Do You Think Disfellowshipping Is Unscriptural?

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • berylblue
    I like what Jesus Christ said over what Paul said.

    Who doesn't? Rosemarie

  • undercover
    Now I want scriptural rebuttal, please.

    LOL I don't use scriptures anymore. I use common sense and logical reasoning. Those don't always agree with scriptural "interpretation".

  • Mystery

    elumn8_2 - What grounds do "you" have for disfellowshipping simply because someone questions a 'belief' that just doesn't seem right to them?

    How can shunning a person that has chosen to read the history of JW's and ask questions regarding the "birth" of JW's.

    Ask the WTBTS for the history? Read Crisis of Conscience - prove it wrong.
    Oh no - you can't read that! YOU might get disfellowshipped. Ask your elder if you can read it. You are so right. You believe with your whole heart! If you are absolutely, without a doubt, 100% sure then read the book and prove me wrong. Make me believe again. Make me a JW again, elumn8_2. Are you going to turn your back on someone asking you for help.

    1884 - Bible Students became incorporated (It wasn't even Jehovah Witnesses in the beginning.) Your religion is about 119 years old. It is hard to believe that Moses, Daniel, Ruth, Mary of Magdalene, Jonah and all those other Bible people stayed faithful without JW's. And even without shunning.

    1923 - The Watchtower declared Russell (the founder of JW's - did you know that he was a Presbyterian & also the Congregational Church - he got fed up with them {and you know what!! he wasn't even disfellowshipped for it!!} and CREATED HIS OWN RELIGION! - Did you know that about your religion?

    1931 - As soon as Russell died Rutherford dismissed Russells direct direction for the organization to take and did what He wanted; not the originator of JW's. Only 8 years prior Rutherford had agreed that Russell was "the man sent from God".

    Even in the beginning of Knorr's presidentcy there was NO GOVERNING BODY that handed down information to the congeration. It was thru Knorr and only Knorr that information was passed down to the congeration.

    So you are following a religion that:
    1)Was created by a X-Presbyterian and an X-Congregational Church member.
    2)A man that said he was sent by God. (reminds me of David Korish)
    3) A second man that decided himself that the first man was wrong, so he did it HIS way.
    4) A lie in the Watchtower for years that said the information was coming down from the Governing Body, when it was directly coming down from Man #1, #2, and #3.

    You know; i learned all of this in the first 88 pages. Man what else will i learn from reading the rest?

    Again - read it and prove me wrong. I am asking you as a lost sheep needing to find my way back. Prove me wrong elumn8_2.

  • Mystery

    minimus - sorry to get off the subject of your thread.

    forgive me

  • elumn8_2

    1 Corinthians 4:3 "Now to me it is a very trivial matter that I should be examined by YOU or by a human tribunal. Even I do not examine myself."

    How can we examine others when we shouldn't even be examining ourselves?

    Mattew 7:12

    "All things, therefore, that

    YOU want men to do to YOU , YOU also must likewise do to them; this, in fact, is what the Law and the Prophets mean.

    If love was the law in our heart, what need would there be for other laws?

    Romans 3:20 "Therefore by works of law no flesh will be declared righteous before him, for by law is the accurate knowledge of sin."

    If the laws in the bible is a means of showing us what sin is........

    Romans 5:9 " Much more, therefore, since we have been declared righteous now by his blood, shall we be saved through him from wrath."

    Romans 6:14 " For sin must not be master over YOU , seeing that YOU are not under law but under undeserved kindness"

    ....then the bible shows us how important Jesus's undeserved kindness is to everyone.

    Mathew 11:30 "my yoke is kindly my load is light"

  • Francois

    Unscriptural, indefensible, low-down, no-good, unloving, uncalled for, and likely to leave you with baaaaaad karma if you engage in it.

    It has been said that fundamentalism is the triumph of Paul over Christ. How true, how true. Don't quote Paul to me and expect me to bow and scrape. I don't have no truck with Paul.


  • Mystery
    1 Corinthians 4:3 "Now to me it is a very trivial matter that I should be examined by YOU or by a human tribunal. Even I do not examine myself."

    How can we examine others when we shouldn't even be examining ourselves?
    Then how can YOU/ELDERS disfellowship anyone? You examine EVERYONE that has a different thought than you.

    Mattew 7:12 "All things, therefore, that YOU want men to do to YOU, YOU also must likewise do to them; this, in fact, is what the Law and the Prophets mean.

    If love was the law in our heart, what need would there be for other laws?

    So i guess we can also throw the 10 Commandments out of the bible?

    Romans 3:20 "Therefore by works of law no flesh will be declared righteous before him, for by law is the accurate knowledge of sin."

    If the laws in the bible is a means of showing us what sin is........

    you just said that there was no need for laws? is this a Contradiction?

    Romans 5:9 "Much more, therefore, since we have been declared righteous now by his blood, shall we be saved through him from wrath."

    Then why do you "worship" the Governing Body/WTBTS president in earlier days?

    Romans 6:14 "For sin must not be master over YOU, seeing that YOU are not under law but under undeserved kindness"

    ....then the bible shows us how important Jesus's undeserved kindness is to everyone.

    Shunning is showing Jesus's undeserved kindness.

    Mathew 11:30 "my yoke is kindly my load is light"

    My load is now light. I don't have to feel guilty about shunning. And many, many other "rightousness" the JW claim to have.
  • Fruitcake

    Mystery,,,,,,,Ummmm, DUDE,,,,Elum is AGAINST disfellowshipping. He quotes Paul, than contrasts that with the anti disfellowshipping, (Do, not judge others) quotes from Jesus.....

    Just making sure you understand.. Elum was dissed, now he's P*ssed. So just making sure you can have that clarification, if it wasn't that clear.. Elum is anti-Witness...thanks...

  • Maverick

    I didn't get the impression anyone of the posts were supporting the 'Shunning' of people. If someone does not agree with or wish to follow some prescribed religious formula, let him go. This punishing by shunning is mean and hateful. And calling it 'tough love ' is hypocrisy.

    We all know the greatest sin in the WatchTower world is speaking out against the Demigods in Brooklyn, their order and legitimacy. All other sins can be worked out. This one is their version of sinning against the Holy Spirit. Maverick

  • gumby

    Even if it DID make sense,

    ...the scripture says " to quit mixing in company with ......anyone called a brother was a fornicator and so on.

    If you were to tell the dubs..."I don't WANT to be called a brother anymore", this wouldn't matter to them as you would still be dfed. If you think about specifacally said, "anyone who calls himself a brother." Can a dub not be dfed or dissassociated if he says he doesn't WANT to be a BROTHER?

    The point of the scripture was to show that those who were calling themselves christian, (or a witness in a dubs case) and lived the debased situation mentioned , then bragged and boasted about it with fellow believers, and still called yourself a christian.....that is what was condemed.

    This in no way compares to how the witnesses apply this scripture.There was a specific sin mentioned in that scripture, where the dubs identify there OWN view of sin.

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