Test Your Libido

by JH 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH
  • SheilaM

    I know your all just shocked at this LOL

    Results of "The Test"
    How strong is your libido?
    Your score = 75

    What does your score mean?

    Nymphomaniac may be a harsh word, but we'll use it anyway. Essentially, you are one raging hormone, and you'll take anyone who's willing along on one wild ride. Sex seems to preoccupy your thoughts, and you'll take all kinds of nutty risks to satisfy your insatiable appetite - whether it's waking up your sleeping grandparents, arriving late for a meeting or hooking up with an unattractive stranger. You think it and are not afraid to say it: you love sex! This, of course, is perfectly healthy, and, in certain circles, a rather desirable quality, but a word of caution: letting your libido lead you around by the nose can get you in trouble if you don't try to balance it with a bit of brain power. So think before you leap!

  • sandy
    Your score = 70

    What does your score mean?

    While you're not a total raging hormone, you are easily persuaded by your libido to throw all caution to the wind. You're willing to take the occasional risk - like showing up late for a work meeting or waking up your sleeping grandparents - for the sake of a romp in the hay, but you also have certain boundaries. Perhaps sex doesn't occupy your every waking thought (or you're simply able to screen it), or you just have certain moral limits to how far you'll go. Essentially, you've got a high libido that you've managed to whip into control. You try to think with your head and not your groin, but occasionally give into temptation. This is a healthy, balanced approach... just don't forget to use your brain.

  • JH

    I have a headache dear, not tonight, ok? Maybe next year? I said no to every question.

    Your score = 0

    What does your score mean?

    According to your results on the test, you are not at the bid and call of your hormones. Sure, you may very well have a healthy, vigorous sex drive; you just don't let it lead you around by the nose. Essentially, your head is the ruler of your kingdom, not your groin. As much as you appreciate a good romp in the hay, you're not willing to take crazy risks or make a fool of yourself just to get a little action. You've got priorities in life other than the horizontal boogaloo, and don't want them to suffer at the expense of your libido. For you, sex is not your driving force - and that's just fine. There are benefits, in fact, to your controlled approach; you probably get more sleep than nymphomaniacs!

  • kls

    Don't know how to post results here but i scored a 25.I got big brains.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Guess I'm waiting to hit my sexual peak. Blah.... hurry up already then

    Results of "The Test"
    How strong is your libido?
    Your score = 40

    What does your score mean?

    While you're not a total raging hormone, you are easily persuaded by your libido to throw all caution to the wind. You're willing to take the occasional risk - like showing up late for a work meeting or waking up your sleeping grandparents - for the sake of a romp in the hay, but you also have certain boundaries. Perhaps sex doesn't occupy your every waking thought (or you're simply able to screen it), or you just have certain moral limits to how far you'll go. Essentially, you've got a high libido that you've managed to whip into control. You try to think with your head and not your groin, but occasionally give into temptation. This is a healthy, balanced approach... just don't forget to use your brain.

  • berten

    I got 35

  • JH

    The females on this board are beating the men 2 to 1 in libido!!!!

    Hey you guys, stop reading your bibles.

  • JH

    Take out you bibles and read Proverbs 5: 18,19


    Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.


    Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.

    Now pass that test again.

  • be wise
    be wise
    Results of "The Test"
    How strong is your libido?
    Your score = 65

    What does your score mean?

    While you're not a total raging hormone, you are easily persuaded by your libido to throw all caution to the wind. You're willing to take the occasional risk - like showing up late for a work meeting or waking up your sleeping grandparents - for the sake of a romp in the hay, but you also have certain boundaries. Perhaps sex doesn't occupy your every waking thought (or you're simply able to screen it), or you just have certain moral limits to how far you'll go. Essentially, you've got a high libido that you've managed to whip into control. You try to think with your head and not your groin, but occasionally give into temptation. This is a healthy, balanced approach... just don't forget to use your brain.

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