Is there really a Bible rule against sex without marriage?

by Halcon 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • KerryHuish

    @ Halcon

    Hebrews 13:4 Marriage should be honored by all..

    ALL as in the married and the unmarried?

    Hebrews 13:4...and the marriage bed kept pure...

    If a unmarried person engages in sex before marriage, then they are not keeping "their own future" marriage bed pure, nor are they honoring the institution of marriage, it is sexually immoral.

    If a married person has sexual relations with someone outside of their marriage, then they are not keeping their marriage bed pure, nor are they honoring the marriage arrangement.

    But for the married person, it is not just sexual immorality they commit, but adultery.

    This is why it says that those dishonoring the marriage arrangement will be judged by God.
    Be they married (adulterers) or unmarried (sexually immoral) persons.

    Hebrews 13:4...God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

    The Bible principle is, show respect for the covenant of marriage, regardless of if you are married or not.
    Can a Christian really see it any other way?

    Kind Regards


  • Halcon
    Kerry - If a unmarried person engages in sex before marriage, then they are not keeping "their own future" marriage bed pure, nor are they honoring the institution of marriage, it is sexually immoral.

    Then such a person doesn't engage with a married person and simply doesn't get married, thereby eliminating the risk of an 'impure bed'.

    You are assuming that "sexually immoral" automatically means all sex outside of marriage. This is debatable based on the Bible itself.

    I'm not convinced you're wrong, just convinced that this verse is not saying what you're saying.

  • peacefulpete

    I never liked the word "immoral". As I see it, what ought to shape a person's morals is primarily a concern for the wellbeing of others. I also respect the vow to partner up in life with someone and the pain breaking that vow can cause.

    I see no moral issue involved in the intimacy of two consenting single people in love. I do see a moral issue in marital rape or any other form of abuse within a marriage. Married or not married, the concern for wellbeing determines the morality.

  • Halcon
    I see no moral issue involved in the intimacy of two consenting single people in love. I do see a moral issue in marital rape or any other form of abuse within a marriage.

    It could be argued that marital rape is indeed sexual immorality.

  • peacefulpete

    I would argue that it is, but the Bible is silent, preferring to focus on proving how much a girl bleeds on her first night.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Not only that; there is also a biblical rule against marriage without sex!

  • Teddnzo

    I suspect the old way was just difficult to remain chaste until you marry. Especially these days. But in our opinion my wife and I think the old ways of high standards of morality is the best way.

    From now on itโ€™s going to be a case of young baptised JWs experimenting with sex and no more DFing as long as parents tell the elders to stay out of it as they have it in hand.

    This will change the dynamics of all old JW ways like needing a chaperone and not being alone together.

    JW youngsters will now be partying and having sex even after baptism. The elders will ask the parents if they could arrange a shepherd visit but as long parents say no thank you we have got it in hand then there will be no DFing happening.

  • peacefulpete

    dogs and cats living together...mass hysteria

  • Balaamsass2

    So if GB 3.0 is trying to add/retrieve more donating members...

    Will they- gb 3.0 be tossing the 1972 (ish) Ray Franz research on "porneia"?

    Returning to the 1960s view of "petting" vs "heavy petting"?

    More tolerant of Gays and NPGs...non-practicing gays(trying at least)? As in pre-1975 ish Bethel and GB 1.0 (Chitty, etc)?

    There does seem to be a trend.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    As a baptised teenager I had an intimate encounter with my then jw girlfriend.๐Ÿ˜Ž

    My parents found out and made me tell the elders. I'll never forget at the judicial committee one of the elders gleefully saying, "if you were living in ancient Israel, you'd be dead right now."

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