by raymond frantz 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz


    Shame is an ancient form of control. Shame is the mechanism used to control behaviour. Most of us are capable of feeling shame for our own actions without anyone else having to shame us. The Watchtower is using watching pornography to shame it's male members in all levels of authority. This is the 3 part video that was leaked few days ago.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Is there semi abhorrent pornography? Offer please a list of sights for us to view.

    The calm is not like any committee I ever saw. The coldness is spot on.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    All these leaks this is awesome.

    God bless whoever is leaking this stuff.

  • Athanasius

    If the JW leadership insists on removing elders who view pornography, will there be anyone left to serve on the body of elders?

    With so few male JWs "reaching out for privileges," I can see an elder body giving a free pass to an elder who confesses to watching "soft core pornography." With no replacements available, removing him would mean more work for those still serving on the BOE.

  • Riley

    I could just imagine the type of questions that were asked ?

    - Was there some girl on girl action involved ?

    - Did they use toys on each other ?

    - Were multiple partners involved in the scene ?

    - What positions did they use on each other ?

    Excuse I have to go to the washroom for the next ten minutes.

  • Riley

    There was a young guy who confined in me that he did some thing that could be him disfellowhshiped and my advice was.

    My advice was

    1. Never talk to the elders about it..............Ever. Never trust an elder.

    2. Always have a device that you take to the KH that has never seen a naked lady. Some of the elders are really tech savvy and you never know. Always have a clean phone or tablet.

    3. Never talk to the elders about it..............Ever. Never trust an elder.

    4. Spanking the monkey can keep you off Tinder or marrying to horrible hose beast. Don't worry about it. It is normal.

    5. Never trust an elder.

  • moomanchu

    Did someone pick that name for the horny elder on purpose?

    "Brother Johnson"


  • hoser

    It takes one to know one.

    How do the governing body make all those porn rules if they haven’t watched it themselves?

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Hmmm??? How would the governing bodys know,,if they never watched any??? Hmmff?


    And,, never trust an elder. Any elder.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Where is any of the nonsense presented in this video found in the bible? All pure cult manure. All based on will power.... no credit to God for victory over this or any other addiction.

    May be an image of text

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