Was CT Russell a CHILD MOLESTOR? (WTS says: Child Molestation NOT IMMORAL)

by Gamaliel 39 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Gamaliel


    I agree that there are many possible pieces to this puzzle that would take the story in another direction. Anyone reading about it can see that there may be a lot that is still unclear. Both Maria's and Charles' side contain some peculiar twists, and I do hope that Barbara can untangle them. Sounds like she's heading in the right direction.

    So, for the moment, I'm going to hang up the paedophilia angle of this thread. But it doesn't change the original angle which I'll reiterate one last time:

    1. The WTS knows that Maria Russell accused CT Russell of sexual misconduct and indignities with Rose Ball. They quote from and reference various places in the court transcript, so the WTS obviously knows exactly what Maria Russell was accusing him of.

    2. The WTS has published their contention that these accusations involved a 15 year old girl.

    3. The WTS says that CT Russell was not accused of doing anything immoral.

    4. Logically, therefore, (but perhaps accidentally) the WTS is still saying that such sexual misconduct with a 15 year old girl was "NOT IMMORAL."


  • Pistoff

    As usual, the WT voice is saying, nothing wrong was done, it was all lies, distortions.

    The problem now is this: through the internet, the average 3rd grader can find the truth on a myriad of subjects, and connect with other people looking for the same.

    Daniel really was right: in the last days the true knowledge would become abundant, lol.


  • Mystery


    The same letter to Woodworth as published here by Russell, curiously shows Russell had followers who believed that even if he was guilty, it wasn't all that bad: David was 1000 times worse and Russell's great monumental work would still live on to overcome public outcry and the subsequent lapse of Russell's influence:
    If it were possible to admit the charge, David fell a thousand times lower, but in repentance became the "Sweet Psalmist of Israel." Peter fell and Jesus prayed for him, and he became the strength of the brethren, and was privileged to feed Christ's lambs. Knowing as we do the consecration, the labor, self-renunciation, the Christ-like spirit, nothing short of an angel from heaven or his own admission would convince us. If guilty, he would well know that a mere social ostracism to himself alone would not be the result, but a public ostracism of his teachings and a lapsing of his influence. That the direst denunciation of Babylon even now, true or not, will fall upon his work is to be expected. And yet the monumental work of MILLENNIAL DAWN, establishing from the prophecies the God-given "Plan of the Ages," will go
    down to posterity as certainly as the epistles of Paul!type
    (Sorry but I still cant figure out shading quotes)

    Regardless; would the above be an argument for shunning? Is this in a WT publication? Where is it referenced? (sorry to get off the molestor portion of the thread)
  • Pleasuredome

    i dont know much about this story. can someone please direct me to any links so i can get to know what this is all about.

  • Francois

    Gamaliel, no sweat. I reacted in that manner because of all the radio and tv preachers, the only one in my estimation that has any honor whatsoever is Billy Graham. And there are so many others who do preach with a Rolex on their wrist (remember that song?). There's old No Neck Earnest Angley who preaches just like he's got to go to the bathroom in the worst way. And Jimmy Swaggart who just likes to watch. And Pat Robertson who asked people to send in money to pay for a radio antenna that was blown down by a hurricane (the same one he prayed away from Florida). Later it turned out that the antenna was fully insured and Pat knew it. Then there's ol' Comb Over Benny Hinn healing 'em right and left and subject to a criminal investigation. And I forget the name of the guy who prayed with his eyes all scrunched together that CNN found thousand of letters requesting prayers (but apparently containing no money) in his Dempster Dumpster. And Oral Roberts, the grandaddy of radio preachers "...put your hands on the radio. Put both your hands on the radio and I'm going to heal you right now." Did you know that Oral Roberts had a recording company, but it went broke? Yep. The hole in the record kept healing up. I'm just saying there were plenty to pick from and the one you chose is likely more honorable than all the rest of them put together. But, hey, it's your post and your first amendment. Go for it.

    And for you who were wondering, yes I did realize that Gamaliel's post wasn't about Billy Graham.


  • Gamaliel

    I understand. I'm sorry I hurt some feelings. But it seems you believe precisely what I do about Billy vs. most of the others. I needed Billy precisely because of his good reputation. Please don't put me on your "fecal roster." (I had to laugh when you used that expression in another thread -- hope you don't mind.)


  • Mulan

    Her age at the time of her marriage is a major proof too. Barb will have it all in her book, but it will be a couple of years, I suspect, before we can read it. She has great responsibilities with her aged mother, which prevents her from writing full time as most authors are able to do.

  • Gamaliel


    Regardless; would the above be an argument for shunning? Is this in a WT publication? Where is it referenced? (sorry to get off the molestor portion of the thread)

    If you were referring to idea of Russell's social ostracism in the letter to Woodworth, then I think the writer just meant that Russell would no doubt be shunned by many in the sense that he, personally, will see a lot of people turn away and not be able to draw the crowds and followers in the same numbers as before. Proof of that, he said, was already happening among Russell's critics.

    This was all in the July 1906 Watch Tower. (The hearings were in April 1906.) I only have xeroxes of some of the court transcript pages, but I also photocopied the pages from the Pennsyvania law book where a judge reviewed/summarized the case. The Brooklyn Eagle newspaper republished some of the court transcripts after Russell moved to Brooklyn.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Actually the idea of Maria both supporting her husband while taking legal actions against him sounds exactly like any abused wife. They are caught between two worlds. And the women I know who have been the wives of religious leaders are even more torn between the two extremes than most. They may be angry at the husband but they want to maintain faithfulness to God - hence the polarities.

  • Gamaliel
    i dont know much about this story. can someone please direct me to any links so i can get to know what this is all about.

    Pleasuredome, I don't know if it's on the web. I know that Paul Blizzard's site has one of the Brooklyn Eagle articles. I have it in my notes from Bethel, some newspaper photocopies and I have some of the old Watch Towers. Penton's book "Apocalypse Delayed" covers it (dismissively) and Chapter Two of Barbara Anderson's "Visions of Glory" covers it with a lot more detail, putting the details in a very negative light, including quotes from some newspaper articles I had missed. Gamaliel

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