Is There Going to be Money in the New System?

by NotFormer 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    As the broke housewife said to the tradesman, 'money is only one type of currency'. 🤔

  • Kosonen

    In the beginning in the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve lived just as Jehovah God's will was.

    Shouldn't God's original will finally take place on earth?

    That would mean that people would go around naked. People would be free like animals. Animals don't need money, so would not people either.

    Life would be so simple and relaxed.

    Nobody would work hard. Like animals, who don't work hard. The main thing animals do is to eat and relax and sleep.

    But people got a specific task: Then God said: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every creeping animal that is moving on the earth.” -Genesis 1:26

    And little gardening was required to get food:

    "Jehovah God took the man and settled him in the garden of Eʹden to cultivate it and to take care of it." - Genesis 2:15

  • Diogenesister

    Others have said the answer is DiY/self sufficiency etc


    no money = time cannot exist, then

    Because : there's only so much in a 24 hour day one person can accomplish. In a world where ALL your material needs are satisfied, you cannot possibly have enough time yourself to make everything you need. Even basics such as food and clothing. Therefore you'll need a barter system of some kind.

    (Saying we have forever doesn't work because humans still require a certain amount of food etc in a given period in order to live. The only way it works is magic)

    Unless, of course...socialism👍😂

  • Hellothere

    1000 years gonna be much like how Old Jerusalem was ruled. Temple and money.

  • Gorb

    It's all about the American dream, so money, status and wealth will happen some way.


  • truthlover123

    Naked? If one was not to wear underpants when serving at the temple, I doubt that very much.

    Even if there was 1000 years of mental and physical cleansing of our gene/dna/desires, I'm sure the gawking would still take place- very impolite and personal Give me a fig leaf or three

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