What do Muslims Really Think - UK Documentary

by cofty 22 Replies latest social current

  • cofty

    Channel 4 have commissioned a study into attitudes among British Muslims.

    The documentary starts in an hour from now at 10pm

    If you watch it live or on 4OD please share your thoughts.

    Unlike many other surveys of Muslim opinion, which have predominantly been done by phone or online, ICM used face-to-face, in-home research to question a representative sample of 1,000 Muslims across Great Britain. ICM also used a “control sample” to compare what British Muslims thought with the rest of the British population.

    At the top-line level, the survey suggests that a mainstream British Muslim majority have similar values and attitudes to the wider British public on issues such as support for British institutions and a feeling of belonging to Britain.

    But looking deeper into the results, a chasm develops between those Muslims surveyed and the wider population on attitudes to liberal values on issues such as gender equality, homosexuality and issues relating to freedom of expression. And it also reveals significant differences on attitudes to violence and terrorism...

  • Landy

    Not seen the documentary, might try to get it on catch up, but I'm a little suspicious.

    i'd like to know the age demographics of those surveyed. I think a lot of older muslims (as would older christians) would have a much less tolerant viewpoint on gender, homosexuality and freedom of expression

    Younger uk based muslins are likely to be a lot better integrated and tolerant.

  • cofty
    Age demographics are very much part of the survey.
  • nelim

    The webpage shows results for Muslims for a set of questions. Are the results for the same questions available for the general British public?

  • cofty

    Hi nelim. Yes the answers given by British Muslims of different ages and those given by the rest of the population was the focus of the documentary.

    Some of them show a significant difference. The programme was made by Trevor Phillips who is a former chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission. He admitted that he previously got it wrong about multiculturalism.

    I will post some of the numbers later.

  • lurkernomore
    I will take a gander later, however there's a good article on this in the Guardian that's worth a read before watching me thinks.
  • konceptual99

    Interesting article on the programme and it's reception here.


  • Ruby456

    from the quote this is questionable and can be contested.

    But looking deeper into the results, a chasm develops between those Muslims surveyed and the wider population on attitudes to liberal values on issues such as gender equality, homosexuality and issues relating to freedom of expression.

    take homosexuality for example

    In general population figures regarding disagreement with homosexuality Muslims are not that far behind (well not a chasm at least) Anglicans (nearly 38%) and Catholics (nearly 40%) and those with no religion (20%) while Muslims come in at 38% who strongly disagree with homosexuality being legal and 14% tend to disagree. taken together this figure is 52% for Muslims but this is from a small sample.

    The figures for catholics, anglicans and those with no religion stem from asking if homosexuality is always wrong or almost always wrong and date from 2009. Attitudes here may have changed but still it is always good to keep an eye on general trends when comparing attitudes and I hope the C4 program does this.

  • Ruby456

    Interestingly in 1983 figures for Britain suggest that 60-80% disagreed with homosexuality. BY 2009 figures have almost halved. Imo there is no reason to suggest that this kind of downward trend will not also happen for Muslims.

    figures are here


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton
    When a Muslim journalist needs Police protection from her own fellow muslims because her views differ from theirs leaves not much hope for the rest of us.

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