What personal campaign have you done against the Witnesses?

by Fruitcake 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fruitcake

    Come Sunday morning, my friend and I are going to make poster boards and use Ezekial 34:10 about "Bad Shepards."

    This is what the sovereign Lord Jehovah has said, Here I am against the shepards, and I shall certainly ask back my sheep from their hand." Ezekial 34:10

    We'll be standing on the street corner, where the cars will pull into the Hall for the Sunday meeting!

    We are also considering making a flier about disfellowshipping, and passing it out at the next convention.

    What all have you guys done? any more ideas?

  • sf

    Interesting you should ask. Just today I sent out a mass amount of emails to all MAJOR NEWS MEDIA...TV AND PAPERS:

    [[ 'Please Pay Close Attention'

    The Jehovah's Witnesses teach that all of the world's
    Media and News Sources, all other Religions, and all
    of the world's Governments including the United
    States, are controlled by Satan the Devil, and that
    Satan is using them all to attack the Jehovah's

    The Watchtower, March 1st, 2003 Issue, Study Article
    "Be Courageous and Strong!"

    Paragraph 6:

    "We also need courage when opposers maneuver the media
    into spreading bad reports about God's servants or
    when they try to restrict true worship by 'scheming
    trouble by decree' (Psalm 94:20) For example, how
    should we feel when newspapers, radio, or television
    reports about Jehovah's Witnesses are distortions or
    outright falsehoods? Should we be shocked? No. We
    expect such things. (Psalm 109:2) And we are not
    surprised when some believe the published lies and
    distortions, since 'anyone inexperienced puts faith in
    every word' (Proverbs 14:15) Still, loyal Christians
    refuse to believe just any statement made about their
    brothers, and they certainly do not allow bad
    publicity to cause them to miss Christian meetings, to
    slow down in the field ministry, or to waver in their
    faith. On the contrary, they 'recommend [themselves]
    as God's ministers'..."

    Paragraph 20:

    "Of course, persecution itself is not pleasant, but
    our standing firm despite persecution, including
    slanderous reports in the media, is a cause for
    rejoicing. It means we are pleasing Jehovah and will
    receive a reward."

    Jehovah's Witness Speaker speaking at a Jehovah's
    Witness Convention, as was shown on the Australian
    'Sunday' Program called "Silent Witnesses" on
    September 22nd, 2002:

    "The media out there, with all its power and its
    might, it presents human nature in three Ds, three Ds
    - debauchery of every kind, deception of every kind
    and demonism of every kind - and we need to be aware
    of that."

    The Watchtower, September 15th 2002 Issue, Pages

    "In the first century, such individuals as Hymanaeus,
    Alexander, and Philetus, were advocating ideas that
    did not fit "the pattern of healthful words." (1
    Timothy 1:18-20; 2 Timothy 2:16, 17) How could the
    early Christians avoid being led astray by apostates?
    By carefully studying the inspired writings and
    applying them in life. Those walking in accord with
    the example they had in Paul and other faithful ones
    were able to recognize and reject anything that did
    not conform to the pattern of truth they had been
    taught. (Philippians 3:17; Hebrews 5:14)

    Instead of being "mentally diseased over questionings
    and debates about words," they continued moving ahead
    in their positive course of godly devotion. (1 Timothy
    6:3-6) We do the same thing when we keep on putting
    into practice the truths we have learned...."

    "Satan tries to break our integrity through the sowing
    of doubts about what we have been taught. Today, as in
    the first century, apostates and others seek to
    destroy the faith of guileless ones. (Galatians 2:4;
    5:7, 8)

    Sometimes they have used the media to spread distorted
    information or even outright lies about the methods
    and motives of Jehovah's Witnesses...."

    "....Whatever stumbling blocks were involved, some
    evidently preferred falsehoods over the truths of
    God's Word. Soon they stopped practicing the things
    they had learned, and this was to their own spiritual
    detriment. -2 Peter 3:15, 16"

    "We can avoid turning aside to false stories today if
    we scrutinize and are selective about what we listen
    to and what we read.... And modern-day apostates keep
    on trying to sow seeds of doubt in order to subvert
    the faith of Christians.... So we need to be careful."

