Coming soon: Governing Body Update #4

by ukpimo 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NotFormer

    "If Watchtower is reading this, get your act together and order a shutdown of the JWTalk forum, as this link and code leaked from there."

    Headquarters may want this sort of thing to leak in order to identify the leakers. So, allowing JW talk to continue to exist may be in the interests of the GB, ultimately*.

    Besides, I'd be one of the last people to be in favour of a totalitarian shutdown of probably the only outlet where the little people, the cogs in the machine, can vent about stuff and feel a bit special by chatting with the worldwide brotherhood.

    * It makes you think, though. 🤔 I wonder if the site maintainer ever gets enquiries from Bethel about identities and sources?

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    I got the link from reddit.

  • IWant2Leave

    The update #4 was a big to do about nothing. Persecutions going on in the world and the conventions that are now going on. Encouraged to attend the con ventions in person if at all possible. "We love you very much." Samuel "Blackbeard" Herd hosted.

  • FragrantAddendum
  • FedUpJW
    If Watchtower is reading this, get your act together and order a shutdown of the JWTalk forum, as this link and code leaked from there.

    They won't do that. Anyone that has read the drivel on that site knows they are all a bunch of sycophants. They slobber and get all starry eyed at even the mention of "governing body". It is truly puke worthy to know there are people like that who claim to be the only true religion.

    And anyone from WT who reads that forum will let the human praise go to their fat heads!

  • blondie

    I heard before beard approval, that because some black men had a skin condition that made shaving painful (razor bumps), that some were given a dispensation from not having a beard. But, I never knew a black male that got that dispensation. "The upcoming Governing Body Update, set to be released on Friday this week, will feature a bearded Samuel Herd." Just thought of this when reading this.

  • FragrantAddendum

    i laughed when i first saw herd's beard - it looks so shaggy

    he'd look nice with one of those fake babylonian style beards

    makes me think of the wiggles mustache song...

    "Mr. Moustache on my face,

    How did you get in your place?

    Are you stuck there by some glue?
    Are you leftover beef stew?

    Mr. Moustache on my face,
    How did you get in your place?"

    (it's at the end of this clip)

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    As long as the rank and file focus on beards and not the important stuff, the gb's job is done.

  • NotFormer

    blondie: "I heard before beard approval..."

    Beard Approval is a great term and a great way to mark the JW calendar. Perhaps they can replace B.C.E and C.E with B.B.A. and A.B.A. đź‘Ťđź‘Ś

  • BluesBrother

    I don’t really care about beards but I had to take a look at Uncle Sam’s . Some look good and others don’t - and this one doesn’t in my opinion… Uncle Remus , Father Christened… the similarities abound… oh well. I am sure that is all they will remember from the video never mind what he said.

    I know several older , unwell dubs that will not be happy at the exhortation to attend in person… They feel that the ones who cannot are looked down on. I know he briefly said at the end that they could still stream but …….

    It is wrong that the JWs are so persecuted in Putin’s Russia ..they should not have to endure that .

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