Why the COVID-19 vaccine mandate is wrong

by Brock Talon 37 Replies latest members politics

  • Brock Talon
    Brock Talon

    To put this writing into perspective, I am not an anti-vaxxer. I have received a flu shot every year for the past 25 years. My child received all of the vaccines recommended by the pediatrician. And I do believe the COVID-19 vaccinations may make sense for some people, if not for many.

    That said, it puzzles me that anyone would think it is decent, moral or imperative to actually FORCE a drug, medical treatment or procedure on the general public. This is especially so since the push for mandates comes primarily from the Left, who have for years cried "My body, my choice" when it comes to abortion, yet when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccine mandates they have flipped their position to "Your body, my choice."

    Besides the obvious denial of freedom over ones own person, the following are the main reasons why I believe Joe Biden's mandate on COVID-19 vaccinations is wrong:

    1. COVID-19 does not affect all demographics equally

    By now, the evidence is clear that the younger you are, the less likely you are to either die of COVID-19 or even with it (which is an important distinction.) This is just a statistical fact, published by the CDC and elsewhere. Yes there are sensational stories about the young getting the latest variant more frequently, etc., but behind all the rhetoric this undeniable fact remains: COVID-19 kills the elderly and those with specific pre-existing conditions with much more frequency than the young and healthy.

    See CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm#AgeAndSex

    2. No vaccination (or any other medical treatment for that matter) works the same on everyone

    One can listen to any advertisement on TV or radio for a new drug, and there will always be at the end the disclaimer "consult your doctor." That is because it is never advisable to give a blanket prescription for anything to the general public. Why has this been thrown out the window with COVID-19 vaccine mandates?

    See: https://www.nursing.theclinics.com/article/S0029-6465(15)00125-5/fulltext

    3. There has been no accounting for people who already have natural immunity

    People who have already had COVID-19 and people with natural antibodies do exist in the general population, and these people already have at least as much protection against COVID-19 as anyone who might get the shot, probably even more protection. Yes, there has been disinformation spread about that the COVID-19 vaccines give you BETTER immunity than having had COVID-19 itself, but this just goes against logic and everything we have ever known about vaccines. Are these people saying the human body can "teach itself to fight a virus" better when they get mRNA manipulation than when the body has had to already fight COVID-19 itself? Which would be a better team to play, one that has not played against you yet and has to learn how to beat you, or one that has already beaten you badly? Which is the better consultant team to hire, one that has already successfully completed a project like yours, or one that has to learn how to complete a project like yours on the fly? Which is the better militia team to hire, one that has successfully defeated an enemy like the one you are hiring them to go after, or one that has to learn how to do it before their first mission?

    See: https://www.bodychek.co.uk/category/immune-system/

    See Journal of Internal Medicine : https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/joim.13372 (See "Durability" sections on both natural and vaccinated immunity. You will see that no clear "winner" is declared in this, contrary to what the Leftist talking heads claim.)

    4. COVID-19 vaccines are not designed to prevent the spread of the virus

    Pfizer, Moderna and J&J were never designed to make people "non spreaders." Contrary to talking points from the proponents, these drugs were only designed to reduce the symptoms of the receivers so that they had less chance of being hospitalized or from dying of the virus. Whether or not they succeeded in the latter can be debated, but there should be no debate that whether or not getting the jab protects others - it does not. So, why are COVID passports an issue at all then? What good does having a passport do for anyone else besides the inoculated? Since getting a vaccine would only at best help you, the decision should be entirely yours to make. What's next, diabetes passports to keep people from killing themselves from eating poorly? Cancer free passports to keep people from smoking or eating too many processed foods? The very fact that the CDC and many Leftist proponents for the vaccinations still require you to wear a mask even AFTER being fully vaccinated is telling. It is a simple admission that these people know being vaccinated does not stop the spread of COVID-19 BY THE VACCINATED THEMSELVES.

