N.G.O.s Mentioned in special talk today.

by NikL 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • NikL

    I had the privilage...make that misfortune to escort my better half to the Kingdumb Hall today for what they consider a special talk. I guess what makes it so special is that it is the same outline used in all congregations around the globe.

    It was called, "has christendoms time for jugement arrived" , or something along those lines.

    It was pretty much the old hard line approach ," we have the truth no other religions do and if you are visiting from some other church today you had better get your ass in gear and become a Jay Dub or else you are gonna bite the big one when god finally has enough of this crap".

    Anyway, The speaker mentioned an article about United Nations N.G.O.s.

    I just looked for anything that mentions them in the WT lib CD rom and I can't find anything except a brief mention of how the Vatican should be considered an N.G.O. in the October 22, 2000 Awake.

    This guy made this comment in passing from one point to another and I didn't really get the gist of what he was saying. My mind may have been wandering a little bit at this point.

    I was wondering, does anyone else remember any article mentioning N.G.O.s in a degrading fashion in any magazine from a, "few years back", as he put it?

    I was wondering if he was trying to make some point to those of us in the audience that know about the cover up. The rank and file Jay Dub doesn't know what an N.G.O. is. I didnt until I heard about them here.

    Any thoughts?

  • Gopher

    If NGO's were mentioned in supporting the theme that Christendom is evil, blasphemous and hypocritical, then that would be quite stunning.

    Because then the Watchtower Society, for affiliating itself as an NGO with the UN from 1992-2001 is evil, blasphemous and hypocritical too.

  • DJ
    If NGO's were mentioned in supporting the theme that Christendom is evil, blasphemous and hypocritical, then that would be quite stunning.

    Ditto Gopher.


    I wish that you paid better attention! lol... If anything derogatory was ever mentioned about NGO status by the watchtower, that would be stunning.... to put it lightly!


    Thank you NikL - it's always great to hear from persons who actually attended one of these 'special talks'.

    I have been to many in my former J-dub years.

    It always seems like there is going to be some sort of revelation, but in actuality, it isn't.

    More of the same, but with more intensity and sophistocated repitition.

    Thanks NikL .

  • mustang

    Special Talk = Special High Intensity Training.


  • free will
    free will

    maybe you could ask for a tape of the talk. i know in my old cong. they taped every talk.

  • chester

    Here you go

    From the Oct 22 2000 Awake



    to Oust Vatican From UN

    THE Rome-based news agency Inter Press Service (IPS) reported that "an international coalition of more than 70 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) has launched a global campaign to oust the Vatican from the United Nations." Presently, the Vatican is a permanent observer, or nonmember state, in the UN organization. The Vatican has had that status since 1964.

    Why does this group of NGOs, which by the end of April last year had increased to 100 organizations worldwide, object to the Vatican’s position in the UN? Because the Vatican, the NGOs argue, is a religious authority and not a political state. Frances Kissling, president of Catholics for a Free Choice, told IPS that the coalition does not oppose the Vatican’s right to express its view, but "what is in question is the right of this non-state to occupy a position with governments."

    Anika Rahman, director of International Programmes at the Centre for Reproductive Law and Policy, agrees. IPS quoted her as saying that "if the UN treats the Holy See as a state with permanent observer privileges because of its religious authority, the world body is creating a precedent for similar claims by other religions." She added: "To ensure that the United Nations does not promote any particular religion, religious entities such as the Roman Catholic Church should not be permitted to participate in this forum as a non-member state."

    But what about the argument that the Vatican is a state and is therefore entitled to its present status? "That is semantic double-talk," responded Ms. Kissling in an interview. "We say that this is in essence a 15th-century definition of statehood and that the Holy See is, in effect, the governing structure of the religion." She added that the terms "Vatican" and "the Holy See" are both "synonyms for the Roman Catholic Church."

