quick question: When a governing body member dies, what happens to their spouse?

by Deltawave 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • darkspilver

    compound complex: Marina Sydlik

    and Penny Pierce?

    pale.emperor seems to be the one who likes to upload the pics on this thread - so let's see if he is able to get a post-2014 Penny Pierce or a post-2006 Marina Sydlik picture to upload......

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    Why they are killed, mumified, and buried ext to their husbands of course.

    No but really....im sure each circumstance is different. Did they have children? Do they own a home somewhere? Rest assured, the branch is onmy taking care of these old ladies if they have exhausted all other possibilities.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    No, you have it wrong problemaddict, the wife has to be burnt with her husband on the same funeral pyre. Perhaps that's another cult.....

  • scratchme1010
    When a governing body member dies, what happens to their spouse?

    The spouse remains alive.

  • steve2

    I have it on good authority that the widows of recently deceased GB members do not hurl themselves on their husband's funeral pyre. The widows live on and when they are "interviewed" at selected conventions, remain seated. It is not good for any sister to stand alone at the podium and speak - for that could be the thin edge of the wedge.

  • waton

    If the GB member is over 46 years old, they are potentially overlappers, and as such upon their death are betrothed to The"Lamb", a marriage that is to be consumed not later than ~ 2075+. so with a husband going afield like that, the lucky widow, if not a partaker too, might seek consolation in the more down to earth field.(risking the wrath of a now powerful jealous ex-husband?)

    I know of some slim pickings. weightwise.

  • pale.emperor

    and Penny Pierce?

    pale.emperor seems to be the one who likes to upload the pics on this thread - so let's see if he is able to get a post-2014 Penny Pierce or a post-2006 Marina Sydlik picture to upload......

    Darkspilver, ask and you shall receive! I'll get hunting.

    Here's one of Melita Jaracz in 2015 though. She looks good and healthy here.

  • darkspilver

    pale.emperor: ask and you shall receive! I'll get hunting.

    oh cool! thanks

    And interesting too in view of the OP's question......that picture is from Melita Jaracz's life story that was published in the 2015 September Watchtower, when she was 88, and five years after her husband Ted had died.


  • Drearyweather
    Are there currently any GB widows who are still alive

    Apart from Marina Sydlik and Penny Pierce, I think the following widows are still alive:

    Edith Suiter

    Lucille Henschel

    Sydney Barber

  • Diogenesister

    Dan Sydlicks wife seems a decent sort.

    I've always thought the Australian sister (? Barber) so funny when she says

    " because the END WAS SO NEAR BACK THEN!!" (referring to the need to find a hubby to get her through the big A.)

    and everyone laughs, whether through embarrassment or because they know "the end SOON" is BS who knows?

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