by blondie 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie


    Episode 1 of Jesus Christ Series Set for Release at GFL Memorial Gardens June 14 – 16th

    In New South Wales, Australia, there exist replicas of regions once visited by the most notable prophet who ever lived.

    Jerusalem, Cana of Galilee, Capernaum and Nazareth rise in a backlot where an all-volunteer cast and creware producing an epic video series portraying Jesus’ life and teachings.

    The Good News According to Jesus” is an 18-episode comprehensive look at the life and ministry of Jesus Christ — his personality and his interactions with people. Episode 1 will be released as a special feature of the 2024 “Declare the Good News!” conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Subsequent episodes will be released at future conventions.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    My pimi housebound wife asked me to stop the video less than half way through.

    Do we need a physically in mentally dismayed (or bored)?

  • Vidiot


    …streaming exclusively on JWorg+.


  • Journeyman
    “The Good News According to Jesus” is an 18-episode comprehensive look at the life and ministry of Jesus Christ — his personality and his interactions with people. Episode 1 will be released as a special feature of the 2024 “Declare the Good News!” conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Subsequent episodes will be released at future conventions.
    Oh, Lord (pun intended). So now this Org thinks it's becoming a Biblical Netflix? Releasing extended multi-episode dramas?

    EIGHTEEN episodes, to be broadcast at future conventions?!

    It sounds like they're only releasing part 1 for 2024. So there will be SEVENTEEN more years of this?

    Even if they released one part each day of a convention, with three-day conventions the norm, that would mean this will still drag on for about six years.

    So I guess they're not expecting the end of the system before 2030 at least, then? 🤣

    I still don't get how this can work. Surely you will have to shoot all the episodes within no more than a couple of years max, as you risk continuity issues with actors being missing (what if they die, become too ill to take part, or leave the JWs in the meantime between shootings?)

    But then, if you have all 18 episodes in the can within 1-2 years and just dribble them out a few at a time over several years, how can you stop them all "leaking"? We know the Org is hopeless at preventing leaks of literature and videos as it is.

    The whole thing just sounds a ridiculous idea. Just shoot the whole series and release it a part a month with each broadcast, or something like that, if you must. Why drag it out so tediously like that?!

    It's not like we don't know how the story goes. It's been around for two thousand years! 🤣

  • blondie

    For once the WTS is putting Jesus at the forefront. He has taken the back seat in the WTS teachings. I wonder if that is because so many jws have no real knowledge of what Jesus did and said. The last WTS book that put Jesus first was the Greatest Man book released in 1992 (32 years ago). Different in that the questions were at the end of each chapter, not after every paragraph. (for those triggered by going to the WT Online Library "1 During the week of October 12, we will begin studying The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived in our Congregation Book Studies. What a joy it will be to review the life and ministry of Jesus Christ! Since the book is designed somewhat differently from other books we have studied, a few guidelines will be helpful.

    2 The book has no page numbers, so the schedule published in Our Kingdom Ministry will list the chapters to be studied, usually three or four each week. Chapters 35, 111, and 116 are longer and will be divided into two studies each. After having a qualified brother read an entire chapter (or an entire subheading, as in chapters 35, 111, and 116), the study conductor will ask the questions at the end of the chapter that correspond to the chapter or portion just read. The answers do not always follow progressively in the chapter. Brief and pointed comments should be based on material in the lesson.

    3 After that, as time allows, all scriptures cited at the end of the chapter should be read. Longer scripture citations may be divided into smaller portions in order to allow various publishers to share in the reading, and then comments can be given on what was read. Pointed questions prepared by the conductor will help to draw out meaningful comments that show how the scriptures that were read relate to what has been highlighted in the book. All questions and comments should help those attending to focus attention on Jesus Christ, his life course, and his teachings.

    4 The Greatest Man book considers the life of Jesus in chronological order. Visualizing events and fixing in mind where they occurred can be a real help to remembering them. Therefore, be sure to consider the colorful illustrations and make frequent reference to the map that appears in the beginning of the book, following the introduction." Last time I saw any WTS publication studied this way. Many jws loved it.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    They imitate Jesus?

    ""We treat people how they would want to be treated".

    ROFL! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Um. Ok.

  • NotFormer

    This has "The Chosen" vibes about it.

    From Wikipedia:

    "The Chosen is an American historical drama television series created, directed and co-written by American filmmaker Dallas Jenkins.[1] It is the first multiseason series about the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth.[2] Primarily set in Judaea and Galilee in the 1st century, the series centers on Jesus and the different people who met and followed or otherwise interacted with him."

    Someone at WT HQ saw The Chosen and decided that the WT, being an up and coming video studio, should get a piece of that action, apparently. 🙄 The only reason I can see for a WT version might be to shoehorn quotes* from the NWT (most akkurate evaaaah! 🙄) into a biblical saga.

    *And the language and feel of the NWT

  • Rattigan350

    The whole convention is focused on Jesus birth and childhood. Episode 1 is pretty good. The actors and sets and narration is pretty good. And it is good that they are talking about Jesus, so don't knock it.

  • NotFormer

    "And it is good that they are talking about Jesus, so don't knock it."

    While it is good to see that the WT seems to have discovered Jesus, I bet the question of most on here would be something like: "What's the ulterior motive?"

    One possibility I see is that any emphasis on Jesus will soon be directed to the GB, Jesus' brothers*, the present and future kings of the JWs.

    * Excuse me, while I throw up! 🤢🤮

  • Praotes1914

    I like the video simply by the fact that the sister playing Mary has such an innocent face. I mean, she looks like Mary in my mind. I think the watchtower videos will keep getting better and better. Just gotta have a little patience. They’re new at it.

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