When Did Higher Education Become Taboo?

by Wild_Thing 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    I understand that part of the curriculum is ''evolution''. Probably a big part why the Borg so much discourages University!!!
  • sir82

    I don't think the vigorous anti-education stuff started to appear in print until the 1960's though.

    As noted in the posts above, there wasn't a need to condemn before then since a university education wasn't necessary, for the most part, to get a decent-paying job in the USA thru the 1950's / early 60s.

    Anti-education screeds appeared in print in increasingly hysterical tone from the 60's thru the 80's. There was a backing-off in the early 90's to a pretty much "don't ask - don't tell" arrangement. Then it started up vigorously in the early 2000's again.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    If their anti-higher education stand didn't exist during Russell's tenure then it definitely must have come during Rutherford's. The main motivation would have been to have the young generation pioneer indefinitely. Remember the book Children where two youths in love forego marriage? They would have foregone an education based on their same logic.
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    Another reason with their ''hate'' for post-secondary education is it takes away time and focus away from the Borg. This along with some of the counter-Borg teachings culminates as to why University/College disgusts the Borg so much. Not only University/College but getting a trade in an apprenticeship program is even looked down upon. Takes too much time away from ''spiritual'' things in the Borg.
  • Mephis

    The question Russell is answering, which is just before that quoted by JWFacts, gives a good indication of the views even back in 1910 (which is the date given to this question and answer) to higher education.

    To what extent should the Truth people, Bible Students, educate their children, knowing the shortness of the time between now and the time of trouble, for instance, and also in view of the fact that in any higher education there is a tendency toward infidelitv, higher criticism and agnosticism?

    Will paste the full answer to that question too (I've edited Russell's views on teaching children music out).

    My thought, dear friends, would be that the majority of children would be better off if they would not go beyond, or much beyond, a common school education. I do not know of a college anywhere that would really do them any good. I remind you of a young man who came from India. His father was a native of India and had embraced Christianity, and, according to this son, his father was a genuine Christian, and so this young man was very anxious to come to America and get his education. Apparently his father was connected with the Methodist Church Mission in India. At all events, the young man sought out a Methodist college here. Not having great means, he worked his way through college, and in the four years that he spent in getting his education he lost every bit of his Christianity, and every bit of his faith in the Bible, and was turned out, graduated from a Methodist college, a higher critic, a total unbeliever. That young man subsequently was met by one of the Bible students, and it was suggested he attend one of the conventions. He said he did not have the money to spare. The party gave him the money for his expenses. He attended and was considerably interested, but not convinced, because he had lost his faith to such a degree. It was suggested that he should study further, and that he should study the six volumes of SCRIPTURE STUDIES. He went through the six volumes, and at the completion said that he rejoiced that he had found God and the Bible again, and the Lord Jesus Christ as his savior. He is back again in India, preaching Christ there, and preaching him from the true standpoint. Now I would not run the risk with any child I loved--and I would love any child of mine, I am sure; every parent ought to love his children--I would not want to do for that child anything that would result in the loss of the best thing he has--his faith. It would not be with my consent that my child would go even through the high school, because you will find the same higher criticism now even in the ordinary high schools, and not merely in the colleges. They have these so-called scientific text books, about man having been a monkey and dropping his tail, etc.

    The same arguments really which they've rehashed ever since. You'll learn evolution at university! (Actually not so true - I didn't have a single class on evolution. But then I didn't read biology...). The end is coming! etc etc etc.

  • Finkelstein

    You could centralize the reason from the WTS provocation of getting people to educate themselves through the WTS. on spiritual matters when secular education was being pointless for the end of this system of things is to come soon.

    There is always a self promoting marketing strategy with the WTS

    Come to are Bethel training centers and get Watchtower bible educated, once you've completed are course we will send you out distributing are literature with are deviously coercive doctrines. This is much better than getting an education and helping humanity live better and make personal improvements to yourself.

  • kaik
    I am not sure about USA, but I know in the Czechoslovakia the push against college education started in the 1960s. Prior 1950, there was not many college educated people. German during WWII managed to execute significant number of educated people in occupied Europe and Czech colleges and universities were closed while remaining students were deported into concentration camps. My grandfather had university degree since 1920's and he was pretty much among a few people who survived WWII while majority of his colleagues never returned from the camps. Stalin system did not support intellectual development either. This changed with general liberalization of Eastern Europe in the 1960's when the grip of communist party weakened, and many young people had a chance without political affiliation to study. It was around the time when elders started speak against young people (postwar generation) to go to college. In my KH we had several college educated people, but they were these who were born prior WWII and were able to get advanced degree after the war. Young people who entered workforce in the 1960's and 1970's were counseled not to attend college, because Armageddon was imminent. One of my cousin wanted to pursue engineering degree and he was turned away from it around 1970s.
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Today you don't even question whether you are going to college. It's the

    sign of the times. Poor JW youths.

  • nevaagain
    Uneducated people make for good converts and those are the people that most of the time stay in the religion. Also educated people are unhappy being JWs. So in a way, if you are a JW ignorance is bliss.
  • Mad Irishman
    Mad Irishman

    It was in the mid-eighties when they started to bring it up. It was a personal decision. Still is. But then it swung a bit so that Witnesses shouldn't go to 4 year colleges. Then it swung back the other way. Then it swung back to that young people shouldn't go. Then it was they should only go for a couple of years or just enough to get what they needed for a trade or job.

    If you go by what's in the literature you wouldn't know what they are directing. They can only make a recommendation. It isn't a rule.

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