Society's Website re: Shunning

by RubaDub 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hooberus

    "Those who simply leave the faith are not shunned"

    I propose that JWs who wish to leave send the following letter, along with the downloaded page directly from the WT website (the one that contains it) to their friends and family first (while they are still active), then to the society.

    Dear brothers,

    I do not wish to officially disassociate myself from Jehovahs-Witness and thus be shunned.

    I simply wish to as the Watchtower website says "simply leave the faith."

    Since I wish to "leave the faith" now voluntarily there is no grounds to "disfellowship" me as I am no longer of the same fellowship.

    Also since "Those who simply leave the faith are not shunned" I expect to contine our warm friendship and family ties on a personal level,

    Love, Mr. John Doe

  • Gopher


    That was very well-worded!

    It makes so much sense, that they (JW's in charge) will, of course, immediately reject the notion.

  • hooberus

    It might be worth a shot though. If I was going to leave and I had family, I would try it. I would even cary a copy of it around taped to my shirt.

  • onacruse

    There are so many unspoken caveats in this wonderful little "they won't be shunned" scenario, including:

    1) The WTS has inculcated such an "us versus them" mentality that any decent JW will choose for themselves to shun the miscreant...and the WTS can stand back and say "Well, it's up to the individual to shun, if they want to."

    2) Anybody who tries to "fade" is automatically subject to being "shepherded" by an investigational committee, usually for apostasy (as happened with me). Then they can make the shunning official.

    The inherent deception of this public relations statement makes me gag.


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