What do Muslims Really Think - UK Documentary

by cofty 22 Replies latest social current

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Yesterday it was the Jews, today the Muslims, who will it be tomorrow?

    Yesterday it was the Jews, today the Yazidi, who will it be tomorrow?

    There, fixed it for you.

  • konceptual99

    I generally agree with all you say BluesBrother but the issues with Islam is not purely a clash of cultures with the West. It's not all right wing extremism and left wing smugness. There is, as has been pointed out by LUHE, a major problem with different factions within Islam all thinking they are the best Muslims there is and resorting to violence to prove it.

    In this country there is insufficient evidence of a real ground swell of opinion amongst Muslims that marginalises any form of extremism. This might be a problem of reporting in the mainstream media but I am no convinced this is that case.

    Imagine what would happen if any Witness stood up and said they disagreed with (a) the WT stance on homosexuality and (b) that Jehovah was about to kill billions of people. Immediate DFing. You can wrap the truth up in as much cotton wool as you like but to remain a Witness there is only so far you go before you have to make a choice as to which side of the fence you stand.

    The same is true with Islam. I commend any Muslim who speaks out against violence and intolerance but there is very little evidence of a small majority, let alone a vast majority, of Muslims in this country being prepared to take a stand that puts them in direct opposition to the core tenets of their religion. If they did they would become apostates - precisely the justification for Asad Shah's murder.

    Violent, extremist enforcement of religious beliefs left Christianity some time ago because the majority stopped caring about the rules. Less people cared about enforcing social controls that reflected religious views on morality. This is not happening within the world of Islam just as it's not happening within the JW community. If no one was shunned for living together or having a different view on something then no one would bother being a Witness.

    The world would be a better place if everyone bound by some religious concept of right and wrong just stopped caring about it.

  • Simon

    The word "What" could be removed from the title. Like many extreme religious people, they don't really think for themselves and that is the problem - they believe what they are told to and that allows the behavior of a whole group of people to be controlled and subverted, rarely for good results.

    It happens with other religions but to a lesser degree of control and a far less insidious belief system so the results are not as frightening or impactful.

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