Fading 2.0

by pale.emperor 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • pale.emperor

    The following examples are true. Witnessed by myself and many many other JW's of my age generation.

    They're examples of a successful fade, and a failed fade and what we can learn from them.


    SISTER C - She gets baptized at 19yo. Her dad is an elder, a very popular and well loved elder. Their family is wealthy and they're at the heart of the congregation. She's popular, attractive, gets invited to lots of parties and well liked.

    One day her dad comes off as a an elder. A week later he's disfellowshipped. Then he leaves his family and lives with another woman (the same age as his daughter).

    Naturally this is a hard blow to the family. Distraught, and under a lot of stress she stops going to the meetings. The odd occasion where she does turn up she puts up a brave face but is visibly upset at the whole thing. Then she just stops going.

    2 months later she's living with a boy. 2 years later she marries him. During this, and to this day, she's still in good association with active witnesses. Still get's invited to witness parties, she even turns up to the convention with her husband and little child even though they dont believe it and make no pretense about it.

    WHAT WE LEARN FROM THIS - if you're looking to leave, capitalize on any bad experience you, or your family, goes through. You're "depressed", "distraught" etc and people will be sympathetic.


    BROTHER M - Brother M is very well read in matters of religion. He sincerely believed the WT for many years but the more he thinks about certain things they just dont add up. He decides it's not the truth and wants to leave. Unfortunately, he is married to a believer and his entire family are JW.

    He tells his wife and family and fellow witnesses he trusts of his doubts and the things he's learned that are not made known to JW's. He decreases his ministry, he stop answering up. He's hit and miss at the KH.

    One day someone he confided in about his doubts informs an elder. The body of elders harass him to meet with them. He agrees. His beliefs are picked away at, he's labelled an apostate (despite citing evidence for everything he says, even from their own old publications). He's called to a JC. He goes. He's disfellowshipped.

    His entire family cut him off. Even though they WANT to associate with him they cut him off. In fact, in the days leading up to his DF announcement he's visited every day by his family just so they can see him on last time. They tearfully tell him they love him but they have to obey the elders or THEY themselves will be DF.

    WHAT WE LEARN FROM THIS - Keep your thoughts to yourself. If you dont tell anyone, there's no way it can get out. Also, clear your internet history religiously after going on sites like this. If you agree to meet with the elders you're giving them the power they want to disfellowship you. Ignore they're calls.

    Im sure you guys could add more tips to this but this if i could turn the clock back one year i wish i'd known this.

  • EdenOne

    LOL I was so Brother M .....


  • KateWild


    I think this is really good advice. In reality it's not as black and white as this because everyone's circumstances are different. For our family it was a combination of both, and in addition we had close family bonds with Jewish family that did not shun us just because we joined a cult.

    Our story in brief, it's all over the internet anyway. Family of four. Domestic violence. Reported to elders. Elders told victims not to go to the police. Elder denied this two weeks later. Wife and children still exposing the DV to some trusted ones in the cong. Husband living outside family home. Only a few members of cong knew. Children did not want father back home. No options for scriptural divorce. Custody battle. Wife and children still exposing DV.

    Wife df'd for exposing DV, son removed from being a publisher for exposing DV. Both accused of reviling or some such. Daughter baptised, ran away from city to Jewish family. Still attending meetings. Daughter confused because she is told she can't have contact with Df'd mum. Daughter fades. Wife and kids wake up.

    My daughter still has contact with JWs. But she it totally awake now. She has a new circle of friends. she doesn't like lying to her JW friends about her disbelief. She isn't really interested in having close bonds with JWs, They have nothing in common. She was invited to a wedding after she left but the KH only. Only very few shun her, some of her friends have left and woken up too.

    My son stopped all association with his friends, he was shunned a little for being removed, wasn't allowed to preach and stopped attending meetings when he woke up. He socialises with his school friends.

    PE your advice is really good though. If I could go back I probably wouldn't have tried to expose the DV. I would have faked it for a while until I built a circle of friends, and then left WT. If I did it that way I probably wouldn't have lost custody of my son, or got Df'd.

  • pale.emperor

    LOL I was so Brother M .....

    Ha, and in case you hadn't guessed yet, brother M is me.

  • KateWild

    I think I was kind of a female brother M, but more my personal circumstances woke me up, and my daugher was sister C

  • konceptual99

    Yup Kate - the problem is that being identified as a trouble maker is worse than most other crimes in WT world. It's one step down from being labelled an apostate, which we all know is the worst of the worst.

  • KateWild

    Me a trouble maker? No lol hahaha

  • KiddingMe

    Very good advice pale.emperor. It helps to be able to picture what a successful vs failed fade looks like.

    A challenge for a successful fade (Sister C) is if she is already married when she starts to doubt and her husband is a JW. How much of her doubts, if any, should she share with her husband? It would be ideal if she could share them all but this still puts her at risk of failing the fade.

    If she shares none of her thoughts or doubts with anyone, she will need a solid reason for decreasing meeting attendance, field service and other activities.

    There is this elder, that I believe his wife may be awake that has faded successfully. I've known him for over 3 years and have never met her. We are told she takes care of her sick mother. Even still this is not typical of most JWs. They will usually find a way to attend at least the memorial, even if they must hire someone for a couple of hours. Does she not leave her mother's side ever? I guess it is possible but I assume she at least run errands etc. So how does she explain to her JW Elder spouse what activities she can and can not do? JWs start to question sincerity when they see a tiny descrepency. There is obviously more to the story than what the husband is disclosing. Either she herself suffers from some ailment or disorder, being stumbled or he knows of her doubts and covers for her. Its no one business but the point is, there is at least two levels to over come when married, one with the spouse, another with the local elders/congregation. I would say there is another layer to overcome with close JW family.

  • dubstepped

    I think Sister C also got the benefit of being an elder's daughter in the hierarchy for many years. It puts some people (particularly attractive, popular people) on a pedestal that's hard to knock them off of. For a tragedy to strike one of the beautiful people makes it even more tragic, and then the scenario you outlined takes place.

    Nice observations!

  • stuckinarut2

    pale.emperor: WHAT WE LEARN FROM THIS - Keep your thoughts to yourself. If you dont tell anyone, there's no way it can get out. Also, clear your internet history religiously after going on sites like this. If you agree to meet with the elders you're giving them the power they want to disfellowship you. Ignore they're calls.

    Yep....very good points....

    I learned the bit about the internet history the hard way....

    However, I did not allow elders any power over me that they don't have.

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