Is Wokeness a Religion

by JeffT 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    This is long so I'll just post a link, I think many here will agree with a lot of what the author has to say. It certainly resonated with my thinking of the last few years.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Is Wokeness a religion? - yeah, kinda.

    At the very least it's filled the religion-shaped hole in The West. Nature abhors a vacuum, and all that.

    Perhaps one way of trying to answer your question would be to compare the behaviour of religious zealots with that of woke nutters.

    And they're actually quite similar, although the woke nutters have killed far fewer people.

    Will read the link now.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Yes, I've read the article. The author makes some good points.

    Myself, I have some experience of being targeted by woke people on-line, although nothing too serious so far. The worst case was a guy who at first tried to dox me, then contacted my old university. All because I was posting opinions which didn't align 100% with trans ideology.

    Yes, woke warriors are very quick to other you if you post an opinion with which they disagree.

  • Simon

    It's completely irrational beliefs with cult-like behaviors and group-think.

    It's exactly a religion, and one of the most damaging ones around - the woke nutters are currently mutilating children, the ones that they actually allow to be born in the first place.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    In the wake of rejecting Judeo-Christian values and morality, Wokeness has filled the void and is now the new standard in determinnig what is moral and what is not moral. If you don't go along with it, you are simply cancelled (disfellowshipped).

    Population reduction comes a little later.

    Newsweek Article: America Is Fast Becoming a Woke Theocracy

  • ThomasCovenant

    ''the woke nutters are currently mutilating children''

    Is that the hundreds of millions of followers of Islam and Jews, with their centuries old tradition of circumcision? Some people think so.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Is that the hundreds of millions of followers of Islam and Jews, with their centuries old tradition of circumcision? - although that is the case, I don't think that's what Simon was referring to here.

    I'm fairly sure that what Simon was referring to was gender swap clinics putting children on puberty blockers, pumping them full of cross-sex hormones, and putting chest-binders on young girls because they don't like their breasts.

    Shit like that.

  • TonusOH

    As politics becomes more extreme, people will treat it as religion. They will take the position that their political views are the only correct ones and that any action they take to further them (and to prevent any other views from being adopted) is acceptable because it is a moral imperative. This is actually something of a constant in politics. There will always be people entering the political arena with the intent of rebuilding the system with a restrictive and authoritative vision in mind. The only hope is that there are enough extremists on either end of any issue to keep one side from overwhelming the other. When that happens, you get any of the great and terrible dictatorial governments that have plagued human society for thousands of years.

    Woke leftism is simply one of the current movements intended to force a takeover of government and the everyday life of citizens. One can only hope there are enough fanatics arrayed against it, to keep things from completely going to shit.

  • SydBarrett

    No. For the most part its the right's favorite lazy buzzword of the moment used to describe whatever vaguely defined thing they currently have their knickers in a wad over.

    A year from now some other equally stupid word will be fashionable for them.

  • SydBarrett

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