Pomo because of Proclaimers book, 1995 generation change and Daniel prophecy book

by Gorb 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gorb

    Have some time thinking about my recent and less recent personal history because of the summer holiday.

    The 90's crossed my mind. The years I became PIMO. How?

    A friend, a room mate during the 1993 Moscow international convention, went to university. We discussed during long evenings and nights with wine and CoC by Raymund Franz. We were both MS and there was a 3th brother, with no status who was realy a free thinker. I'm thankfull, they learned me think.

    Because of the started thinking process, a hard time started. The 1995 generation change and the finger pointing of the society to blame the rank and file. This 4th generation JW lost the ground of staying loyal.

    Then the Proclaimers book gave a rare look inside of all the early jw scandals of Russell and Rutherford. WH Conley became the 1st watchtower president instead of Russell. The United Investment Corporation was Russells other base of income. Rutherford was a pain in the ass. Grilled the German bethel official for saving the jw.org property from the Nazi's. Played the german anthem at the Berlin convention. Wrote the declaration of facts and accussed the Jews in a letter to the Reichsfuhrer. The Olin Moyle trial. The 10 persons at his funeral, not his wife and son.

    Then the Daniel prophecy fineshed my believe in jw.org doctrine. It was al undocumented fantasy, made up to throw sand in the eyes of the rank and file. The revelation book, the Assisi religion leader gethering, the UN scandal, the Aid Afrique subcorporation of jw.org, the selling of the Brooklyn property to Kustner including a interview online between Yared and the JW president.

    Reading all this events, how much does a JW need to say goodby to it all.

    My wife became just like me POMO and we saved our children for a jw upbringing with all the dangers of abuse.

    We feel better then ever!!!


  • Vanderhoven7

    Glad you made it through the maze Gorb and that your family is together.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    And I have that book,,one of the first copies released.

    In pristine condition. Some pages even still smell new.

    You'll have to tear that book from my cold dead hands!!!!

  • Vanderhoven7

    And I have the October 22, 1995 and November 22, 1995 Awake magazines also in pristine condition where the masthead was changed, the first containing the 1914 generation promise and the latter eliminating 1914 altogether.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    This was a pivotal moment in JW history.

    Have been raised in 'it'...having that 1914 theology pounded in your head from childhood & having it swept from under you.

    I never really recovered.

    In the years between 1995 to 2007 I tried to adapt to this generation.

    Became fully "Awake!" that the 'truth' was a lie in Oct 2007.

  • slimboyfat

    Thanks for your reflections Gorb! It’s interesting that you found the Daniel book too much, but presumably you sat through the multiple studies of the Revelation book a decade earlier. The Revelation book is way more out-there compared with the Daniel book it seems to me - I arrived at the KH too late for the Revelation book the first time round. Do you think it might be fair to say that the wackiness of the Daniel book was released at a time when you were ready to recognise its wackiness? Because on an objective basis I think the Revelation book is more extreme/eccentric/wacky, or however we want describe it, than the Daniel book. Plus coming on the heels of the generation change in 1995, maybe you were primed and in the late 1990s to realise that the organisation had problems.

    I know one brother who claimed to have got baptised in the early 1990s as a result of a study of the Revelation book alone, nothing else. He is a rather odd individual to this day, quite old now. I know of another Bible study in the 1990s who was at the point of baptism but objected to the identification of the United Nations as the scarlet beast in Revelation and cancelled her study. A sister still called on her for years but she was not interested in joining after that discovery. This had nothing to do with the so-called Watchtower UN scandal of the late 1990s, she simply objected to the demonisation of an organisation that she perceived as attempting to do good in the world.

  • Gorb

    @slimboy the revelation book was studied when I just was baptized (4th generation), and became MS a few weeks later.

    I can remember I was not a fan of the book.

    My thinking proces started because of the 1995 generation change in combination with coming out of age with JW friends that went to University.

    The best nights, with discussion and thinking theories. I was scared like hell because of this proces. It was all worth it.

    Could write a book about it.

    The 1995 generation change made a hugh impact because my father tried to convince every householder of the 1914 docrine, 607 and the 2520 years. I was brought up with this docrine. And then, in 1995, the Watchtower wrote that some witness thought that this was the case.


  • TonusOH

    It's a lot easier to accept the wackiness when you are convinced the WTS has the truth. And even moreso if you are raised a JW, which means you only know their interpretation (and have been conditioned to reject any other interpretation). Because JWs are forbidden to question the GB's interpretation, it can be tough to entertain any doubts. And even when you have doubts, you worry that maybe it's you.

    But the further you get from the mindset that they cannot be wrong, the easier it is to spot the odd statements and teachings. And some of the things they say are outrageous enough that even a loyal JW feels a bit uncomfortable when they read it. That was where the doubts began for me-- one or two statements in the magazines that I tried to accept, but they nagged me.

  • WingCommander

    I'm 45 now. I grew up on the scary WatchTower covers of the early 1980's. The 1984 WT Bound Volume has never left my library. It's 100% PROOF of WatchTower's false prophecy. Those WT's were used right at the doors for years afterward as proof as to how far into the "End" we all were. Then the Revelation book came and ramped up the fear mongering even more. It was a weird book, especially so for a young kid like myself. I learned to read with the red "Live Forever" book. (that had scary pictures as well) Then in 1995, Poof! Gone. And now, even "types and anti-types" has been thrown onto the trash heap of WatchTower past. My parents had a full library of old books going back to the Bible Students even, FILLED with all sorts of Fred Franz's "types and anti-types" made up nonsense, that would be used in supplementation in our weekly group "book studies." What a boring, colossal, waste of my precious youth and time! With the exception of the "Commentary of James" (written by Ed Dunlap), I actually trashed 99% of my late parents old JW library. Gone!

    Just think......the JW's "Great Disappointment" of 1995 is now almost 30 years ago! 1975 will be 50 years ago. This Organization is now for the ignorant and willful suckers whom are too dumb to let their fingers and minds to the walking over to Google and research the history of this money-grubbing CULT.

  • slimboyfat

    Yes, I worked out a couple of years ago that, judging by the baptism and publisher figures, there are likely now more JWs who were baptised after 1995 than before. That means that more than half the current JWs didn’t experience the generation disappointment the same way those of us who grew up around the JWs in the 80s and 90s did.

    Having said that, I was actually baptised at fifteen years old in 1997, two years after the generation revision in 1995. I don’t know what that says.

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