A Question

by FedUpJW 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Yes there are fixed costs for everything (somebody's gotta pay for it, right?) The Lit-carts ® cost $40 a piece and you are required to buy them in pairs for $80. There is also a catalog of all kinds of accessories, which may include covers, etc. Not sure about pricing.

  • darkspilver

    neat blue dog

    Yes there are fixed costs for everything (somebody's gotta pay for it, right?) The Lit-carts ® cost $40 a piece and you are required to buy them in pairs for $80. There is also a catalog of all kinds of accessories, which may include covers, etc. Not sure about pricing.

    Except now they're provided at no direct charge (see earlier in this thread for post and link to the BoE Letter)

    And, anyway just three months at $15-a-month poster is more than the capital costs, as per my earlier post in this thread.

    That's all folks!

    DarK SpilveR

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Thanks darkspilver I missed that. However it says:

    'The congregation MAY be informed that the cost of these carts will be covered by their contributions to the worldwide work. '

    Does that mean they may also be given a required amount if their donations aren't high enough?

  • darkspilver

    Hey neat blue dog

    I think it's more along of the lines of when publishers ask how much they are etc

    the answer is that the cost is covered by their donations to the worldwide work (rather than a donation to local congregation)

    I would have thought even a brief congregation announcement could be in order, if it was felt to be needed.

    this would be in contrast to the costs for the printed posters for which publishers may contribute to the local congregation (and not the worldwide work)

    And in real life, I think more people ask about who pays for the actual printed posters rather than the cart....

    That's all folks!

    DarK SpilveR

  • FedUpJW

    Thanks everyone for the replies.

    I wondered because the area I am currently in had a S.O. who pushed like a mad man to get a cart shipped out and for the next six months or so it sat, still boxed up unopened behind the counter. Then it was relegated to the janitorial room, now under a stack of paint cans, boxes, and garbage bags in the mechanical room. Still unopened and unused.

    I heard about one local old die-hard fellow that is electric wheel chair bound that wanted to take it to the local fair because he cannot get door to door field serve-us, and was told he was not qualified and only elders could do cart work. Of course they will never budge a finger to actually do any real ministry.

    Sorry illegitimate sons!

  • darkspilver

    Of course they will never budge a finger to actually do any real ministry.

    Interesting view - most here, and I stand to be corrected, do not believe the trolley work counts as 'real ministry' - just standing their, 10 feet away, not approaching people - but you obviously disagree with that.

    Anyway, the two of them ain't being used think how much money your congregation is saving not having to buy all the posters each month!! Maybe you should suggest that your congregation gets another pair and saves more money not buying the posters each month!!!

    But poor SO, that's bad, surprised the CO hasn't done anything about it yet?

    That's all folks!

    DarK SpilveR

  • millie210


    That is pretty interesting that the cart is just gathering dust!

    Here, the cart is in great demand. The way it is done locally, the cart is checked out (like a library book) and the form that is signed confers ALL liability connected to the cart to the person checking it out.

    So if a person walking by the cart were to trip over it, break their leg and sue, the very unknowing brother or sister who checked it out might get a big surprise.

  • baker

    Most cart pushers are probably closer to destitute , so they might not be worried about loosing any money they don't have. ( can't get blood out of a turnip)

  • FedUpJW

    Interesting view - most here, and I stand to be corrected, do not believe the trolley work counts as 'real ministry' - just standing their, 10 feet away, not approaching people - but you obviously disagree with that.

    The only "ministry" the elders, ms do here is ride around in the vehicle. First stop is home(they forgot something). then through the bank drive-through, then the post office, then ten miles out of town to a home where no vehicles are present so turn around and go back to town for coffee and doughnuts, then ten miles the other direction out of town for the same old drive by.

    Nothing that submits them to the public eye. Nothing that involves cracking open a Bible, nothing that involves any effort.

    Of course they will local needs the R&F about gotta do more, your hours are down!

    Nucking Futs!

  • Mad Irishman
    Mad Irishman
    There is no cost to the congregation.

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