on FB about somebody saying they weren’t acting like a ‘Karen’ when they complained about something.

    What really gets me about this latest stupidity and labeling is that we live in a time where people don’t get what they pay for. Merchandise is inferior, service is oftentimes bad. SO, somebody has a problem when some woman dares to speak up and demand better..because she knows it should be better???

    Yes, quite often it is a white intelligent female who is that voice that says: “I’d like to speak to the manager”, because she received shitty service or was sold a piece of garbage. People should be grateful that ‘Karen’ spoke up because maybe some idiot somewhere has to do his/her job instead of working at half speed. Maybe it won’t happen to somebody else!

    Anybody who’s really complaining about this must think we all should accept the garbage. Well, when it happens to them they will have to just suffer.

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