    Much of the resentment of the NGOs against the Vatican’s current position in the UN is caused by the Vatican’s view on population issues. For instance, the Vatican has used UN conferences such as the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development, in Cairo, and the 1995 Women’s Conference, in Beijing, to express its strong views against family planning. "Since the UN takes most of its decisions by consensus," notes IPS, "dissenting voices such as those of the Vatican have derailed negotiations on issues relating to population, contraception, women’s rights and reproductive health care."

    According to Ms. Kissling, "the appropriate role for the Vatican is that of a NGO—the same as all the other NGOs representing Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Bahais and other religious organisations." The coalition wants UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and ultimately the UN General Assembly to conduct an official review of the place the Vatican occupies within the world’s largest political body.


    on page 31]

    Vatican official addresses the UN



    UN/DPI Photo by Sophie Paris

    UN photo 143-936/J. Isaac

  • JBean

    Hi all! I, too, had the "priviledge" of attending the special (gag) talk yesterday. It truly was the same old boring stuff. Seriously. NOTHING NEW. NOTHING. The brother giving the talk didn't mention NGOs in our version... but at one quick point, mentioned that the UN will be the one (or to instigate) the fall of all false religion (babylon the great)... He did mention that this was not Catholicism (sp?) as I remember it... but now includes ALL religions (except the JWs... of COURSE) God... how mind numbing. I told my family afterwards that I thought it was truly absurd that the outline even MENTIONED the UN, given what we all know now about the WTowers affiliation...(told my family about this... they really don't know what to think... all they say is (you can guess...) we'll just have to wait on Jehovah to straighten this out.)

    Then the Watchtower took a simple subject (Let's look at our brothers as Jehovah looks at them...) in other words, try not to judge others... and DRAGGED what could have easily been a 5 minute conversation into an entire hour... I thought my head was going to explode! : ) I don't know how much longer I can do this to please the family... ahhhhh. Have a great day everyone! : ) Jbean

  • Jourles

    Our Special Talk said nothing about the wild beast upon which the Harlot was riding. The speaker went over Rev. 18 thoroughly showing how to identify her and how she came into existence. I was waiting for him to talk about how she would be desolated and BY WHOM, but he never brought it up. I was just hoping to hear that the UN would play a role in it. Otherwise, the entire talk was about bashing "false religion" and how the jw's were the only true "refuge." Nothing "special" in this talk that we do not already hear during any other week.

    I don't know how much longer I can do this to please the family... ahhhhh.

    I hear ya brutha!

  • mustang

    "He did mention that this was not Catholicism (sp?) as I remember it... but now includes ALL religions (except the JW's... of COURSE) " JBean

    This gets to something that I've always wondered: how is the distinction to be made between JW's & ALL other religions? JW's are NOT well known, (if known at all) by most people or even nations of the world.

    If JW's don't "win the Lottery" or something to gain notice or recognition, what keeps the beast from NOT TURNING ON WTS in the same 5 minutes that it turns on all the rest? (That is, assuming that this is not all science fiction, as mentioned in another recent post!!!)

    And the things that the WTS IS DOING to gain recognition or notice is essentially to blend in with the rest of the religions: i.e. Interfaith/compromise/"go mainstream"!!!

    At that point, they are indistinct in the eyes of the world and have compromised in God's eyes!!! They had better hope their interpretation of prophecy is wrong: they are on the road to getting stamped out by Jehovah God himself, by their own interpretation of prophecy!!!

    Either way, it is a lose-lose for WTS!!!

    BTW#1, that means "the message" has failed; WTS/Brooklyn can't hit the floor with their hat!!! They certainly have not used the most efficient methods:

    Radio/TV was abandoned by the 50's and they wont' touch the Internet at all.

    BTW#2, THEIR "INTERPRETATION OF PROPHECY" Has become an actual prophecy in itself. They are just now dumping the fixation on dates, is all.

    "I told my family afterwards that I thought it was truly absurd that the outline even MENTIONED the UN, given what we all know now about the WTowers affiliation" JBean

    Seems to be the newest manifestation of WTS's "recycling policy": use the old outlines, errors & all!!!!


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