Separating children at the border....

by mikeflood 19 Replies latest social current

  • mikeflood

    I mean, the law about separating children from their fathers crossing southern US border have been in the books since before Obama's era. The thing is that enforcing that law it has become a public relations disaster for the Trump administration. There's also to much animosity in Latin America too, remember the classic agitator "U.S. is the evil empire that treat us badly just to see always their own interests".

    And all this mess, for free.

  • Jehalapeno

    The left:

    "Latin America isn't a sh!t hole!"
    "Make America Mexico Again!"
    "Viva Mexico!"

    Also the left:

    "OMG, don't send them back!"
    "They're asylum seekers! Don't you know what's going on in their country?"
  • silentbuddha

    San Salvador, El Salvador has 59.06 murders per 100000

    St. Louis Missouri has 60.12 murders per 100000


    Gang Violence is on par between the 2 as well.


    St. Louis forcible rape per 100000 38.1

    San Sanvador forcible rape per 100000 36.7


    Rape and gangs are the two things everyone seems to be running from coupled with spousal abuse. So as you can see St. Louis is in serious need of help. You could add Chicago, Oakland, Detroit, Newark, and about 15 other major cities to this comparison. Take a random black, white, hispanic child from one of these cities and put them on the news crying. NO ONE is going to be motivated to do shit. No one will say, hey lets let all those kids from just a zip code away come live in my house. They won't even arrange programs to help people who live 2 miles away improve their situation. But crazy liberal soccer moms are emptying their bank accounts and crying real tears for children thousands of miles away who in many aspects are doing better than these kids.

    Worse still if St. Louis mommy gets arrested for parking tickets and they put John John Johnson or Becky Hollingsworth in foster care no one thinks anything is wrong with that. But Pancho Rodriguez Nunez parents break the law and you want them to be held together so as not to scar the kid... give me a break

  • truth_b_known

    People in El Salvador put their children on the roof of a train which crosses into Guatemala and then Mexico before the child shows up at the U.S. border. The U.S. provides the child with food, clothing, shelter, medical attention, and an education until they can put the child on a flight back to El Salvador.

    If I put my kid on the roof of a train in Texas which crosses into Mexico and then Guatemala before he shows up at the border of El Salvador I would be lucky if I wasn't sent to prison.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Oh God, not Pancho Rodriguez Nunez! I hadn't heard. His father is my wife's second cousin's third wife's daughters brother-in laws love child. Wait, its Pedro not Pancho I'm thinking of. My Bad. Look guys, there is no resolution to be had on here. I think public opinion will rule out. We'll wait and see.

  • minimus

    A public relations disaster for the Trump administration… Anything and everything the news media gets a hold of is a public relations disaster for the administration . However, people ain’t stoopid. Most intelligent people can see through the CNNs of this country. Unfortunately, a few people here refuse to see anything positive about Trump. They would have preferred HC.😏

  • LV101

    YEP they would have preferred ole Hil. Hard to imagine people have slipped to a new low and want power so desperately they'll vote and long for a power hungry criminal to run the country. I don't think redistribution has left their agenda and all the socialism drama and globalization.

  • StarTrekAngel

    Show me something positive about Trump.

    Something from him, with quotes. Not your interpretation of it. Not your excusing of him.

    Every time I read a Trump's supporter explanation of what he really meant, it sounds so much like a JW excusing the GB.

    It's so funny that the same guy (Hassan) who helped us see thru the WT brainwashing machine, speaks of Trump as being the same way as your typical cult leader, yet it seems we have selectively chosen to believe Hassan only on what sounds convenient to us.

  • ShirleyW
    Every time I read a Trump's supporter explanation of what he really meant, it sounds so much like a JW excusing the GB.

    StarTrekAngel - That's what I've said here several times about the Drumpf supporter've always said his blind followers would be excellent JWs. IJust this morning I read on Twitter a journalist retweeted that last night at his rally he was speaking to a woman there and she said she thinks it's a terrible thing about separating kids from families, but she thinks the kids are actors and whole thing is staged . . . .WHAT ? ? ? ?

  • flipper

    SHIRLEY - Your statement is SO true - " That's what I've said here several times about the Drumpf supporters I've always said his blind followers would be excellent JWS. "

    That's the point Shirley ! Some of Trumps followers WERE excellent JWS in the past - they've just switched their cult loyalties to the " cult of Trump " now. Went from one dominating, controlling , uncaring cult to another. Unfortunately for some folks it's a perfect fit, sadly. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

    And STAR TREK ANGEL- Your views are right on the money. Very true. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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