    See CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/keythingstoknow.html (note the "We are still learning" sections in this CDC posting... these are very telling. Essentially, the CDC admits to not knowing much.)

    See: https://www.bodychek.co.uk/uncategorized/4898/phd-cellular-molecular-biologist-explains-why-the-un-jabbed-are-not-selfish/

    5. There are no guarantees that COVID-19 vaccines will save your life

    Related to the above, there is no assurance that getting the jab will even save the life of the receiver. Again, the CDC reports "it depends,", and many media outlets have been forced to admit as much because there are just too many examples of people having been vaccinated and then dying of COVID-19 anyway. It is an empty argument to say "well, there would be even more people dying from it had they not received the vaccines" because that is simply unknowable and is impossible to prove or disprove. It becomes an emotional argument, not a logical one. For the record, I am not saying that I believe the vaccines have no value. They do, like any other drug. But people need to make their own choices on the risk vs. the potential reward, just as they do with all other drugs and medical procedures.

    See Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2021/06/26/cdc-4115-fully-vaccinated-have-been-hospitalized-or-died-with-breakthrough-covid-19-infections/?sh=5c2a6d9d6993 (thousands of fully vaccinated still die of COVID.)

    See: https://www.muhealth.org/our-stories/scary-reports-deaths-following-covid-19-vaccination-arent-what-they-seem

    6. The long term affects of the mRNA vaccines are unknowable

    Proponents for these vaccines say that we have been doing studies on this for decades (which is true) but they decline to mention that up until Operation Warp Speed in 2020, NONE of these types of vaccines were ever approved by the FDA or any other medical body in the world. Why is that? Any thinking person should be suspicious of why this new type of vaccine should suddenly become safe in 2020 (when the dictionary definition of "vaccine" itself actually changed) when for 20+ years mRNA vaccines were not safe. Do people really think politics has nothing to do with it? The FDA itself did not approve the Pfizer vaccine (and interestingly, not Moderna) until August 2021, which was well past the time most Americans had already received these what were essentially trial drugs. It is highly likely politics played into the FDA approval itself because there was most certainly a lot of pressure on them to do so. It should be noted however, that there are way too many examples of the FDA approving a drug only to recall it later after they were proven to be tragically wrong. FDA approval is therefore not sacrosanct.

    See Wall Street Journal: https://www.wsj.com/articles/fda-under-pressure-to-grant-full-approval-to-covid-19-vaccines-11627810202

    See CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mrna.html (admits these are "new" types of vaccines.)

    See: https://www.oligotherapeutics.org/facts-about-mrna-vaccines-and-the-decades-of-research-that-went-into-creating-them/ (note that this article defends mRNA vaccines and admits to the research for them being over many decades, but weakly explains that they are only now used because before COVID-19 "there has been no urgency to produce them. Really? Why not?)

    7. COVID-19 vaccines are too heavily politicized

    The entire vaccine issue has been politicized to such an extreme that it is difficult to tell what to believe. Example: while Trump was in office Biden and Harris were both on record saying they would NOT get the vaccine because, among other things "it was untested and risky" (Biden) and "I will not take anything that Trump has to offer" (Harris). Once Biden replaced Trump, it suddenly became the ONLY thing we could do about COVID-19. No other treatment offered, just get the jab. Then it mutated from suggested to mandatory. Thus, it went from risky in 2020 (under Trump), to absolute in 2021 (under Biden.) All suspiciously political you think?

    See Politifact: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jul/23/tiktok-posts/biden-harris-doubted-trump-covid-19-vaccines-not-v/ (note: is is VERY telling that all the original videos of Biden and Harris being against the vaccines that I have personally viewed myself last year during Biden's and Harris' presidential runs are now mostly taken down and deleted from YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and the like. I can not easily find them any longer. The Left-leaning media is so obviously politically biased, it is painful and infuriating to witness how history is being rewritten before my eyes.)