    "....If our ears are inclined towards disgruntled
    ones, we need to analyze ourselves prayerfully. (Psalm
    139:23, 24) Are we inclined to find fault with
    Jehovah's people? If so, why?...."

    "Rather than being critical, let us maintain a
    spiritually healthy view of the information received
    through personal study and congregation meetings. (1
    Corinthians 2:14, 15) And instead of questioning God's
    Word, how much wiser it is to have the attitude of the
    first-century Beroeans who examined the Scriptures
    closely! (Acts 17:10, 11) Then, let us act on what we
    learn, turning down false stories and clinging to the

    The Watchtower, October 15th 2001 Issue, Page 14:

    Some opposers have spread slanderous lies in the
    media, even falsely accusing Jehovah's Witnesses of
    being a dangerous cult.

    Do false accusations really matter? It is God who
    declares true Christians righteous, based upon their
    faith in the sacrifice of Christ. Why would Jehovah
    stop loving his worshipers after he has given them the
    most precious gift he could--his own beloved Son? (1
    John 4:10)

    The Watchtower, November 1st 2002 Issue, Page 17:

    "Unfortunately, some "unreasonable men" in authority
    persecute us or oppose us in other ways - such as by
    promoting smear campaigns against us. Still, in
    Jehovah's due time, their lies are always exposed, and
    their "ignorant talk" is effectively muzzled."

    The Watchtower, August 1st 2001 Issue:

    Influenced by the Media?

    Maybe the media have greatly influenced your beliefs.
    Most people are glad that there is freedom of speech
    in the media, giving them access to information that
    can be useful. However, there are powerful forces that
    can and frequently do manipulate the media. What is
    often presented is biased information that can
    insidiously affect your thinking.

    In addition, to appeal to or to attract a larger
    audience, the media tend to give publicity to what is
    sensational and unconventional. What could hardly be
    said or printed for public consumption just a few
    years ago has become commonplace today. Slowly but
    surely, established standards of behavior are attacked
    and whittled away. People's thinking is gradually
    becoming distorted. They begin to believe that "good
    is bad and bad is good."--Isaiah 5:20; 1 Corinthians
    6:9, 10.

    The Watchtower, March 1st 1979 Issue, Page 24:

    "Outside the true Christian congregation, what
    alternative organization is there? Only Satan's
    organization consisting of his political 'wild beast'
    and his Babylonian world empire of false religion."

    The Watchtower, April 1st 1988 Issue, Page 24:

    "Over the last seven decades, in conjunction with
    proclaiming the glorious hope of Jehovah's incoming
    Kingdom, Jehovah's Witnesses have spread around the
    world a veritable flood of denunciation and judgment.
    In hundreds of millions of frank, hard-hitting
    Bible-based publications, they have exposed
    Christendom as the most powerful force in the
    religious whore, 'Babylon the Great,' denounced in
    Revelation chapters 17 and 18. (See 'Babylon the Great
    Has Fallen! God's Kingdom Rules!', pages 576-615,
    published in 1963 by the Watchtower Bible and Tract
    Society of New York, Inc.)"

    1985 Yearbook, Page 175:

    In addition to being objects of criticism and attacks
    through the news media, the Witnesses also became a
    popular subject for discussion in parliamentary

    "Creation" Book (1985), Page 249:

    9. Thus, in the Paradise to come, the nations, their
    educational systems and their media will no longer

    "Revelation -- Its Grand Climax At Hand!" Book (1988),
    Page 134:

    18. How is this judgment message delivered? Generally,
    not by the world's news media, which are part of the
    world and often reproachful of God's slave.

    1992 Yearbook, Page 126:

    Just across the eastern border of the Sudan lies
    Eritrea. In the early 1960s--after the expulsion of
    the missionaries--radio, newspapers, and other media
    were extensively used in a campaign to malign
    Jehovah's Witnesses. Under such headlines as False
    Prophets and Beware of Religious Pretense Leading to
    Denial of True Faith, the Witnesses were portrayed as
    haters of the emperor and the church and as rejecters
    of the Trinity and the Virgin Mary. They were said to
    be agents of foreign enemies, immoral people who do
    not fight for their country. Demands for drastic
    action to rid the country of Jehovah's people were

    1993 Yearbook, Page 144:

    Sadly, during this time the boy's parents and other
    Witnesses were subjected to a veritable persecution
    campaign in the media.

