Ken and Barbie

by peacefulpete 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Balaamsass2

    Rutherford wrote some crazy stuff about the resurrected being raised without sex....or possibly as white men in the 30s "Golden Age".. lol

  • peacefulpete

    The official teaching is that the "resurrected" dead people will "not be married" (be sexual beings) but rather be "like the angels in heaven". Yes, that likely was meant to mean they would be spirits, but the WT interprets it to mean formerly sexual humans would be recreated to life on earth without the desire or ability to reproduce. I've been out for 20+ years so unless something changed, that is the teaching.

  • NotFormer

    Balaamsass2: "Rutherford wrote some crazy stuff about the resurrected being raised without sex....or possibly as white men in the 30s "Golden Age"

    Peter Ruckman, erstwhile prophet of the KJV Onlyism movement, said that women would be resurrected in Heaven as 33 year old men. Rutherford wasn't the only occupant of Crazy Street.

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