    8. The mandates are aimed at the wrong demographic

    The mandate is driven punitively against employers; those not complying will be fined. This not only threatens millions of Americans from being able to feed their families, it is aimed ENTIRELY AT THE WRONG PEOPLE. We already know (from the first CDC report cited above) that the most at risk demographic for dying of COVID-19 are those who are 60+, which translates for the most part into those who have already retired or soon will be. Those older people who are in retirement homes for example do not have employers who can compel them to get vaccinations. So, how will the mandate "help" these people? It won't. The mandate targets the young, healthy and actively employed, just the exact opposite of those who may actually need a vaccine the most.

    9. We can expect COVID-19 vaccinations to be never-ending

    We have already seen the debates of the second, third and fourth "booster" shots for the COVID-19 vaccinations. Two FDA officials have resigned over the fact that multiple boosters are being forced on people. It is being more clear that this virus will mutate and spread to animals and back to humans again, over and over again. (Yes, animals have been reported to get COVID-19 - see the recent article on the 13 gorillas at the zoo in Atlanta who got it from their human care taker.) It will be something we will have to live with forever, just like the Flu. (No, I am not saying COVID-19 is the same as the flu, I am saying it has similar characteristics.) The above cited Journal of Internal Medicine study stated "It is possible that herd immunity... will not be achieved." This is contrary to everything we have been told so far. As usual, the goal posts keep moving with regards to this virus. Since this is true, when will COVID vaccinations end? Answer: probably never. So what exactly will the mandate really be then? Will it mean getting every booster that comes along every few months? Possibly. Given the current political climate, it actually is likely.

    See Journal of Internal Medicine: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/joim.13372 (See section "Future Outlook")

    See: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/two-fda-officials-step-down-133313212.html

    See: https://www.axios.com/gorillas-atlanta-zoo-test-positive-covid-651cac6a-2eb4-4e0c-936b-a76ec12093f0.html

    10. COVID-19 vaccines are not mandatory for the US Postal workers or Congress

    The Biden administration has given a mandate pass to the US Postal workers (at least for the time being) a body that is actually controlled by the Federal government. Congress has also been waived of the mandate as well, again, at least for the time being. You can read through and believe all the excuses of why this is if you like, and of course there have been recently "clarifications" on this issue that claim it is not true, but is "still being decided." But you need to ask yourself this: If the Biden administration really believes getting the vaccines is the right thing to do and mandates this from all large secular employers, why would the US Post Office and Congress having this mandate even be up for debate? Why is this a discussion at all? Reason: it's not so easy when your mandates hit home. As far as congress is concerned, certainly Biden can't mandate them to do anything. But why isn't Pelosi and company asking for the mandate for themselves? The answer is telling.

    See Postal times: https://www.postaltimes.com/postalnews/update-on-required-covid-vaccines-for-postal-workers/

    See: https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/government-verify/congress-staff-exempt-from-federal-covid-19-vaccine-mandate/536-4175a8a3-649b-4ae6-87e2-60df8a6967a8 (Note Nancy Pelosi's weak answer to the congressional mandate issue.)

    11. Illegal immigrants not required to be vaccinated

    Final point, the Biden administration has clearly opened our borders to illegal immigrants. On top of everything else, there is no mandate to test or sequester or immunize these people. Instead they are put on buses and planes and sent all over our country. Regardless of where you stand on the immigration issue (and even if you are all for complete open borders) why in the world would the Biden administration give a pass to non-citizens who desperately want to come into the U.S. and can ACTUALLY be compelled to get the jab as a prerequisite for entering? Especially since he has no problem mandating this for U.S. citizens? Does Joe and the rest of the Democrats really believe these vaccinations are that important? If so, why allow thousands to stream across our borders without the vaccination then?

    See: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-plan-for-forced-vaccinations-doesnt-include-illegal-immigrants

    See: https://www.axios.com/ice-immigrants-covid-vaccine-ee9406fe-7d83-4dce-b5be-c158e0d39f81.html

    See: https://www.vox.com/2021/7/14/22573814/vaccine-detention-immigration-ice-covid


    All of these things together just make for common sense that receiving a COVID-19 vaccine should be a personal choice, not something mandated from the government or an employer or anyone else for that matter.

