Email Request from Shelly:
Dear Petra, are there any Circuit Overseer Training Videos that you know of? And could you send them over to Larchwood?
Reply from Petra:
Yes, there are 3 of them that were sent to Grandpa from Russia. I don't think they were ever posted, because back then Grandpa was scanning the Fat Boy. I think I was about 10 years old when the first one arrived and at that time He wanted me to file it away in the closet. I think a couple arrived around 2014 or 2015.
Circuit Overseer Training Videos
There are thousands of files Grandpa never sent to Avoid-JW, because Jason just didn't have the time for them all. But now, I am cleaning out the closet.
I don't really like sending Larchwood too many files because he seems to have his own agenda to care for. Once in a while I will send Larchwood something.