Atheism = self defeating.

by towerwatchman 315 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • John_Mann
    In fact on the philosophical scene evolution is not a scientific theory, but metaphysical. Evolution is an abstract, speculative philosophy. Evolution does not qualify as a scientific theory.

    Evolutionism is a philosophical position but the theory of evolution is science.

    Evolution is an empirical fact. The theory of evolution explains this fact.

    The theory of evolution and atheism are completely unrelated.

  • punkofnice

    Forget the word 'atheist' and what ever semantics you want to use around its meaning.

    I simply do not believe in god or gods. This is for no other reason than I see no evidence to believe. I've waded through the religious mumbo jumbo and made my own mind up.

    That's all there is to it for me.

  • towerwatchman


    Evolutionism is a philosophical position but the theory of evolution is science.
    Evolution is an empirical fact. The theory of evolution explains this fact.

    Empirical = based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.

    The scientific method is an orderly method used by scientist to solve problems, in which a recognized problem is subjected to thorough investigation, and the resulting facts and observations are analyzed, formulated in the hypothesis, and subjected to verification by means of experiments and further observation. No theory of origins can be proved scientifically because the essence of the scientific method is observation and experimentation. One does not have to be a scientist to know that the origin of the universe and man cannot be observed or put to experiment since it is not happening in the present.

    At the most evolution falls under historical science. Empirical facts no.

    The theory of evolution and atheism are completely unrelated.

    To a point. There are theist who believe in evolution. But there are no atheist that believe in creation. Evolution is the handmaiden of atheistism.

  • towerwatchman


    Forget the word 'atheist' and what ever semantics you want to use around its meaning. I simply do not believe in god or gods. This is for no other reason than I see no evidence to believe. I've waded through the religious mumbo jumbo and made my own mind up. That's all there is to it for me.

    Thanks for being honest. Your worldview is atheist.

  • towerwatchman

    To Cofty

    Post insults, and I will post insults back. Come back when you want to discuss science. That is if you can.

  • Simon

    towerwatchman: please consider your tone and attitude.

    You are wearing out your welcome. This site isn't here to host your sermons and we'll only tolerate your preaching for so long.

  • Jeffro


    First may we define our terms. The word Atheism comes literally from the Greek, alpha the negative and theos [for God], therefore “negative God” or there is no God.

    The word "towerwatchman" literally means 'a man who watches from a tower'. Can't mean any other thing. Doesn't mean you're just some doofus making up things on the Internet. You're literally on a tower watching stuff. Because words.

    But thanks for telling us what all atheists believe.

  • unsure

    Hello all,

    First time posting here but I'm a long time lurker. As a born-in, I have been "out" for around seven years. My entire immediate family is out too even my former "elder" father. We've been fortunate to learn the truth about the truth.

    These discussions fascinate me. I would consider myself agnostic. Everything in me wants to believe in some greater purpose. I sometimes pray asking God to show himself/herself to me if he/she is real. In all my years as a Jehovah's Witness and in my years out, (but still wanting to believe in something) I have never personally come across proof of God's existence. I remain undecided.

    Back on topic:

    The universe had a beginning and some would argue that this fact alone points to a creator as discussed in this thread. However, parallel universes is an accepted scientific theory and the idea that our universe was possibly created by another parallel universe is too (see below.)

    I'm curious to know believers opinions on this.

    "This graphic shows a timeline of the universe based on the Big Bang theory and inflation models. Our universemight have originated from a black hole that lies withinanother universe. The idea centers on how matter and energy falling into a black hole could in theory come out a "white hole" in another universe.Apr 27, 2010"

  • towerwatchman


    The word "towerwatchman" literally means 'a man who watches from a tower'. Can't mean any other thing. Doesn't mean you're just some doofus making up things on the Internet. You're literally on a tower watching stuff. Because words.
    But thanks for telling us what all atheists believe.

    In a debate the last position ignorance takes is insulting the character of the opposition vs addressing the subject at hand.

  • Jeffro


    In a debate the last position ignorance takes is insulting the character of the opposition vs addressing the subject at hand.

    You're so obviously wrong that all that is left is to call you a doofus. It is simply a fact that atheists do not actually believe what you say they do.

    You seem to get good Internet access from your medieval tower though.

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