Talked to JWs Today at a Cart Stand

by Sea Breeze 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ding

    Remember when JWs enjoyed the give and take of a good discussion because they were convinced they had the truth?

    Now they get very uncomfortable with any sort of disagreement, pack up, and refer you to the website.

  • Foolednomore

    We were trained to have discussions, this new group of Jw's just direct you to a website and don't like questions. Just put up a sign.

  • WokenfromJWcult

    I at times brought up a question from 30 Years A Watchtower Slave, which no JW has ever given an honest answer to me . It started out with a statement first: You agree that it was one of satan,s lies that people are conscious after death and are tormented. Then why did Jesus knowing that it was satan,s lie, use this lie in the rich man and Lazarus parable without ever explaining it to his desciples?

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    You agree that it was one of satan's lies that people are conscious after death and are tormented? Then, why did Jesus knowing that it was satan's lie, use this lie in the rich man and Lazarus parable without ever explaining it to his desciples?

    Wow! I never heard it put exactly that way. That's brilliant. It is more concise than they way I have previously tried to explain why would Jesus teach a lie that was believed upon for 2000 years until his man Russell could be born and correct His words.

    If you think about it, Satan started his career "correcting" God's words. Why can't people (myself included at one time) just read the bible like any other book... literally, unless there is obvious reason for metaphor?

    It's just weird.

  • Gorb

    My family elder, organizing the local cart stands, said "it is a great succes".

    I asked 'Good conversations, placing books?".

    Reply "No, because Jehovah sees our activity".


  • BluesBrother

    “They said that they already answered my question and that I was making them feel uncomfortable.“

    Is that really the best they could say? Dear me , pardon that we should ever make them uncomfortable!

    My Mrs would have jumped at what you said , and kept talking for an hour ….. they don’t know what they are doing these days…

  • smiddy3

    I must remember this the next time I get a chance to talk to the JW`s Luke 16:19 - 31.

    I like that.

    Good point.

    If I`ve got this right ?

    1st Q.

    Do you or your religion believe when you die ,you still exist in the hereafter ? Without or before any such resurrection ?

    Answer : No

    Then why did Jesus not refute that in Luke 16 : 19-33?

    He seems to agree with it ? yes ?

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