"JW Box" $30 Logo Markup Scam!!!! Huge!!!

by thedepressedsoul 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thedepressedsoul

    So get this, WT has something they're calling a "JW Box" that gives people in Africa "Spiritual Food". The best part, they want donations of $75 for it! So they don't provide any physical food to people in Africa but they can send them "Spiritual Food" for $75.

    Turns out, you can buy the same exact thing on Amazon for $45!!! All they did was slap a JW Logo onto of it and cover over the name of the product with a white sticky tape.

    How dumb do they think people are!?!?

    JW Box:


    Amazon One:


  • JeffT

    If they aren't paying a license fee, or have an agreement with the original manufacturer, they're going to be in a world of hurt.

  • newsheep
    Just another gimic to show they are up with the black lives matter movement. They go with whatever is the main attraction at the moment. Just like they did when the blacks couldn't sit with the whites. They went along with that at that moment in time. Maybe someone can dig up an old watchtower back in that day. https://www.baytagoodah.com/uploads/9/5/6/0/95600058/jehovahs_witnesses_blacks_and_discrimination.pdf
  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    Amazon add says - discontinued by the manufacturer - they probably bought remaining stock for pittance!


  • Drearyweather
    The best part, they want donations of $75 for it!

    Can you send the source for this where they have asked people to donate $75 for it?

    Turns out, you can buy the same exact thing on Amazon for $45!!!

    Have you tried checking if Amazon delivers it to those areas in Africa?

    Also, the article on jw.org clearly says that the router is purchased from a commercial firm

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    err--wont the users need electricity ?...and be on the internet ?

  • Drearyweather
    err--wont the users need electricity ?...and be on the internet ?

    The branch loads usb sticks with videos and content and sends it to the congregation, who then load it to the jw box, which the publishers connect and download into their devices.

    It works as a normal device and can be charged through usb, adapter or power bank.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    It really looks incredibly cynical. The only question in my mind is whether they have been stupid enough to have their legs lifted. It wouldn't surprise me, I've seen them pay far too much for stuff in the past.

    So take your choice cynical dishonesty or incompetence, it's one of the two.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    So if the highest price was paid the bill would have been less than $130,000, say half a sold KH or less? One question, perhaps they included a battery pack, that may have upped the price a little.

    In any case the amount spent on this project is a pittance in comparison to the millions, perhaps billions spent on their Warwick castle.

  • nowwhat?

    There's already a post about this. Buts let's say they bought these in bulk for 20 dollars. If they sell 1million of these at a 50.00 dollar profit. The org just made 50 million !

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