How Will They End 1914 Teaching?

by EmptyInside 282 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Jeffro


    Adventists do not have this belief of the '70 years' but share an identical belief to that of COJ and yourself.

    Wow. He also doesn’t know the distinction between ‘Adventist’ and ‘7th-day Adventist’. Maybe he needs a Venn diagram. 🤦‍♂️

  • Jeffro


    Judah alone would serve Babylon for 70 years along with the other nations who would be in servitude to Babylon concurrently.

    😂 alone… concurrently… the fact that he doesn’t see a problem here really demonstrates an interesting pathology. 🤦‍♂️

  • Jeffro


    BM 21946 does not support 587 but supports the biblical date of 607 BCE as its historical outline of Neb's foray into the Hattu land clearly proves.

    Wrong as usual. The tablet has Nebuchadnezzar staying in Babylon in his 5th year to build his army but JW chronology requires that he was on campaigns demanding tribute throughout Palestine during that period. 🤦‍♂️

  • waton

    Anybody remember the missing Zero Year anecdote about 1914? the fate of that wt doctrine will not be decided over quibbling about the past.

    Wt predicted the end of the world for that date. and the rapture of the wt leaders. It is a false prophecy. They did not predict what actually happened.

    Their exit from the 1914 generation, false at it is, will be another falsehood. 2 negatives will give an overall plus.

  • scholar


    Wow. He also doesn’t know the distinction between ‘Adventist’ and ‘7th-day Adventist’. Maybe he needs a Venn diagram. 🤦‍♂️


    I know the difference between Adventists and the 7th Day Adventists for the Adventists are a broad church. Still, when we speak of 'Adventists', we usually refer to the 7th Day Adventists who originally pioneered Chronology scholarship via Edwin Thiele.

    scholar JW

  • scholar


    😂 alone… concurrently… the fact that he doesn’t see a problem here really demonstrates an interesting pathology. 🤦‍♂️


    No problem for its an explanation of the servitude of Judah principally for 70 years commensurate with other nations which at that time Babylon was the World Power inaugurated in 607 BCE.

    Nice and simple!!

    scholar JW

  • scholar


    Wrong as usual. The tablet has Nebuchadnezzar staying in Babylon in his 5th year to build his army but JW chronology requires that he was on campaigns demanding tribute throughout Palestine during that period. 🤦‍♂️


    It is nice to see Jeffro actually quoting from BM21946 regarding his position in his 5th year wherein he assembled his armies and the said scholar can't wait for his further commentary on Neb's invasion into the Hattu Land in support of the impossible date of 587 BCE for the destruction of Jerusalem, an event not described in this tablet.

    scholar JW

  • Jeffro

    🤦‍♂️ Given his ineptness, I’m not really surprised that ‘scholar’ is waiting for something that was never suggested and isn’t the purpose of BM 21946, while glossing over the fact that it contradicts JW chronology during the actual period that the tablet addresses. He probably doesn’t even understand what the contradiction is. Pathetic.

  • scholar


    🤦‍♂️ Given his ineptness, I’m not really surprised that ‘scholar’ is waiting for something that was never suggested and isn’t the purpose of BM 21946, while glossing over the fact that it contradicts JW chronology during the actual period that the tablet addresses. He probably doesn’t even understand what the contradiction is. Pathetic.


    It was you not me that introduced BM 21946 into this discussion on the understanding that in some way this clay tablet contains information in support of 587 BCE. Conversely, I would argue on the basis of this tablet which by the way is one of the 17 lines of evidence used by COJ to disprove 607 BCE in favour of 587 BCE that the 23 lines on the front side and the 25 lines on its reverse side favour 607 BCE rather than 597 BCE. Yet you talk about me being pathetic, Go away and play with your pretty charts and lose yourself in a tangled web of fantasy.

    scholar JW

  • Jeffro

    😂 You claim to understand this subject but you need every little thing explained. 🤦‍♂️ Parroting the number of lines on the tablet is pointless when it is obvious that you don’t understand the content or how publication of the tablet aided with establishing the chronology of Nebuchadnezzar. I have sufficiently shown other readers the depth of your cognitive dissonance for now. You may go.

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