1963 Resolution Condemning the United Nations

by Sea Breeze 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oncebitten

    Hi Seabreeze,

    It's a good question, but I it just goes to depths of the mind control. It's sad.

    They still have a relationship with the UN. I can show you below--

    As you may know (but most Jws do not) the WT owns IBSA aka Internationial Bible Student Assoc. JUST THAT ALONE is insane- knowing that IBSA in London still sells the writings of Charles Taze Russel; while the ET currently claims to reject his teachings as apostate.

    Now hold onto your hat-- stick with me here


    ok so now go here- same website but this is a list of their partners.. oh hello! What do we have here? see link below


    So, WT own IBSA and IBSA is a UIA member who partners with the UN.

    This UIA has quite the history (league of nations) see link below


    If you go back to the first link above and click the Bible Student website link under the map, It will take you to their site complete with the cross and crown.

    WT owns them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporations_of_Jehovah%27s_Witnesses

    It gets weirder, classic WT weird- the people who run that IBSA site proclaim that they are against the watchtower and they even have links to sites called, Beyond the Watchtower etc.. yet they are also Int Bible Students.

    I have only recently figured this stuff out by accident, but it appears to be what is known as, controlled opposition by the WT.

    To wrap it up-

    WT still in bed with UN under IBSA name via UIA

    IBSA sells early books and mags that WT calls apostate- devils bible etc

    Yet, WT owns them. ..........!

    Is it surprising that they taught that Jesus was Satans brother?

    PS dont be deceived by the people who try to tell you WT is just another religion who makes mistakes. They are deliberate LIARS.

  • Vidiot
    “…the WT owns IBSA aka International Bible Student Association… which still sells the writings of Charles Taze Russel; while the WT currently claims to reject his teachings as apostate…”

    Okay, that’s…

    …fucking bonkers.


  • Vidiot
    “…but it appears to be what is known as controlled opposition…”

    Equally bonkers.

    Know what this reminds me of?

    I used to joke that Six Screens had to be some kind of misguided “false flag” thing that the Org started, but it got away from them.

    Hell, Rick Fearon was practically the “apostate” poster boy… he ticked all the boxes on Top-Shelf Tony’s checklist.

    I never meant it seriously…

    …but now I’m starting to wonder.


  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    it appears to be what is known as, controlled opposition by the WT.

    @oncebitten: It seems to be an escape route where you can reject the GB of JW's but keep the whacky early heresies.

    As you may know (but most Jws do not) the WT owns IBSA aka Internationial Bible Student Assoc. JUST THAT ALONE is insane- knowing that IBSA in London still sells the writings of Charles Taze Russel; while the ET currently claims to reject his teachings as apostate.

    I suppose WT could sue them to stop using the name at anytime but chooses not to do so?

    Pretty wild stuff.

  • nicolaou
    IBSA in London still sells the writings of Charles Taze Russel; while the ET currently claims to reject his teachings as apostate

    I'd like to see proof for that claim.

  • Earnest
    nicolaou : I'd like to see proof [that IBSA in London still sells the writings of Charles Taze Russell]

    International Bible Students Association

    However, the website does not belong to the charity although it has the same name. The website has links to various Bible Students organizations, not Jehovah's Witnesses or Watchtower. So while the Watchtower owns IBSA it clearly does not own the website.

  • Vidiot
    Sea Breeze - “…I suppose WT could sue them to stop using the name at anytime but chooses not to do so?”

    Read it again… it says the WT themselves own the IBSA…

    …and two things strongly suggest that statement is accurate.

    First, Wikipedia is publicly editable, yet the information has remained unchanged…

    …i.e. no one feels compelled to correct it.

    Second (and more importantly, IMO)…

    …the Org itself is litigious as fuck…

    but the very fact that they have not tried to sue the ISBA into oblivion (if they had, we’d have absolutely heard about it by now) is indicative…

    …because if they did, they’d effectively be suing themselves.

  • Bill Covert
    Bill Covert

    In my comment I should of mentioned the date of the 1963 resolution coincides with the release of the "Babylon the Great" book as much ado was being made about the "little horn" being the UN.

  • Vidiot
    This would also explain why the Org has never really gone out of their way to sling condemnatory rhetoric against the other Bible Student denominations the way they have with the rest of “Christendom”.
  • oncebitten

    Here is some more- properties owned by Bible Students with WT logo.


    scroll to bottom


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