Publisher's Record Cards

by Faded4good 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Downtowner

    New light = two classes no longer refer to the anointed and other sheep.

    The great crowd is now inactive ones and the little flock is the active. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • JWTom

    I was recently called by a random congregation several hundred miles away to validate that a person that used to be in the a local congregation when I was an elder was actually there and was in good standing at the time. I was the only person that this inactive publisher could remember from the original congregation due to being inactive for 5-7 years and the elder that called me said the original BOE could not even remember this person - much less find a PRC for her.

    I would bet money that local BOEs cannot find a PRC after 3-5 years or won't expend the effort to find one even if it is buried somewhere in a local file cabinet.

    Also, I continue to post this on here again and again. If any JW contacts you about ANYTHING that is a disciplinary simply need to say:

    "I need to consult an attorney before talking further with you about any matter or before disclosing any personal information. Please contact me in 30 days to discuss further and during that time I will meet with my attorney and engage them for further discussion."

    You will NEVER hear from that cong/brothers again since the JW Org runs from legal problems like scared rabbit.

    You don't actually need to have an attorney or ever contact one....just say you need to have an attorney involved and they will drop it like a hot potato.

  • Faded4good

    So at congs all over the country and around the world do they all have a bunch of publisher's cards for inactive dubs just sitting in a file drawer and forgotten?

  • JWTom

    Faded4Good - Yes, but also many of them are likely being trashed after 5-7 years. I was in a congregation for 16 years that was constantly a revolving door of elders, ministerial servants and publishers. The idea that anything was kept track of or organized is laughable.

  • Faded4good

    Considering the fact that my last publisher record cards would be in Florida and I haven't had any connection to anyone in Florida in years, I think it's likely that my cards are lost in a file drawer or maybe even the dumpster which would be nice.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i had to clear my old jw dad's house out when he went into a care home--2013. along with car loads of watchtowers going back 50 years and books--there was a large cardboard box of congregation records--all went to the tip.

  • Faded4good
    all went to the tip

    A bonfire would have been more appropriate and more fun, but likely would have been frowned upon by the local authorities.

  • Dagney

    I've not attended meetings for 20 1/2 years and moved 4 cities away 15 years ago.

    This year for the very first time I was contacted via mail. The first was an invite to the convention and the second was the campaign for god's government. I received two handwritten letters with literature from an elder in my old hall that I do not know. I would say they most certainly have the old records.

    Plus it is an excellent source to use as territory for field to keep those numbers going!

  • JeffT

    The last time I was in a KH was in 1988. If they contact me now and threaten to DF me I'm going to make about a hundred copies of the letter and send it to everybody I know, and all the local news outlets, post it here and Facebook, and anywhere else I can think of. Hey look, I left this cult over thirty years ago and they're still hounding me. Wouldn't that be a fine witness for Jehovah?

  • Biahi

    JeffT, I left in 1983 lol

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