Proud of my Sister

by mattnoel 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sentinel

    I think it's great you are proud of your sister. It says a lot about your character as a person and as a brother.

    At some point, I hope we can get some link to be able to hear her perform.

    Although my brother is fourteen years younger than me, we were born a day apart. We've always had a great connection, and even moreso these days. We communicate back and forth several times a week and talk about everything and anything. He is the best!!

  • Dansk

    Hey Flagless ,

    Tell your sister "Well done!" from the board - and here's looking out for her (hopefully) on Pop Idol - if she is isn't already a star before then!!

    All the best, Matty,


  • obiwan

    Tell her to keep reaching for that brass ring, she'll make it.

  • Reborn2002

    I hope the best for your sister and her musical aspirations.

  • Maverick

    Tell her to be very careful with the record companies. Read the contracts and check out everything. OK, that said, when she makes it give us the details and I'll buy her CD. Maverick PS Best of Luck!

  • mattnoel

    Thanks everyone for your posts was really nice.

    Aztec - well my sis is black so she likes a lot of R & B but also does love songs, we keep close, phone each other a lot and stuff, it is sad that we drifted apart for a while but as I said a few years back we clicked right back into place.

    Ray - Thanks, I feel so bad buddy have not spoken to you in ages and not really soon you on line, where ya been ? missing ya. Hope to speak soon.

    Qwerty - didnt know about a BBQ at emans ? tell me more. She is the type of person that has left and dont want anything more to do with it all but may be able to persuade her to pop in for a sausage or two !

    Brummie - Are you in the UK ? Where does your Brother sing ?

    Bittersweet - Well being the oldest, I guess ya have to be proud and supportive dont ya. She is very cool - love her to bits, hence I am so proud.

    Mrs NW - I know I am lol. Did you get my e mail I sent you from work yesterday ?

    Sentinel - If she actually makes it through these record companies, be sure there will be a seperate posting with a link to her song ! I will probably want the world to hear it and know about it !

    Dansk - Cheers buddy, will let everyone know if she gets on pop idol so you can all watch

    Obiwan - Cheers, will do.

    Reborn - Thanks for the message

    Maverick - Cheers buddy, she is quite a girl, dont think she will be messed around too lightly.

  • Brummie

    Sorry matt I didnt see the question until now.

    He used to sing across the Birmingham R&B scene, did well too, he has split with the R&B group he used to sing with so at the moment he has taken a back seat and his doing a weekly solo around Walsall in the west mids.

    Let us know how your sis gets on


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