560 Laid Off at Trump's Doral Resort

by RubaDub 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    Interesting. Just reported today that 560 were laid off at Trump's Doral Resort / Golf Club here in the Miami area. Up the road from me, one of Trump's major resorts (the one he plays golf at a lot) is laying off most of the staff.

    I am surprised since there is that Federal support for businesses that if you don't lay off your employees, you get government support. Maybe since this is one of Trumps own investments (not just a naming-rights thing like some of his places are), this does not qualify under the Federal guidelines. I don't know.

    It was a crap when the PGA pulled out of Doral after Trump made all of those anti-Mexican comments about them being murderers and rapists. Cadillac pulled out sponsorship and ironically they moved that stop on the PGA tour to Mexico City. My wife and I used to go every year on the final day (Sunday). My wife was into getting autographs of the players. She has 30 or 40 of some of the top players. I think she has Phil Mickelson's several times including one of her hats. But no more.

    The place reportedly lost significant value since Trump has had it but is still seems odd to me that he would let such a visible thing occur on a place with his name on it. Odd, very odd.

    Rub a Dub

  • RubaDub

    I understand the federal aid better now. The federal help, as I understand it, relates to businesses with less than 500 people so Trump's Doral Resort here has more employees than that and apparently not eligible for help.

    Rub a Dub

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    It would look bad for his own business to receive government help anyway. If he's so rich, why doesn't he either keep his workers employed or at least pay them half wages while laid off? It would be great PR for him.

  • RubaDub

    why doesn't he either keep his workers employed or at least pay them half wages while laid off?

    U t R ...

    Now that I think about it, maybe they are better off if they get that extra government unemployment amount since I am sure there are some who rely a lot on tips. I guess we will see what happens but as you say it would have been "great PR for him" if he had kept them for at least another couple months.

    I still wish he would sell it so they can get sponsors on the PGA to bring it back here to Miami (Doral) where it had been since 1962, well over 50 years.

    Rub a Dub

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    Or he could just apologize or "clarify" what he meant about the Mexicans. He was clearly over the top on that one, but I also think everybody's rush to be politically correct and distance themselves from a perfectly legitimate business because the owner said some stupid stuff is a bit much as well.

    Trump's worst enemy is his own mouth. If he would just stop tweeting and doing press conferences (he has people who could handle that job just fine), he'd be a lot better off.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @under the radar: Rich people don’t have money freely available to just donate to the people they employ. No rich person is keeping the cash under their mattress or in a back room so they can swim in it from time to time.

    Most of the money within the ‘rich’ class, is tied up in investments and stocks. Things that represent value but aren’t liquid. Eg. Jeff Bezos is worth billions only if Amazon does well, because most of his money is in stock options. If Amazon does poorly, Jeff Bezos becomes more poor, if Amazon fails as a business, Jeff Bezos could be bankrupted and live on the streets.

    Creating a business is an immense amount of responsibility and risk. If you succeed, you may get rich, if you don’t, you are personally accountable for thousands of jobs. Also, if you are having a savings account for your business, as some businesses do, they need that money to pay a load of other things. If you say “well, I’ll donate it to my employees” what are they going to do when they have to start the factory back up? Who is going to pay for the supplies? Who is going to pay for the salaries before the invoices are paid?

    Business and economics isn’t ‘rich vs poor’ it’s risk vs reward. You take a job at a factory, it’s low risk, you can always get another one. You set up a factory, you probably invest all your savings, double mortgage your house and get massive loans from the bank. If it happens to pay off, don’t be jealous unless you set up your own factory.

  • RubaDub

    Rich people don’t have money freely available to just donate to the people they employ. ... Most of the money within the ‘rich’ class, is tied up in investments and stocks.

    Annoying Mous ...

    Most of the money within the middle and lower middle class is tied up in their homes equity and in their 401k's. A 401k is just that, investments typically in stocks bonds and other financial instruments. If i needed money would I say I can't touch it since it is "tied up in investments?"

    I could go online or pick up the phone and sell some of these investments if needed. People do it everyday. People who own small businesses do it all the time.

    So I do not have a lot of pity for billionaires (and people who somehow want to justify what they do) who could come up with, if they wanted to, tons of cash on a moments notice. An excuse of "it's tied up in investments" is a cop-out. Of course it is tied up in investments. I bet they don't keep all of their cash under the mattress.

    Rub a Dub

  • eyeuse2badub

    I'm sure that the magnanimous tRump will come to their aide,-------- if and only if his name gets to be printed on the relief checks! I know he really cares bout them---just like the GB care about the sheeple!

    just saying!

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