The Murderous God of the Old Testament.....

by searchfothetruth 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Gamaliel


    There is this one instance what I can recall where I think its LOT sends out his daughter and she is repeatadly raped in order for something to happen which is good in Gods eyes.

    You are probably thinking, not only of Lot in Gen 19, but of the nearly identical story in Judges 19: which is also about a visiting stranger, a mob of rapists, and a father offering up his daughter. In the Judges story the stranger offers his concubine who actually does get raped all night by the mob and then she is murdered outside the city, cut up into pieces, with a piece of her sent to each tribe of Israel. Such a beautiful love story!!


  • archangel01

    Just because something gets written down in the Bible doesn't mean God was for it or approved it. As for the story with the bears. God must have read their hearts an saw there was no hope of them changing, beside some people look young but are much older. Who knows we were not there and it's hard to get the whole scope of things sometimes.

    As for that woman that got cut up after being raped Judges 19:15 Student Bible throught on the matter "The old man obviously took hospitality seriously. Unfortunately, he took the rights of woman much less seriously. In fact, he urged the hostile mob to rape his own daughter and his guest's concubine as a substitute for the guest himself. His response was nearly identical to lot's on the eve of Sodom's destruction (Gen 19:6-8) The story suggest that Israel had become as bad as Sodom. We all know God punished Israel big time for all there badness, and took every bad act into account for perfect justice.

    Now just because that crime was recorded doesn't mean God approved it. Remember the issue that is at hand, Can men live without Gods help?......NO. This is just one more case why we need God/Jesus to step in to end all this Evil !!!!!!!!!!! Its just like today, crime is everywhere, yet why does God let it go on, because to show man that without his help there is no peace, hope, future only pain & death etc. God will step in, and end all this madness once an for all and make it up to everyone for going through all this, but until then you have to act smart and hang on.

  • Faraon
    Just because something gets written down in the Bible doesn't mean God was for it or approved it. As for the story with the bears. God must have read their hearts an saw there was no hope of them changing, beside some people look young but are much older. Who knows we were not there and it's hard to get the whole scope of things sometimes.

    EXCUSES, EXCUSES, EXCUSES: I don’t stop being amazed about how people like you keep on making excuses for your god. You cannot confront THE TRUTH even if it is in your direct view. Your god obviously approved of it, since he sent the bears. Does your god kill all people because there is no hope of them changing? Wasn’t there a better way, like educating them personally?

    Talk about their hearts: Your god murders all the first born of the Egyptians who had not killed a lamb in order to splatter in their doorways because of the sin of the pharaoh of not letting the Hebrews go. A sin of which your god was guilty of, because he was the one that changed the pharaoh’s heart to begin with! Yeah, right! Your god, who sees all hearts, needs to see who has blood marking their houses, so their offspring will not be murdered!

    You’re right, we were not there, but the bible plainly says they were SMALL BOYS. Their crime? Calling a bald man bald. In other words: telling the truth.

    As for that woman that got cut up after being raped Judges 19:15 Student Bible throught on the matter "The old man obviously took hospitality seriously. Unfortunately, he took the rights of woman much less seriously. In fact, he urged the hostile mob to rape his own daughter and his guest's concubine as a substitute for the guest himself. His response was nearly identical to lot's on the eve of Sodom's destruction (Gen 19:6-8) The story suggest that Israel had become as bad as Sodom. We all know God punished Israel big time for all there badness, and took every bad act into account for perfect justice.

    Sorry, I really don't understand what you mean by

    Student Bible throught on the matter

    Maybe you can clarify it.

    So on the advice of Jehovah of the armies, the rest of the tribessent a vastly outnumbering army to kill the Benjaminite town and get their a** kicked.

    Yeah, I know. I have heard your apologists. Jehovah never said they would win the first time.

    You’re right on the second part. This, and Sodom’s story are about hospitality and not about homosexuality. In both cases they offer women to satisfy sexual urges. Most serious scholars think this is about hospitality. And in the case of Sodom alone, trans species sexual mixing (angels vs humans), but I doubt it since the Sodomites had no idea the visitors were angels, or would have not messed with them.

    Now just because that crime was recorded doesn't mean God approved it. Remember the issue that is at hand, Can men live without Gods help?......NO. This is just one more case why we need God/Jesus to step in to end all this Evil !!!!!!!!!!! Its just like today, crime is everywhere, yet why does God let it go on, because to show man that without his help there is no peace, hope, future only pain & death etc. God will step in, and end all this madness once an for all and make it up to everyone for going through all this, but until then you have to act smart and hang on.

    The issue at hand is the murderous god of the OT. Mankind has lived without this god for millennia. He has ignored most humans if he really existed. Jesus came only for the Jews. Not for all mankind. Man has prospered better without him. The advances in medicine, and social justice have come from “earthly governments” not from him. I would take the American Constitution over the bible any time. He has condoned slavery, selling of children, human sacrifice, polygamy, male supremacy, intolerance, etc.

    Christianity has slowed advances in medicine. Even during the last century, Jehovah Witnesses claimed that bacteria was caused by illnesses, not the other way around; that thinking men would not inoculate themselves, and that it was better to have smallpox than to take a vaccine. Refuse to take blood transfusions, prohibited organ transplants, said that aluminum cooking was poisonous, etc. If religious people want to live in a fairyland, fine, but don’t kill other people for their beliefs by direct action or by neglect. Especially in the case of young children.

  • rocketman

    Threads like this one always interest me. My wife and I discuss matters like this quite often.

    I have read some recent Bible commentary about Judges 19. Yes, conditions were bad in Israel. But I don't get why God urged a basic civil war which wiped out thousands of men because He did not provide victory to the tribes He was backing on the first try. Seems to me like a lot of needless bloodshed.

    There are many accounts in the Hebrew Scriptures of poeple being killed, eiether directly by God or by humans, and I question the need for it and the rightfulness of it.

    The she-bear account in a graphic example. Hey, how about a little "sticks and stones"? I mean, why kill them all? If something like that were to happen today in any country, can you imagine the uproar it would cause? In cases where we have juvenile deliquents, we don't kill them, do we?

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