Evolution is a Fact #36 - Mass Extinctions

by cofty 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • coalize


    I'm now planning, in a discussion with a graduate british young-earth creationnist (of course evangelist), to use your "Evolution is a fact" serie. I want for this purpose to open a worpress blog with all your "facts" as they are.

    But, of course, I can't make that if you doesn't agree! I want to make that only if you approve I "spread" your work under your requirements. And of course with all the credits!

    And in the same time, I want to translate it in french language.

    Do you accept? and what are your requirements about your work?

  • cofty

    Hi Coalize. I would be very happy for you to use this series in any way you think might be useful.

    Although I never use copy-paste, all of it is based on the hard work and knowledge of people who know far more than me. In any credits please make clear that I am not claiming any of it is original, it is based on a wide range of sources. My intention is to present information in a way that is understandable to those with a non-science background - the ex-JW community in particular.

    I am delighted that it might be able to help more people through your efforts. Best wishes.

    P.S. More threads in the series pending....

  • coalize

    Thank you cofty.

    Yes I understood very well that it was your intention to clearly show the fact. That's why it's very useful for me, because with the arguments you made, I can make a work of retro-engeenering and devellop every point you made with links to scientifical or pedagogical universitar article.

    I'm working on the #1, and I will show you the link.

  • rocketman

    I'm not advocating for Creationism, but in response to a few earlier comments to this thread about the implausibility of a God presiding over mass extinctions, the Bible does present a God who did author a mass extinction of sorts known as The Flood.

    My point is, we can't dismiss the existence of a Creator based on the seemingly unreasonable notion of a God who would preside over or even initiate a massive dying among his creation, since that's pretty much exactly what the Bible says he did in Noah's day.

    That is not, of course, what the OP is about, but it has been inferred in some responses. In regard to that, I agree that evidence of mass extinctions does tend to run counter to Creationism, especially in regard to the dating of such events. But the notion of extinction as being totally foreign to the existence of a Creator is a line that, in my view anyway, cannot be drawn directly, or even inferred.

  • cofty

    rocketman - The story of Noah's flood was about a god who got angry about human actions and drowned them as a punishment.

    The mass extinctions happened millions of years before humans existed. According to christian theology that means in a world before sin when everything was perfect.

    The challenge is for creationists to explain why Jesus wiped out more than 95% of his creations and then did it again, and again, and again and again....

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