    The Watchtower, July 1st 1993 Issue, Page 18:

    Many in religious and political establishments as well
    as in the media are opposed to them. Some of these,
    either by outright attack or, more often, by innuendo,
    try to sully the reputation of Jehovah's Witnesses and
    arouse prejudice against them.

    The Watchtower, July 1st 1994 Issue, Page 21:

    13. It has been found that many secular authorities
    have the oddest misconceptions about Jehovah's
    Witnesses. This is usually because they have been
    misinformed by malicious enemies of God's people. Or
    it may be that all they know about us they learned
    from the mass media, which are not always impartial in
    their coverage.

    The Watchtower, April 1st 1995 Issue, Pages 26-29:

    HOW do you feel when someone reproaches you or spreads
    lies about you? Naturally you are deeply hurt.
    Jehovah's Witnesses experience something similar
    whenever they become the target of incorrect or
    distorted information in the media. But as Jesus said
    at Matthew 5:11, 12, they still have reason to be

    Many press reports that heap reproach on Jehovah's
    Witnesses are an expression of this hatred, and such
    should be ignored. However, the media may at times
    present information that reflects a lack of knowledge
    about the Witnesses or that distorts and misinterprets
    certain facts. Some journalists might draw material
    from biased sources. Whether we ignore false
    information in the media or defend the truth by
    appropriate means depends on the circumstances, the
    instigator of the criticism, and his goal.

    Sometimes the facts can be corrected by a properly
    written letter to the editor if the letter is
    published in full. But such a letter could achieve the
    exact opposite of what is intended. How? The original
    untruth might thus receive even more publicity, or
    opposers may be handed further opportunity to get lies
    or slurs into print. In most cases it is wise to leave
    the question of a letter to the editor up to the
    elders concerned. If a negative press report stirs up
    prejudice, the branch office of the Watch Tower
    Society can inform congregations in that country of
    the facts, thus enabling all publishers to give a
    satisfactory explanation to inquirers.

    Do Not Be Frightened by Opposers

    How encouraging to know that reproach does not stop
    people from becoming Witnesses! During a TV talk show
    in Germany, apostates wove a fabric of lies about the
    Witnesses. A viewer recognized the apostate
    embellishments as being fantasy and was moved to
    resume his Bible study with the Witnesses. Yes, public
    reproach sometimes leads to positive results!Compare
    Philippians 1:12, 13.

    The apostle Paul knew that some would pay more
    attention to false stories than to the truth. He
    therefore wrote: Keep your senses in all things,
    suffer evil, do the work of an evangelizer, fully
    accomplish your ministry. (2 Timothy 4:3-5) So do not
    allow yourself to be distracted, and in no respect be
    frightened by your opponents. (Philippians 1:28)
    Remain calm and collected and preach the good news
    joyfully, and you will cope steadfastly with public
    reproach. Yes, remember Jesus promise: Happy are you
    when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly
    say every sort of wicked thing against you for my
    sake. Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is
    great in the heavens; for in that way they persecuted
    the prophets prior to you.--Matthew 5:11, 12.

    1996 Yearbook, Pages 18-19:

    Other specially designed brochures have been prepared
    in the past couple of years to counteract the gross
    distortions regarding Jehovah's Witnesses that the
    clergy and apostates have fed to officials and the

    In Germany religious opposers have been especially
    active in using the media to blaspheme Jehovah and
    defame his people. (Compare Romans 2:24.) With the
    approval of the Governing Body, a brochure was
    produced that is entitled Jehovah's Witnesses--Your
    Neighbors. Who Are They?

