Ron DeSantis: "We do not require assistance. The people of Florida will rebuild on our own"

by BettyHumpter 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • BettyHumpter

    As if.

    No, Of course he's already asking for Federal Aid. It's the Republican way. Florida needs the rest of the country to pitch in taxpayer dollars because it's different when it happens to me. It's completely different from 2012 when he voted against aid to New York. That was different. Those New York liberals need to sort their own affairs. Clearly this situation with good patriotic Floridians is far different and we deserve aid.

    See also: Mitch McConnell, who also opposed aid in 2012, not only begged for aid to his state of Kentucky after the recent floods, but complained that the feds didn't act fast enough.

    Of course 8 of 10 of the most Republican states are on the dole. Perhaps we should just let them go....

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Hurricane Sandy hit NYC and destroyed 300 homes and did $19B in damage. Obama immediately signed $4.2B in aid for NY. The same hurricane hit New Jersey and did approximately $65B in damage in that state. Obama signed $300M because NJ governor was Chris Christie, his political opponent.

    The vote you are talking about was in Congress to amend these numbers. Democrats eventually allocated about $50B for NY. and NJ got $2B, eventually they got to about $5B in total aid. NYC still has $8B it hasn’t even spent yet in 2019.

    Obviously Republicans opposed this straight up political favoritism and government handouts disguised as aid.

    Get your background straight, there was a reason why people opposed giving NY even more funding.

  • nowwhat?

    Libs hate it when confronted with facts😂

  • Samcats


  • LoveUniHateExams

    Perhaps we should just let them go - yeah, maybe.

    There is a growing feeling from some right-wing commentators such as Lauren Chen that the US should split into two new independent countries - one Republican, the other Democrat.

  • Riley

    After that stunt he pulled with flying those illegals to Martha's vineyard, now his state will be relaying on tens of thousands of illegals to help clean up the mess, that is what I call karma.

    Oh wait, All those methheads and high school drops will be lining up to fill those jobs. That is what the right wingers like to tell us.

  • BettyHumpter

    "There is a growing feeling from some right-wing commentators such as Lauren Chen that the US should split into two new independent countries - one Republican, the other Democrat."

    Such a split would be pretty messy. The divide is mostly Urban vs Rural. So while you may have a state that is 'Republican', it's major cities may be majority democrat. How you gonna split that up?


  • DesirousOfChange

    Is that because all of those with their hands out for free stuff congregate in the big metro areas where it is more plentiful?

  • BettyHumpter

    No. They congregate in states like Mississippi and accept aid from liberal states where the jobs actually are while complaining against it and spending their money on red MAGAt caps. :)

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Rural areas provide the food. Cities usedto provide tractors, not now, they are mostly Chinese.

    As for contributing to society, we will miss Mississippi mor e than NYC

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