Jehovahs witnesses that believe its "The Truth" vs JW's who know it isn't

by Christian Gutierrez 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I think well over 90% of JWs believe/know that the Watchtower currently teaches some falsehoods. They only have to look at the fact that their teachings have always undergone changes, to conclude that it is likely they will have more changes in the future, which would logically mean that some current teachings are in error.

    The problem is that they value loyalty to the organization more than loyalty to truth, so the fact that Watchtower teaches falsehoods is brushed off by them as no big deal because "imperfect men" and "the light gets brighter" and "wait on Jehovah" and "where else can we go?". They hypocritically criticize other religions for the errors they teach, while bending over backwards to concoct all manner of ridiculous rationalizations to excuse the errors that have been taught and continue to be taught by Watchtower.

    They also stoop to the ridiculous practice of measuring their errors against those of Christendom and arbitrarily judging theirs to be forgivable based on bias. They tell themselves that their errors are somehow purer than the errors of Christendom so God will turn a blind eye to their errors but punish Christendom for theirs because ... because they use the name "Jehovah", and preach from house to house, and don't believe in the immortality of the soul, and don't celebrate birthdays, and Jehovah has an especially soft spot in his heart for these particular things and as a result he will overlook all their other hypocrisies and errors and injustices on account of them. Because Jehovah plays favorites when it comes to errors, you see. He hates the popular errors that Christendom teaches but he loves the obscure, weird errors that JWs teach.

    It all boils down to patriotism. JWs have been brainwashed into becoming blindly patriotic toward their organization, in much the same way that some are blindly patriotic to their country or to their soccer team or to their political party. You cannot reason with such people. Facts don't really matter to them.

    I think it's possible that as much as 20% of JWs no longer believe it's the truth, but continue on for purely social and family reasons. Many subscribe to the philosophy that "even if it's not the Truth it's still the best way of life". They use this reasoning to justify continued membership in, and support of, the organization. They are willing to pretend that it's the truth and not rock the boat. They may tell themselves that even if it's not God's organization then it's the least false of all the false religions.

  • Christian Gutierrez
    Christian Gutierrez

    Phoebe, your experience is exactly how I felt too! Zero doubts and this zero reason to feel the need to research the history of the organization. I just thought "why would they lie to us"?

  • Finkelstein

    I just thought "why would they lie to us"?

    The fact is they did lie for most of the doctrines made and created by the WTS were to assist with the selling and distribution of the literature the WTS. published.

    All of course propagated as doing Jehovah's will and purpose of preaching the Good News.

    " The Truth " as used extensively by the WTS. is really a commercialized pretentious lie, a Gospel with a tainted commercial twist.

    The WTS was and still is a false prophet as correctly described by Jesus himself.

  • Marie33

    I'd guess about 50% of the rank & file knows it's not the truth but because of the shunning - can't bust a move. What a sad way to live. Been there and done that for a bit too.

  • sparrowdown

    Once I figured out it was lies and harmful to my mental health my conscience would not allow me to continue to attend just to pretend. I figured continuing to attend would be helping support the numbers and I didn't want to give one more thing to this cult.

    But, even when I was PIMI I reckoned at least half of the congregation didn't know or care if it was actually true they just liked the social aspects. Not exactly proof just a hunch I had.

  • steve2

    The threat of being rejected by your nearest and dearest shuts down normal thinking processes.

  • Finkelstein

    Good point Steve2

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Hello Christian...hope you and the Mrs. are doing well.

    I think there are three different groups that JW's fall into.

    • Those who are totally on board with the program.
    • Those who believe they should be totally on board with the program but aren't quite there anymore.
    • Those who have to stay put for now or are staying put, just because they don't know what to do or don't have any other choice or don't want to be bothered making a change to their comfortable rut.
  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    There are also those who are "In for a Penny....In for a Pound". They're part of those who adhere to the Sunk Cost Fallacy.

  • Unstuck
    It all boils down to patriotism. JWs have been brainwashed into becoming blindly patriotic toward their organization, in much the same way that some are blindly patriotic to their country or to their soccer team or to their political party. You cannot reason with such people. Facts don't really matter to them.

    OMG Island Man! I've never thought of it that way before - which is silly really because it is so obvious! It's idolatry! The rank and file idolize the GB so that it is a sin to speak against them. And I am in total agreement with your summation. When that level of blind, unreasonable, nonsensical adulation comes in to play - there is no reasoning with them whatsoever.

    Thanks for your post - you've helped me see it from another angle.

    Love and light to all


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