    "Family Happiness" Book (1996), Page 90:

    2. In a similar way, parents must find a balanced way
    to protect their family from the destructive
    influences that rain down on them from many
    sources--the entertainment industry, the media, peers,
    and at times even the schools. Some parents do little
    or nothing to shield their family. Others, viewing
    nearly all outside influences as harmful, are so
    restrictive that the children feel as if they were
    suffocating. Is a balance possible?

    The Watchtower, March 15th 1997 Issue, Page 24:

    JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES in France were recently the target
    of a barrage of false accusations. Seizing upon tragic
    events involving religious cults in Europe and Japan,
    the media spread distorted information about the
    Witnesses. They were wrongly portrayed as one of the
    largest and most dangerous cults.

    The Watchtower, April 1st 1997 Issue, Page 17:

    16. In the new world, Satan's propaganda media will
    have been removed.

    The Watchtower, June 1st 1997 Issue, Page 15:

    14. In many places Jehovah's Witnesses are becoming
    more and more the center of media attention. Similar
    to what happened to the early Christians, they are
    often misrepresented and placed in the same category
    as questionable religious cults and secret
    organizations. (Acts 28:22)

    1998 Yearbook, Pages 43-44:

    Many in the world recognize Jehovah's Witnesses as
    law-abiding, family-oriented people who have high
    moral and ethical standards and who are actively
    preaching the message of God's Word. However, there
    are also people who oppose our work and will stop at
    nothing to besmirch the reputation of Jehovah's people
    and to hinder our efforts to let the light shine. They
    do this by providing government officials and the
    media with inaccurate, lying, and disparaging
    information about Jehovah's Witnesses. In an effort to
    correct such misrepresentation, in February 1997 the
    Governing Body approved the formation, under the
    oversight of the Writing Committee, of a Public
    Affairs Office. General information desks have been
    functioning in the Society's branch offices.

    Page 140:

    the media had painted a cruel picture of Jehovah's
    Witnesses, depicting them as people who are willing to
    let their children die.

    The Watchtower, January 15th 1998 Issue, Pages 27-28:

    At times, the news media as well as the authorities
    are duped by clergymen and apostates into pinning
    false labels on us, misrepresenting our Christian
    beliefs and way of life. . . . Will we allow those who
    are blinded by Satan to intimidate and dishearten us
    and make us feel ashamed of the good news? Will we
    permit lies about the truth to affect our regular
    meeting attendance and our preaching activity? Or will
    we stand fast and be courageous and more determined
    than ever to continue declaring the truth about
    Jehovah and his Kingdom?

    The Watchtower, May 15th 1998 Issue, Page 20:

    16. At times, the news media and secular authorities
    pin false labels on Gods people, misrepresenting our
    Christian beliefs and way of life. This should not
    surprise us, for Jesus clearly shows that the world
    would hate us because we are no part of it. (John
    17:14) Will we allow those who are blinded by Satan to
    intimidate and dishearten us and make us feel ashamed
    of the good news? Will we permit lies about the truth
    to affect our regular meeting attendance and our
    preaching activity? Or will we stand fast and be
    courageous and more determined than ever to continue
    declaring the truth about Jehovah and his Kingdom?

    The Watchtower, December 1st 1998 Issue, Page 14:

    5. In many instances, the principal instigators of
    persecution of Jehovah's servants have turned out to
    be religious opposers who have used their influence
    with political authorities and the media to try to
    suppress the activities of the Witnesses. How should
    we, Jehovah's Witnesses, respond to such
    opposition--whether it is a result of our beliefs and
    practices or because of false accusations?

    Pages 17-18:

    15. At times, Jehovah's Witnesses have been the target
    of distorted information in the media. For example, on
    August 1, 1997, a Russian newspaper published a
    slanderous article claiming, among other things, that
    Witnesses categorically require members to reject
    their wives, husbands, and parents if these do not
    understand and do not share their faith. Anyone who is
    truly acquainted with Jehovah's Witnesses knows that
    the charge is false. The Bible indicates that
    Christians are to treat unbelieving family members
    with love and respect, and Witnesses endeavor to
    follow that direction. (1 Corinthians 7:12-16; 1 Peter
    3:1-4) Even so, the article was printed, and many
    readers were thus misinformed. How can we defend our
    faith when we are falsely accused?

