WT Document Posted in Sweden (in Swedish) re Abuse

by blondie 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • InquiryMan

    It was stated that 4-5 cases had been reported by the organization to the police. Swedish police on the other hand, stated in connection with the previous programme (aired in the beginning of April) that no cases involving JW had been reported to them by the org. The Branch Coordinator gave a pale, insecure and stuttering impression. When he tried to look up a bible passage for the third time, the journalist, just bluntly told him not to read the entire bible or something along that line. The coordinator was visibly shocked by the accusation that JW constitute a paedophile paradise, as stated by Bowen. On the programme prior to the debate programme, one of the victims where interviewed. A member of the branch committe hung up when he discovered that a journalist was along the victim during a telephone conversation. (That is the 2nd time in a month that Swedish TV viewers watch Watchtower representatives hung up the phone.). The victim also showed the viewers a letter from the Branch stating that the foundation of the facts published in several paid ads was based on information from the perpetrator.

  • hawkaw

    OH BABY!!!!!!!



    3RD PING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • SYN


  • badboy


  • greven


  • no one
    no one

    Damn, Blondie, I wish you hadn't posted this. Do you know how hard it is for an illiterate drunk to translate Swedish?

    Disclaimer!!!!! This is NOT an exact translation. Did the best I could. Words that wouldn't translate are in 'red'. Sometimes I guessed as to a meaning; other times I broke a word down into parts. These explanations and guesses are in parenthesis following the word. The sentences could have been restructured to make better sense, but I left them as is to keep word translation traceable to those interested.

    Perhaps someone can take it from here and research or ask 'happy man' about the words in 'red'.

    Jehovah’s witnesses answer

    on allegations in the program “Assignment Review”.

    In one episode the TV program "assignment review" the 8 April, 2003 was accusing (charging) Jehovah's witnesses wrongly with "protecting pedophiles" .

    The program described among others one specific case there head-person, a 26-year-old man, regrettably enough was exposed to sexual assault during his childhood. It unfolds as if they should validate one case of pedophilia of an adult person’s sexual assault on a child. This feature where, as it were, other statements in the program, both deceptive and osakligt, of among others the following reasons:

    • FACT- Both implications (involvements) where the children (about 8 and 4 years respectively) when the sexual action between them had its beginning, about 1980, and they were both still juveniles (14 and 10 years respectively) when the action ceased in 1987.

    • FACT- The sexual action between the boys was bending (it said bending, not ending) about five years entrance any of their orphan were becoming Jehovah’s Witnesses. The action ceased wholly entrance any of the boys herself stayed member, autumn 1988 respect våren 1991.

    • FACT-Year 1996, then the boys and their orphan (adoptive parent?) wherein Jehovah’s witnesses any year, stayed assembly eldest was notifying of sexual action as (or whom) ägt room in past. But the families concluded that not report matters, article themselves to socialnämnden (social services?) or rättsvårdande (proper nurse?) authorities. The eldest was honoring the inblandades wish.

    • FACT- The senior of the boys had never served as an elder or traveling tillsyningsman l (probably overseer) any of trossamfundets assemblies.

    TV-is glancing and is putting a value on justice and honesty had rated to share that important data. We are bestörta over that they who produce “Assignment review” omit these and other facts. Våra (probably various) members and sympatisörer (probably sympathizers) feel themselves deeply wounded over that husband on grounds of this is attempting förknippa (separating this word into 2 parts, förk and nippa produced ‘rejects nipples’. I don’t ever recall doing that myself) Jehovah’s witnesses with sexual assault on a child. We are coming because vidta the legal åtgärder who (also ‘as a matter of’) is becoming necessary.

    Våra (various?) guidelines when they are counting sexual assault on child is well-founded and has support in Bible. One person with ansvarsställning (breaks down into ‘responsible position’) in an assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses who prove guilty towards sexual assault on child different (word probably translates better as ‘removed’) from their assignment. 1Tim Y1,2. All Jehovah’s witnesses expect to live up to the demand whom Bible is addressing, namely that product purify in physical, mentally, moral and sacred regard. 2Cor 7:1; Eph4:17-19; 1Th2:4

    Swedish legislation is not demanding (also ‘is not claiming’) that clergyman or servant in ones trossamfund anmäler sexual assault on child. Wart trossamfund has however always acknowledged that the victim, the victim’s family or near answerable vuxna (possibly ‘relative’) or vemhelst who feels towards ones case of assault had oinskränkt right to report this.

    Jehovah’s witnesses abhor sexual assault on child. We are loving våra (various?) child. To children is secure and ourselves. We are taking this on main seriousness.

  • Jourles

    I sent a request to an individual to get this letter translated(he specializes in religion, cults, etc). Next time, we can try this website --


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