Kevin McFree is posting again on YouTube

by Anna Marina 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    If you haven't noticed Kevin McFree is posting again. Re-uploading some of the stuff he had to take down.

    Also, here is an article by a brother telling the GB exactly what he thinks of how they treated Kevin.


    Love love love it!! 💗💗

  • peacefulpete
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Yey!! Kevin McFree is back and loving it too!!!

    Great stuff. ROFL!!

  • AudeSapere

    Kevin had some great lines in his old videos. Love them!!

    Jesus died on a pork chop. He did!

    No. It was a steak. LOL

    So happy to see him in my YT feed.

  • Foolednomore

    I'm glad to have Kevin Mcfree back!

    I take it Watchtower 0. Kevin Mcfree 1 in that little legal battle Watchtower put on Kevin.

  • DesirousOfChange

    It is absolutely amazing to me that WTS spends so much time and money -- OK, the lawyers are probably free, so then we'll just say so much time -- on pursuing BS like this. They were clearly just trying to squash the "vermin" (as they saw McFree). They wanted to make an example to put other anonymous "advocates" on notice. Truly it is a David & Goliath issue. They count on the fact that they can bankrupt an average person via the expensive cost of litigation. Fortunately Kevin got legal assistance from a non-profit legal group and...........David won again.

    Congrats! Kevin!

  • Vidiot

    I think the WTS used to have a “worldly” law firm on retainer.

    Whether they still do or not, I’m not sure.

  • Vidiot

    I also think they’re picking fights hand over fist ‘cause they still buy into the internal spin that because they’re God’s Chosen, they're destined to prevail.

    Remember, folks, success in the courts has been touted as evidence of God’s backing almost as much as “growth”.

    They can’t accept the possibility that they’ve been wrong all this time, so they keep doubling down.

  • enoughisenough

    Kevin's videos are very them.

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