    16. Here again, there is a time to keep quiet and a
    time to speak. The Watchtower once expressed it this
    way: Whether we ignore false information in the media
    or defend the truth by appropriate means depends on
    the circumstances, the instigator of the criticism,
    and his goal. In some cases it may be best to ignore
    negative reports, thus not giving further publicity to
    the lies.

    17. In other cases it may be a time to speak. A
    responsible journalist or reporter may have been
    misinformed about Jehovah's Witnesses and may welcome
    truthful information about us. If negative reports in
    the media arouse prejudice that hinders our preaching
    work, representatives of the branch office of the
    Watch Tower Society may take the initiative to defend
    the truth by some suitable means.* [FOOTNOTE SAYS:
    After the slanderous article was published in the
    Russian newspaper (mentioned in paragraph 15),
    Jehovah's Witnesses appealed to the Russian Federation
    Presidential Judicial Chamber for Media Disputes with
    a request to review the false charges made in the
    article. Recently the court issued a decision that
    castigated the newspaper for printing the libelous
    article.--See Awake!, November 22, 1998, pages 26-7.]
    For example, qualified elders might be assigned to
    present the facts, as in a TV program, where failure
    to appear might imply that Jehovah's Witnesses have no
    answer. Individual Witnesses wisely cooperate with the
    direction of the Watch Tower Society and its
    representatives in such matters.--Hebrews 13:17.

    1999 Yearbook, Pages 141-143:

    Now, replacing the former persecutors of Jehovah's
    people, apostates took up the cudgel to beat their
    former Christian associates. (Matt. 24:48-51) During
    the late 1980s and early 1990s, these apostates became
    more vocal, their false accusations more numerous and
    virulent. Producers of some TV talk shows presented
    the apostates as being experts on Jehovah's Witnesses.
    However, some honest people questioned the wisdom of
    judging the Witnesses on the basis of statements of
    such disgruntled former members. After one such TV
    show, a young man phoned the Society's office in
    Selters and explained that some years earlier the
    former Witness who was interviewed had studied the
    Bible with him. For personal reasons the young man
    quit his study. But upon seeing the TV program and
    recognizing his former instructor, the young man
    became quite upset. He asked: How can he say such
    things? He knows what he is saying about the Witnesses
    is not true. The result was that the young man resumed
    his Bible study, this time with an elder in the local

    Of course, there are many people who accept without
    question what they hear on TV or read in the
    newspapers. In view of the frequency of the attacks on
    Jehovah's Witnesses by the media, the Society prepared
    a 32-page brochure specifically to counteract this
    flood of misleading propaganda. It is entitled Your
    Neighbors, Jehovah's Witnesses--Who Are They?

    In that same year, yet another step was taken to deal
    with the persistent efforts of opposers to use the
    media to paint a distorted picture of Jehovah's
    Witnesses. Walter Kbe was appointed chairman of a
    committee in charge of Information Services. He
    explains: The massive campaign launched by opponents
    has forced us to give a supervised response by making
    information more readily available.

    2000 Yearbook, Page 213:

    a campaign of ruthless attacks through the media
    began. Characteristically, the greatest freedom for
    attacks against Jehovah's Witnesses was provided in
    the religious press. Biased articles contained
    questions that were asked of the Witnesses during the
    registration process together with speculation by the
    writers regarding the answers given. On one hand, the
    charge was made that spokesmen for the Society had
    been deceptive when saying that Witnesses were not
    forced to believe or practice certain things. On the
    other hand, the answers given were claimed to be a
    betrayal of the organization's own principles.

    Page 221:

    An aggressive mass media constantly attacks Jehovah's
    Witnesses. This presents tests of faith that are as
    penetrating as those faced in the crucibles of Nazi
    and Communist prisons and in the chicanery of those
    that used these. The large majority of Jehovah's
    Witnesses stand firm in faith in the face of these

    The Watchtower, December 15th 2000 Issue, Page 22:

    Some [Jehovah's Witnesses]... have been the object of
    lying reports in the media.