    After all: your body, your choice.

  • redvip2000

    Of course it's wrong. But stop blaming Biden, because he is not in control. He is just a senile old man that has been selected to be manipulated by the machine. They would put peanut butter in his mouth and dub his audio if they could.

    In any case, this has little chance of going into effect. I doubt this is constitutional. This is just for show, so that once it's struck down by the supreme court they can blame trump for stacking the court in a way that is "killing Americans".

  • Simon

    Great post Brock.

  • StoneWall

    I enjoyed that Brock!
    Information presented in a way that should at least be thought provoking to many.

  • ThomasCovenant

    Thank you Brock Talon,

    A respectful and informative post, without resorting to calling people ''idiots'' ''cunts'' or ''libtards''.

    Plenty of references without need for made up statistics pulled out of the air.

  • menrov

    Agree, a very good overview of arguments. I live in The Netherlands and now the new plan is that anyone who wants to sit at an outside table of a restaurant, a COVID-19 vaccination pass needs to be shown. Crazy as they always said that being outdoors and keeping the minimal distance, it is safe.

    Discotheques and night clubs remain closed. Why? For them it is very easy to check the pass (in most cases they already have a checkpoint before you are allowed to enter) whereas checking access to outside tables is more cumbersome.

    So far, I have seen thousands of people in sport stadiums and at the F1 race. But I have not see a spike in new contaminations requiring hospitalization. So, what is the worry?

    I can only conclude: It is becoming a peoples control strategy. Governments testing their control limits, using vague arguments to justify their decisions (at least in The Netherlands but probably other countries too, though Denmark just gave up / removed all measures including the vaccine pass. UK is also not introducing the vaccine pass for restaurants etc yet.)

  • pistolpete

    Thanks Brock for that hard work of information

    I've been wanting to post similar information but have been real busy at work. I know it took you a lot of time to gather all the information.

    Something that is becoming apparent is that at the beginning, when Covid was starting to rear its head, most people WANTED TO TAKE THE VACCINE, but as time went on, the Democrats continue to disparage the vaccine as 'Unsafe"

    The Vice President Kamala Harris even went on TV telling everyone that she would definitely not take the vaccine because she did NOT TRUST THE PRESIDENT AND HIS ADMINISTRATION.

    Right after that CNN started saying on the news that the vaccine was dangerous and should be avoided because Trump was a madman in power who wanted to cull the population.

    In a recent interview Trump reminded them;

    ""They disparaged the vaccine, and now they wonder why people aren’t wanting to take it?"

    If it wasn't for all the lies in the News, Social media, and the Biden adminstration

    People who needed the vaccine would have taken it willingly, the economy would have never shut down, and the world would not be so divided.



  • carla

    I agree that Biden is a puppet. Also, lol, can’t believe I’m going to say this….IF the Goverments of the world actually cared about people we would be taking REAL steps to combat preventable diseases that are taxing the “Healthcare” system.

    Also, spend money on RELIABLE methods of testing to know what’s going on when someone is sick. It’s it really Covid?? Maybe it’s the Flu? Respond accordingly. While they’re at it, focus on prevention.

    This is assuming they cared, but they don’t. I’ve come to believe the Globalist cult is the most dangerous cult of all time. They are every bit as deluded as JWs, but have actual power over BILLIONS of lives and the Great Reset is their hoped for New System.


  • slimboyfat

    I thought the requirement for people who work in hospitals or old people’s homes to get vaccinated made sense, because it’s important to protect vulnerable people, and ultimately, if health workers and workers in old people’s homes really don’t want the vaccine, then they may need to consider alternative employment.

    However the latest news seems to be that the vaccine doesn’t actually stop you catching the disease or passing it on to other people. So what’s the rationale now for insisting that people get vaccinated for the benefit of others? I don’t think this has been well explained, if there is an explanation.

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