The old "Book Study Group"

by The Fall Guy 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    IN the June 2004 Kingdom Ministry, the self-appointed "faithful slave" published this spiritual exhortation as a Q&A item - "The Congregation Book Study—Why We Need It."

    Three years later, in 2007 - in the August Kingdom Ministry - the same "slave" issued this reminder - "How the Congregation Book Study Arrangement Helps Us."

    But surprise, surprise - within a few short months the "slave" decided that Jehovah had had a change of heart, and now decided that the Book Study in homes - with all of its alleged benefits - was superfluous:

    km 10/08 - New Congregation Meeting Schedule - "During the week of April 21-27, 2008, the worldwide brotherhood heard an exciting announcement. “Commencing January 1, 2009, the Congregation Book Study will be held at the same time as the Theocratic Ministry School and the Service Meeting. The name of the Congregation Book Study will be changed to Congregation Bible Study.”

    Was it just a coincidence that the intervening September 2007 KM warned J.W.'s not to get together in "independent groups" to do Biblical research? What was the "slave" really worried about?

  • pale.emperor

    I remember my bookshelf being THE topic of conversation everytime an elder visited my home. My theology collection is vast. I had bibles in many translations and they didnt like it.

  • Londo111

    Of course, technically the book study is still there. It has been merged with the other meetings.

  • joe134cd

    Just putting it out there. I have heard rumours that the real reason the book study was stopped was because of legal reasons. For example if a child was assulted (physical/sexual) on a book study premises, then WTBTS could be held liable because it was a church sponsored event. At a KH it's a lot more formal and would be a lot more difficult for a perpetrator to carry that out e.g more people present, more people in bathroom area. Like I said it was just a rumor I heard if anyone can add to it.

  • slimboyfat

    Yeah there was even a book that was published, apparently before the decision was made, but was studied after the announcement. One of the questions was something like,"why is the book study group vital?" Awkward.

    It shows the decision, for whatever reason it was taken, was pretty rushed.

    Yet years later Splane claimed it was the result of years of deliberation.

    Well maybe it was, in the sense that the idea had been floated for a long time. But there's no doubt the final decision was rushed, and they couldn't get their story straight.

  • Hecce
    At a KH it's a lot more formal and would be a lot more difficult for a perpetrator to carry that out e.g more people present, more people in bathroom area. Like I said it was just a rumor I heard if anyone can add to it.

    Besides this, there is liability insurance at the KH, none for the Congregation protection at the Book Study. The arrangement was a reflection of a previous, more innocent time.

  • darkspilver
  • ToesUp

    In our area. I was almost impossible to get someone to open their home for a book study and then for Saturday AM service. Also, some neighborhoods were starting to complain about the parking situation 2 times a week.

  • redvip2000

    I remember that when they had this arrangement, there was this idea floating around that the model for this was in line with the way Jdubs would gather during the time of tribulation. That is, when the BIG A came, the elder from each group would quickly gather his group and weather the storm of the BIG A, curiously just like the bunker video. This was specifically told to me by my then group elder.

  • waton

    there always was one of these "groups" meeting at the hall for the disfellowshipped. odd person out. the change has considerably cut down on original comments, if for no other reasons than time restraints. same blabbers out of the whole circus monopolizing. legal reasons? keeps medical cost high too.

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