    2001 Yearbook, Page 20:

    Today opposers continue to stir up public opinion
    against Jehovah's Witnesses, sometimes using the media
    or other public avenues to further their aims. In
    response, the Public Affairs Office in Brooklyn and
    Public Affairs Desks in many of the Society's branch
    offices spend considerable time in providing
    information that is used boldly to make known the
    truth to editors, journalists, and others.

    "Our Kingdom Ministry", August 2001 Issue, Page 1:

    3. To the World and to Men: Sometimes the media
    publish reports about the activities of Jehovah's
    people. While we appreciate good reports that are
    factual and fair in dealing with our work, we also
    expect bad reports to be spread by our detractors from
    time to time. Nevertheless, we must continue
    recommending ourselves as God's ministers through bad
    report and good report. (2 Cor. 6:4, 8) To
    honesthearted observers it becomes clear that we are
    the true disciples of Jesus Christ.

    The Watchtower, August 15th 2001 Issue, Page 13:

    Recently, some of the media in France have portrayed
    Jehovah's Witnesses as a dangerous religious cult.

    The Watchtower, December 1st 2001 Issue, Page 10:

    mental junk food is readily available and tantalizing
    to the senses, but it is detrimental to one's
    spiritual health. Cleverly marketed in the media is a
    profusion of material that features illicit sex and
    drugs, violence, and the occult. Feeding one's mind on
    such a diet is deadly to the figurative heart.

    However, it is highly interesting to see that the
    Jehovah's Witnesses are more than happy to use
    "Satan's Propaganda Media" to promote their own

    1977 Yearbook, Page 11:

    The News Service Department at Brooklyn has also been
    instrumental in obtaining much publicity for these
    events through television, radio and other news media.
    Thus many persons were advised concerning the issues
    for which Jehovah's Witnesses are fighting and their
    unshakable loyalty in living up to Bible principles.]]

    Then I simply hit 'submit'.

    sKally, glad to be of service klass ACTION!

  • lauralisa

    sf.... what an amazing 'tutorial' you've put together here. You rock.

    It's stunning, seeing this polemic phlegm in all its gloriousness in one massive congealed essay...

    hug, laura (wow I had to look up how to spell 'phlegm')

  • rocketman

    wow, quite an e-mail.

    Interesting placard too fruitcake.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have

    1. knocked on doors and left fliers at homes around the local KH
    2. left fliers and lambs at all the KH in my city
    3. spoken in public, schools, universities, churches and in the media about cults
    4. have a web page with some information about cults and JWs
  • bikerchic
  • sf

    Oh Laura, I wish I could take the credit for the masterpiece. I copied it out of the threads in 'child abuse' category.

    I thought all had seen it and knew it wasn't my 'work'. I should have included the link I pulled it from, here in this thread. Yet, I DID NOT include it in the emails. I didn't deem it necessary, this time.

    Good to 'see' you.


  • ARoarer

    sf, I think the info you sent to the media was an excellent idea. In the past I have been involved with speaking out on the molestation issue but I honestly feel that as important that issue is, the media needs to be aware of the dangerous beliefs of this cult that destroys the family through other types of abusive teachings. The media needs to know that the core teachings are based on the same principles as that of Bin Laden and Saddam Hussain, in that anyone who does not go along with the fundamentalism is deserving of death as shown in thier graphic publications. These pictures should be in the hands of the public. I had given them to 2 major news stations and they were in awe.One of them aired a picture of a women holding he dead child as buildings fell and burned in the background.

  • ARoarer

    sf, I think the info you sent to the media was an excellent idea. In the past I have been involved with speaking out on the molestation issue but I honestly feel that as important that issue is, the media needs to be aware of the dangerous beliefs of this cult that destroys the family through other types of abusive teachings. The media needs to know that the core teachings are based on the same principles as that of Bin Laden and Saddam Hussain, in that anyone who does not go along with the fundamentalism is deserving of death as shown in thier graphic publications. These pictures should be in the hands of the public. I had given them to 2 major news stations and they were in awe.One of them aired a picture of a women holding he dead child as buildings fell and burned in the background.

  • Farkel

    : What personal campaign have you done against the Witnesses?

    It's not personal. It's strictly business.


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